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Flower Master in the City

Chapter 523
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Chapter 523

"You say it’s a little dangerous. What’s the danger?" Ning Jie hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn’t help asking.

That day, at the gate of the community, when she was told to treat her eyes in summer, Ning Jie refused, not that she didn’t want to treat her eyes, but that she thought that summer lied to her, but now, she knows that summer is indeed a miracle doctor, even if she thinks that summer is hateful, but other people’s medical skills are really true, which can’t help her not to be moved.

For more than ten years, Ning Jie is more eager to become a normal girl than anyone else. She hopes that she can clearly see everything in the world. No matter how ugly or beautiful the world is, she hopes that she can see it with her own eyes, rather than let the world in her eyes, which is always confused.

She would like her legs to return to normal. She is also eager to wear a skirt and appear in front of everyone. She also hopes that when she walks in the street, those who look back at her are not because of her limp, but because of her beauty.

"I don’t know." Summer’s answer makes Ning Jie depressed.

"Why don’t you know?" Ning Jie is very angry. "Aren’t you a miracle doctor?"

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"If I had known, I would not have used you as a test article." Summer not good gas said.

Ning Jie was speechless for a while. She found that there was some truth in summer’s words. But the question is, if he said so, would she dare to find him for treatment? In case of being killed by him accidentally, won’t she lose out? Although she is very unlucky now, she doesn’t want to die!

See Ning Jie seems to be very worried about the appearance, summer finally voice comforted a sentence: "Hey, in fact, you don’t have to worry too much, not necessarily there will be danger, even if there is danger, it will not make you worse than now."

"Are you serious?" Hearing this, Ning Jie was a little moved again, but she was still worried.

"It’s no good if I lie to you. If I were not familiar with you except my wife in the capital, I wouldn’t want to take you as an experiment!" Looking at Ning Jie with a little dissatisfaction in summer, "you will not die if you are in danger. If you are not in danger, you will not only become beautiful, but at least you will not get sick in the next few decades."

"Is that so good?" Ning Jie murmured. She still didn’t believe it. She was still hesitating.

"Well, how about that? I’ll fix your eyes first. It’s certainly not dangerous. How about it?" Summer asked again.

"Is this really OK?" Ning Jie hesitates.

"Why are you so wordy?" Summer finally a little impatient, "you do not cure even, I find someone else to go!"

Compared with ordinary days, the patience in summer is pretty good now. If Ningjie is not a good test product, he is not so patient. But even so, his patience is consumed now, so when he finishes saying this, he pulls Muhan to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Ning Jie hurries to shout a sentence, see summer to leave, she immediately made up her mind, no matter how, bet a!

"Why?" Summer discontented stare Ning Jie.

"You, you cure my eyes first, and I will be your test object!" Ning jielue hesitated, and then said his request with his teeth.

"Good!" Summer a promise, in the heart but a little dissatisfied, this stingy woman is really trouble, early promise not good?

"By the way, wait, there’s one more thing." Ning Jie suddenly remembered the request of her boss. "Our boss wants to ask you to help him look at the disease. After I give you the test product, you have to promise to help my boss look at it."

"All right." After thinking about it in summer, he agreed. After all, this test product is still very important for him. Only after Ningjie has tried it, can he dare to apply that new method to his wife. For the absolute safety of his wife, it doesn’t matter how much he helps others to see a disease.

"Then, when will treatment begin?" Ning Jie asked, and then offered, "or tomorrow, tomorrow is the weekend, I just have a holiday."

"Right now, I’ll fix your eyes first, and then I’ll change a place for your legs." Summer obviously does not want to wait until tomorrow, he takes out a silver needle, and then continues to say to Ning Jie: "you stand still!"

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"Oh, yes." Ning Jie nodded her head subconsciously, then suddenly felt a few slight stings on her scalp. An idea came out subconsciously in her brain. Didn’t this person say to treat her eyes? Why is it like putting a needle in her head?

Just then, the voice of summer came to my ear: "your eyes are ready!"

"All right?" Ning Jie was stunned, and then suddenly felt dizzy. She was in a bit of a hurry. "Hey, don’t you say my eyes are OK? Why I still can’t see clearly, and still giddy? What did you do to my head? "

"Stupid, you will be dizzy when you wear more than 1000 degree glasses. Don’t you know to take them off?" Summer not good gas said.

Ning Jie stayed for a while, and then took off her glasses. Soon, she found that her head was not dizzy. The people and things in front of her could be seen clearly. She could see that the ugly summer was not handsome at all. She could also see clearly that the ugly guy’s girlfriend was so beautiful that she could not talk about it. The world was really full of days Li, how can such a beautiful and sexy woman find such a handsome man?

"Well, my eyes are good, really good..." Ning Jie murmured to herself, and suddenly jumped up a little excited, "it’s really good. It’s so good. I’m not nearsighted at last Well, it hurts... "

Ning Jie was so excited for a while that she was so happy and sad that her foot suddenly hit the table, which almost made her cry.

"Hey, don’t jump. Let’s go. Let’s find a clean place. I’ll cure your leg. Then you can jump as you like." Summer a little unhappy urging way.

"Oh, yes, I’ll call the boss first to ask for a leave!" Still immersed in the excitement of Ning Jie, now seems to have no doubt about summer, picked up the phone and dialed Zhang Jiujin.

When Zhang Jiujin heard that the doctor had promised him to see a doctor, he just wanted to treat Ning Jie first. Naturally, he was very happy. Without any hesitation, he promised to take a holiday for Ning Jie. At this time, Ning Jie would not only ask for half a day’s leave, but also half a month’s leave. Zhang Jiujin would not hesitate to do so.

"Well, where are you going now?" After hanging up the phone, Ning Jie asked Xia, "why don’t you go to my place? I’m quite clean, and I’m not disturbed by anyone at ordinary times."