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Flower Master in the City

Chapter 473
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Chapter 473

"Why don’t you treat myopia?" Summer continued to ask, he did not care about this matter, but now he found that this woman is beautiful without glasses, so he hoped she would not wear glasses.

Ning Jie was even more angry: "do you think I don’t want to go to the doctor? It can’t be cured at all! "

"How can such a small problem not be cured?" Summer a little disapproval, "Hey, I just ate your food, I will help you fix your eyes."

"I don’t want you to treat my eyes. If you give me my glasses, I won’t pursue your eating!" Ning Jie said angrily. She didn’t believe this guy could cure her eyes.

"Why don’t people always want to be beautiful?" Summer is a little confused, before Zhao Yuji is like this, now this does not know the name of the woman is also like this, do some people like to be a little ugly?

In summer, I was not in the mood to force Ningjie. I picked up the eyeglass from the ground and handed it to her. Then I asked, "are you familiar with the capital?"

"Generally speaking, I have been in University for four years and have been in class for three months." Ning Jie put on her glasses and said angrily.

"How can I find someone?" Summer at the moment can not find others to ask, can only ask Ning Jie.

Ning Jie wondered a little: "don’t you know the address and phone number of the other party?"

"Why are you so stupid? If I knew, would I ask you?" Summer a little dissatisfied said.

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"You are stupid!" Ning Jie is a little angry. She has never been said to be stupid. She has a high IQ.

"Well, it seems that you don’t know how to find someone. Let me ask someone else." Summer said lazily.

"What do you mean I don’t know? You didn’t make it clear, did you? " Ning Jie has a sense of hurt self-esteem, "you should know someone’s name, right?"

"Of course." Summer replied.

"Then you can go to the police and find out where she lives by name." But if you are not familiar with the police, they may not help you

"The police can’t find it." Summer shook his head. "My wife must not be at home now."

"You looking for your wife?" Ning Jie was stunned.

"Of course, I’m looking for my wife. I’m not in the mood to find someone else." Summer casually said.

"Are you sure your wife is in the capital?" Ning Jie looks at summer, in the heart has a little doubt, so hateful guy also can find a wife? This guy must have been so hateful that he left home angry with his wife.

"I think it’s still there." Summer is not sure.

"Do you have a picture of your wife?" Ning Jie asked again.

Summer shook his head, he really did not have mu Han’s picture.

"You only know one name and no photos. How can you find someone? The capital is so big, you’re looking for a needle in a haystack! " Ning Jie looks at summer with a little disdain. This guy says she is stupid. He is really stupid.

After thinking about it in summer, I think Ning Jie is still reasonable. He is really looking for a needle in a haystack.

"So I have to get a picture of my wife first, and then get some help." Summer mumbles, then takes out the mobile phone, dials out a number, but calls Qiao Xiaoqiao, he wants to ask Qiao Xiaoqiao if there is a picture of Mu Han there.

"Sorry, the number you dialed can’t be reached..." Unfortunately, the phone didn’t get through in summer.

After thinking about it, I called Leng Bingbing again in summer. However, the voice came out of my cell phone: "I’m sorry, the number you dialed can’t be connected..."

Summer can’t help but be a little depressed, how is this going on? Why can’t Xiao Qiao and sister Jinghua get through?

"Are you in a hurry to find your wife?" One side of Ning Jie can’t help but ask at this time, although she thinks summer is very hateful, but she is still more kind-hearted after all, so she reminds him, "in fact, you can ask someone to draw your wife’s appearance."

"Is that ok?" Put down his mobile phone in summer, he can’t draw, otherwise, he can draw Muhan himself.

"Of course, as long as you remember your wife’s appearance and characteristics, it’s not difficult to draw her portrait accurately." Ning Jie is full of confidence.

"Oh, can you draw?" Summer staring at Ning Jie asked.

"I......" Ning Jie hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded, "yes!"

"Well, do it for me!" Summer is happy.

Ning Jie snorted, "why should I draw for you?"

"Why don’t you draw for me?" Summer is strange.

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"In a word, I won’t help you. Go find someone else. Many people can draw. Just give them money." Ning Jie said angrily, this guy also asked why, he just so hateful, she didn’t help him!

"Then I’ll give you the money!" Summer does not want to find people, he does not know who can draw, since there is a person here, why go to other places to find others? That’s a waste of time!

"That’s what you said. I charge a lot!" Ning Jie said angrily, this guy is so hateful that she decided to knock him.

"Very expensive? How many! " Summer casually asked.

"Ten thousand!" Ning Jie opened her mouth and offered a price she thought was too high. She was still thinking that if this guy was too expensive, she would not paint for him.

"It’s so cheap. No problem. Go and draw for me now!" Summer seems a little anxious.


Ning Jie is a little depressed for a while. Is this guy a big money?

Ning Jie doesn’t think summer is a big money. She thinks this guy is more like a liar. How can there be a big money like the birth of a hungry ghost in the world? Only a liar who has been hungry for several days can do that.

Thinking of this, Ning Jie said, "if you want me to draw for you, you have to pay half the deposit first, and then you can give the other half after I draw."

"No problem!" Summer is a promise, and then take out a pile of money from his pocket, "here you are, it’s just 5000 yuan!"

In summer, there are exactly five thousand cash on his body. This is when he left Jianghai city. Qiao Donghai gave it to him because he had only one card. Qiao Donghai thought it would be more convenient to have some cash on his body.

Seeing such a pile of banknotes, Ning Jie can’t help but be stunned. It seems that she has made a mistake. This guy is really a big money, not a liar?

After thinking about it, Ning Jie decides not to want so much. If she doesn’t make money, it’s a fool. She’s not a fool. She also wants to be a rich woman. This money must be made.

"Well, you can go to the company with me. There’s portrait software on my company’s computer." Ning Jie took over the money and then said to summer.