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Flower Master in the City

Chapter 492
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Chapter 492

In summer, I jumped at the old man and stopped a few meters away from him. At the same time, several people behind the old man took up their guns and aimed at him.

"Hey, can’t you idiots learn a lesson? Guns don’t work for me. " Summer a little dissatisfied with a look at the people, and then look at the old man, "old man, you are Li poyun, right? Your voice sounds familiar. It seems that it was you who asked Xiao Zhennan’s idiot to kill me? "

"Yes, I am Li poyun!" The old man stared at the summer coldly with two fine lights in his eyes. At the same time, he waved back. "You put down the gun, I will solve it myself!"

Although the people behind Li poyun hesitated for a while, they still put down their guns according to the words.

Summer can’t help shaking his head: "why do old people like to talk big? My three masters like to talk big, but they can’t beat me every time. "

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"In the summer, you will pay for what you have done to the Li family!" Li poyun looked at summer with cold and fierce eyes, and said word by word, while his anger in his heart had reached the point where it could explode at any time!

When Li poyun learned in the hospital that he had killed Li’s mansion in the summer, he was furious. When he returned to Li’s house, he saw the gate destroyed, which was even more furious. At this moment, when he saw hundreds of Li’s people lying on the ground and put out a line of insulting words, he was furious!

It’s no exaggeration to say that in Li’s life of more than 60 years, the person he hates most is not others, that is, in the summer before him, he not only killed his favorite grandson, but also destroyed the gate of the hundred year old house of Li’s family, and put all the people of Li’s family in such insulting words. In Li’s view, summer is embracing an unprecedented and heinous square Style, insulting the dignity of their Li family!

The children of the Li family can’t be killed, and the dignity of the Li family can’t be insulted. Only by killing summer with your own hands can you wash away the humiliation that summer brings to the Li family!

Powerful murderous spirit emerged from Li Chuanyun. He slowly raised his hand and stared at summer with sharp eyes: "now, I’m going to kill you. I want you to know that our Li family can’t be challenged by such a small role as you!"

"I said, old man, can you stop acting so badly?" Summer is a little discontented, "I hate you old men most, always like to rely on the old to sell the old, and you, you have lived more than sixty years, but you want to kill me all day, I am not twenty years old, have you so unreasonable? What’s more, you idiot old man says I’m a little character? You’re the little character. I’ll kill you in a minute! "

Voice just fell, summer has flashed to Li Chuanyun, light floating out of a clap!

Seeing summer’s active attack, Li Chuanyun did not dodge, but also raised his right palm, instantly gathered all the real Qi in his body, and met summer’s palm with that terrible anger.

"Bang..." The two palms collided together, making a huge dull sound, and the waves were scattered, which made the people around a little unstable.

Li’s body swayed a little, but the summer was still there. Although it seemed that the two men’s skills were equal, in fact, it was obvious that summer would be stronger.

"I knew the old man was not good!" In the summer, I’ll try it again

Summer is another chapter of shooting at Li poyun. It seems to be still light, but it is clear that whether it is Li poyun or the people beside him, it is clear that the light and flowing hand of summer actually contains great power.

Although he suffered a little loss in the first hard encounter, he could hear the scornful tone of summer, but in Li’s heart he was more angry. Even though he knew that it was difficult to defeat summer by hard encounter, he would not shrink back. Therefore, this time, he still did not hesitate to gather all his skills into the palm, and then quickly meet them.

However, Li broke cloud this palm but clapped an empty, summer suddenly disappeared in his front, disappeared.

Li’s face suddenly changed, and almost at the same time, a dangerous smell came from behind him. However, when he felt the danger, his body also felt pain. A palm hit his back, and a huge force rushed out, which hit him to the sky.

"Poof!" Li broke the cloud to spurt out a blood mist in the air, then fell heavily to the ground. For a while, he felt weak. He tried hard to get up, but he couldn’t.

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"What an idiot! Do you think I fight with you every time?" Summer looked at Li poyun with disdain. He was not in the mood to fight with the old man all the time. He just wanted to kill the old man. As for how to kill it, it’s not important. It’s important to kill it as soon as possible. He was not in the mood to waste too much time on the idiots like Li family.

"Shoot him!" Just then, a roar of fury sounded, and then dozens of guns were aimed at the summer.

Summer is trying to kill these guys who want to shoot him, but at this time, a familiar voice almost at the same time came into his ear: "stop it all!"

With this sound, a tall and beautiful woman appeared in the summer like a ghost. At the same time, dozens of people came to the scene in a few seconds at a very fast speed. Each of these people also had guns in their hands. The difference is that their muzzle was not aimed at the summer, but at the group of people with guns in the Li family 。

"Drop the gun!" The woman said coldly.

The Li family all looked at each other, hesitated a little, and had to put the gun down.

But at the moment of summer, he was very happy. As soon as he ran to the woman, he wanted to hold her and said, "Meier wife, do you know that I’m here, so he came to me specially?"

The woman who suddenly appeared was Meier, who was still in the river and sea the day before yesterday. Seeing this move in summer, Meier brought a group of people with strange expressions on their faces, and a few people unconsciously showed admiration. They didn’t even hear the name of summer. Originally, this guy dared to pick Li’s family alone, which made them feel quite strong. But now, He even dare to hug Meier. It’s more powerful than Li’s alone. I can’t help it!

Meier, however, dodged the embrace of summer and stared at summer angrily, but didn’t say anything. She just turned to Li poyun, who was trying to get up from the ground, and said in a cold voice, "Li Lao, we want to invite you to Tianzu!"