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Flower Master in the City

Chapter 471
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Chapter 471

"Anyway, I have so many. Don’t give them back to me!" Ning Jie said angrily that 200 yuan is not enough. She can’t earn 200 yuan a day!

"Poor man!" The robber scolded discontentedly, then smashed the wallet to Ning Jie, "give it back to you!"

Poor Ning Jie’s eyes are not good at all. It’s still raining heavily. It’s very difficult for her to catch the wallet. Of course, the main reason is that the robber didn’t want her to catch it at all. He deliberately threw it high and flew over Ning Jie’s head.

This is of course the robber’s trick. Seeing Ning Jie turning around to pick up his wallet, he turns around to leave. Although it’s only 200 yuan, it’s also a good harvest. At least he can have a good meal tonight and find a cheaper girl.

Just as the robber was making up his mind, a discontented voice came from behind him: "Hey, which idiot hit me?"

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The robber turned around again, and then he saw that there was a man beside the woman who had just been robbed by him. The man was young, less than 20 years old, and his body was very thin. Seeing this, the robber was relieved. With his body and his dagger, it was easy to deal with such a guy.

"Boy, you sent it to me!" The robber walked towards the thin man who just appeared, drew out the dagger again, "I just got less, now you are just right!"

After a pause, the robber murmured: "rob, hand over all the cash, I don’t swipe my card!"

"You idiot just smashed me with your wallet, didn’t you?" The thin man stared at the robber discontentedly. "Do you know you woke me up?"

Ning Jie is a little dizzy on one side. Today, she is really unlucky. Otherwise, how could she meet two abnormal guys at once? One guy came out to rob in such a heavy rain, which is absolutely abnormal. The other guy said that he was just sleeping. That is to say, he slept on the road in such a heavy rain, which is even more abnormal.

However, Ning Jie suddenly began to wonder if there was something wrong with her eyes. Otherwise, how could he find that this guy didn’t get wet at all? In such a heavy rain, he still stands in the rain directly, but he seems to be dry from head to toe, without a little rain.

"It seems that my eyesight has gone down again. I have to get a pair of glasses again." Ning Jie murmured in her heart.

And the robber also felt that he was suffering from psychosis. He yelled at the thin man: "let you hand over the money, do you hear every time your mother hears it? Believe it or not, I stabbed you? "

As soon as the thin man raised his hand, his wallet flew to the robber and hit him on the head. The robber snorted and fainted without any suspense.

"The most annoying man to disturb my sleep!" Smash dizzy robber, thin man discontented said a sentence, then hit a yawn, "good sleepy, continue to sleep!"

The man said to go to sleep, put his head on the ground, and go on sleeping.

Ning Jie is a fool for a while. She once again suspects that something is wrong with her eyes. Otherwise, how could anyone sleep on the road in such a heavy rain?

"Do you want to call the police?" Ningjie starts to get tangled up with this problem. However, in such a rainstorm, even if the police call the police, it is estimated that there will be no police for a while. Moreover, if the police come, they can’t make it clear. If they can’t get themselves into the police station, they will be in trouble. Holding the idea that more is better than less, Ningjie doesn’t call the police. She just picks up her wallet, and then He took back his two hundred dollars from the robber and was ready to go home.

Just two steps later, she stopped again.

"Ah, wake up!" Ning Jie squats down and wants to wake up the man sleeping on the ground. She thinks that this man has helped her anyway. He can’t sleep on the street like this. Even if he doesn’t die, he must be ill after sleeping all night.

However, no matter how Ning Jie shouts, the man still sleeps soundly and has no reaction at all.

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"Will you mind him?" Ning Jie struggles in her heart. She looks at the community hundreds of meters away, where she lives. Finally, Ning Jie decides to get the man home.

The rainstorm is still going on. Ning Jie grits her teeth, puts away her umbrella, and lets the rainstorm hit her directly. Then she bends down and takes the man on the ground with great effort.

Ning Jie’s strength is not great. Fortunately, this man is not heavy. Ning Jie can carry him reluctantly. However, she has a leg that can not bear the force. It’s still raining. It’s not easy to carry a man back.

Less than five hundred meters away, it took Ning Jie fifteen minutes. When she finally carried the man home, she was wet with clothes, and could not tell whether she had more rain or sweat.

"I’m so tired!" Ning Jie has a little regret to carry this man home, but since he has already carried him back, let it be.

Throw the man on the sofa, and then Ning Jie finds that the guy is still sleeping. She can’t help but murmuring in her heart, "this is a pig!"

The man slept soundly on the sofa. Ningjie stopped caring about him at all. She was wet all over now and had to take a bath first. However, at this time, she confirmed something that she thought was quite strange before. The man she carried back had no rain at all. Is that ridiculous?

"Today is definitely not a good day. There are so many strange things!" Ning Jie said something to herself, then shook her head, took her clothes and walked into the bathroom.

In fact, he couldn’t sleep in other places, because the house that Ningjie rented has only one room and one hall. Naturally, Ningjie lives in one bedroom by herself. It’s good to let this strange man sleep in the living room. On that night, Ningjie also closed the bedroom door tightly, for fear that she would carry a wolf home.

Ning Jie didn’t sleep very well this night, because this was the first time that there was a man in her room, which always made her feel very strange. You know, she didn’t share a room with other men except sleeping with her father when she was a child. In fact, she didn’t like living with others at all, so she rented such a single apartment alone.

The next morning, Ning Jie was woken up by the alarm clock. Then she got up in a daze, put on her glasses, and walked out of the bedroom in her pajamas. Then she gave a exclamation: "ah!"