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Flower Master in the City

Chapter 595
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Chapter 595

Summer asked, "what’s up?"

"Honey, I’m hungry!" The goblin looked pitiful.

"Eat when you are hungry!" In summer, I was a little puzzled, "you can order food in that place, and someone will send it to you automatically right away?"

The little goblin has made a special ordering system in the goblin park. She only needs to order inside, and then someone will send it to her outside directly, and send it directly to her in front of her through a certain transmission device. That is to say, she doesn’t leave home and can eat anything.

"My husband, the guy who bought food for me asked for leave, and my elder brother didn’t help me find a new person. It’s useless for me to order now. No one sent it to me." Said the goblin wrongfully.

"I don’t have time to deliver food for you now. You can come out if you want." Summer saw ye Mengying one eye, it is not that he is not bad to his wife, but he thinks that eating is not a big deal, small goblin so adult, it is not a big deal to come out to eat.

"Husband, I go out alone. What if I am kidnapped?" The goblin muttered, "or you can come and pick me up!"

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"I might as well send it to you as pick you up!" Summer not good gas said.

"Well, I’ll go there myself!" The goblin is a little unhappy. "You wait for me at Bai Xiaolei’s place. I’ll be right there."

"Well, I’ll wait for you." Wait for my wife. I don’t mind in summer.


goblin park.

"What husband? He doesn’t hurt me at all!" The goblin threw the phone aside and mumbled, "if sister Han is hungry, you must have sent her food. I’m not that sister Wuhan has a good figure? If you don’t give me something to eat, how can I grow? "

Turn on the computer, the goblin points to open a certain place, and then he sees a slip of the menu, and starts to make trouble: "what’s good to eat?"

The little goblin just said on the phone that no one sent her rice, which is a fake. It’s true that a guy who specializes in buying rice asked for leave. It’s also true that Zhao Gongzi didn’t find a new comer. But the problem is that there is never more than one person who specializes in buying rice for her. These people not only buy rice for her, but also take the responsibility of protecting her.

There is no doubt that the goblin is protected as a national treasure no matter where she is. She is also the youngest and most favored in the Zhao family. How can there be a situation where no one protects her?

"I think I’m tired of it!" The goblin murmured to himself, "otherwise, don’t cheat my husband, go to dinner with him, or the violent husband must hit me again."

After thinking about it, the goblin finally decided to go out for dinner. She quickly changed her pajamas, dressed in a kind of non mainstream casual hole outfit, and then carried a laptop, and quickly went downstairs to the door. In order not to be beaten by her husband, she had better go out to eat with her husband!

Just after the goblin left the goblin Park, a Mercedes Benz S600 bulletproof car came and stopped beside the goblin.

The goblin opened the door and sat in: "go to Bai Xiaolei’s house."

"Yes, Miss young." The driver was a strong man. He answered and started the car. The speed was not fast. On the one hand, the bullet proof Mercedes Benz car was very heavy, on the other hand, it was for safety.

Behind the bullet proof Mercedes Benz car, there is an ordinary Mercedes Benz S600. The distance between the two is about 50 meters. That’s the person who is dedicated to protecting the goblin. Of course, the driver of the bullet proof Mercedes Benz car is actually one of the bodyguards.

The car drove steadily for more than ten minutes and drove to an overpass. Everything was normal. However, when the Benz bullet proof car was going to pass under the overpass, a sudden change occurred!

Two cars, which seemed to be broken and parked under the bridge, suddenly rushed to the side at a very fast speed and almost hit the bullet proof Mercedes Benz at the same time.

"Boom!" There were two loud noises, and the little goblin in the car was shaken up.

"Ga......" The Mercedes Benz braked suddenly, then the driver stepped on the accelerator again, and the car continued to move forward. It has to be said that the bulletproof car’s performance is quite good, and the driver’s technology is also quite good. In such a violent collision, the car was not damaged or knocked down!

"Bang bang bang......" The two cars held out several guns and started shooting at the Mercedes Benz. Unfortunately, the bullet proof function of the Mercedes Benz was quite powerful, and these shots could not cause any damage to the car at all.

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"Attack here, get rid of them!" The driver of the Benz bulletproof car picked up a walkie talkie as he drove on.

While the goblin picked up his mobile phone and quickly dialed the phone of summer: "husband, husband, no, someone wants to kill me!"

"Where are you?" Summer hurriedly asked, he did not doubt the words of the goblin, because he heard the gunshot from the phone.

"I just passed an overpass. This is..." The goblin looked around and was trying to say something. There was a more violent gunshot behind him.

"Don’t worry, Miss Yaoyao, they didn’t catch up." Said the driver in front.

"Oh!" The goblin then said to the phone, "honey, you don’t need to help me. I’m safe!"

"Is it really safe?" Summer is a little uneasy. Just now he didn’t want to send food to the goblin, but he thought it was a small thing. Now someone wants to kill his wife, which is a big thing.

"Well, it’s really OK. I’ll be here in a few minutes." The goblin said definitely this time, because she has turned on the computer, and brought up the satellite image nearby with the fastest speed. In the picture, the two cars have fled in the other direction, far away from here.

"Well, I’ll wait for you." Summer is a time to let go.

"Miss Yaoyao, the enemy has escaped. It’s not very safe outside for the time being. I suggest you don’t go there. Let’s go to a safe place." Then the driver said again.

"No, my husband is there. Just take me there. It’s safest there!" Said the goblin quickly.

"Well, then." The driver hesitated for a moment, and finally drove to Bai Xiaolei’s house according to the original plan. After all, he was only a driver and bodyguard, so he could only try to meet Yaoyao’s wishes.

A few minutes later, in Bai Xiaolei’s villa.

When Bai Xiaolei sees the demon spirit pouncing on him in summer, he doesn’t have to mention how wonderful it is. Isn’t this the little princess of the Zhao family? Why does she have something to do with summer? This matter, he really knows now!