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Flower Master in the City

Chapter 393
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Chapter 393

"I was going to beat you again later. I didn’t know you wanted to be beaten so much. I’ll finish you first." Summer saw Fang Chan on the ground, said lazily.

"You, you even fight women?" Fang Chan got up from the ground and asked angrily at the quality of summer.

"Yes, I am a girl. Do you want to do it?"

"It’s just that it’s so outrageous. Why don’t the police come?"

"It’s really unsafe for journalists now. Everyone comes to the newspaper to make trouble!"

"We should launch public opinion and resolutely resist such bad behavior..."


For a while, the rest of the newspaper attacked in groups in the summer. Of course, they just talked, but they didn’t dare to do it.

Just after Han Jian was beaten, these people didn’t talk. Now Fang Chan, a beautiful woman, has been beaten. A group of men have come out to be flower protectors. It has to be said that these days, beautiful women are always in the ascendant.

"Hey, shut up!" In the summer, I glanced at all the people in the newspaper, "I said why are you so anxious? I’ve been planning to beat you all. I’m going to beat up the newspaper break by the way. But even if I beat up people, I’ll come one by one. When I beat up this idiot called Longjian first, I’ll beat you naturally. Can’t you be quiet and wait for me to beat you? "

Everyone looked at each other. Everyone had an idea in mind. Is this kid insane? Otherwise, how could you say such a strange thing?

Don’t say that they, together with the shangguanyong who was a little abnormal because of the family changes, feel that the summer is a little abnormal at the moment, and even let others wait for him to beat them. How could anyone in the world be so honest and wait for you to beat them?

They were still in a daze, but in summer they said again, "well, since you are in such a hurry to be beaten, I will fulfill your wish!"

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Summer said to start, voice just down, pain and scream will ring one after another, the newspaper all were knocked down in an instant.

"Brother, don’t fight, just be my old Han, please..." Along with the groaning and screaming, and Han Jian’s plea.

Summer is very dissatisfied: "I did not hit you, what do you ask me to do?"

Han Jian has a feeling of weeping and no tears. He didn’t hit him in summer, but he was used as a weapon to hit people in summer. For such a short time, his body has been in close contact with other people in the newspaper office at least once. Although those people call him miserable, Han Jian is the worst!

"Don’t worry, when I’m going to beat you, it’s not too late for you to ask me again." Summer and said, this seems to comfort people’s tone, let Han Jian almost collapse, dare to love this boy will fight him!

Han Jian couldn’t help but look at the door of the newspaper office. Why didn’t the damn police come? He didn’t see the police. Instead, he saw the superior officer Yong. The old man was still covetously there with a pig knife!

This makes Han Jian suddenly feel that it’s a good thing to be beaten in summer. At least he can still save his life now, can’t he? Otherwise, he would have to prepare to bribe the old man.

"Let’s smash up this broken newspaper first." Summer said to himself again, and then everyone heard a crackling noise. In summer, he began to smash the newspaper office. He smashed all kinds of computers, desks and chairs. In a few minutes, the newspaper office was a mess, just like being robbed.

Han Jian can’t help begging for forgiveness again: "don’t break it, really don’t break it, man, I beg you, I can’t stand it..."

"Why are you so verbose?" Summer is not happy, "I did not hit you, what do you ask me to do?"? You have to wait for me to smash you when you ask! "

Han Jian wants to cry without tears. He didn’t smash him in summer, just smashing things with him. In just a few minutes, he waved his body in summer and smashed it on the computer, desks, chairs and other things in the office again and again.

Although the other people in the newspaper were beaten, they could see Han Jian’s tragic situation. They all seemed to feel less pain on themselves. According to the legend, the best way to relieve their pain is to see others suffer more than themselves. No, these people are verifying the reliability of the legend.

"It’s almost over!" In summer, I finally smashed a sign of the newspaper office, nodded a little satisfied, and then dropped Han Jian on the ground, "Hey, idiot, now I’m going to smash you. If you ask for mercy, you can ask now!"

A probe hand picked up a computer monitor that had been smashed. In the summer, he raised the monitor and said to himself, "this one seems good for smashing people."

"Ah..." Fang Chan, who has been beaten up, can’t help but scream again. The monitor is aiming at Han Jian’s head. If it goes down, Han Jian’s head will not be shabby?

Han Jian looks up at the monitor, and his face is very pale. Just now, although he was hit very badly, he feels pain everywhere, but it seems that there is no fatal injury. But now, he understands that this is called Summer guy, not just to beat him for a while, it is just to kill him!

"Don’t, don’t smash, really, it’s none of my business. It’s the sea that makes me do it!" In front of the huge fear, Han Jian finally betrayed Wang Dahai.

Summer but a confused look: "the ocean that idiot let you do what?"

"He made me stink in the newspaper. That’s why I wrote that report. It’s really none of my business. I, I have to do it!" Han Jian said with a sad face.

"What would you do if you were asked to do by that idiot Summer is not happy, "the sea is your wife?"

Han Jian can’t help but stay. If Wang Dahai becomes his wife, the world will be a mess.

"He, he knew that I had to pay others to write reports, so he threatened me..." Han Jian faltered.

"Han Jian, you bastard really takes the black money. Now you admit it?" One side of the shangguanyong immediately roared.

And the beautiful girl named Fang Chan has a dull face, and her idol just collapses!

"Grass, this son of a bitch collects black money to report in disorder, but now it affects us!"

"That’s right, it’s not a fucking human being!"

"It’s shameless to boast of justice!"

"We need to draw a line with this bastard. What this bastard does has nothing to do with us!"

Other reporters in the newspaper office have already begun to scold with indignation. Han Jian, the son of a bitch, doesn’t have their share in drinking, eating meat and chasing girls. Now that they are in trouble, they will take them together. Can they not be angry?

"It’s really none of my business, you, go to find Wang Dahai!" At the moment, Han Jian can’t care about his colleagues who have fallen into trouble. He is still there begging for summer.

Summer thought about it, then nodded: "well, I’ll kill that idiot in the sea later!"

Han Jian’s life was saved.

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But when he was happy, a sharp pain came from his head, and then he fainted. In the moment before the coma, there was a sad and angry thought in his mind: "why hit me with the monitor?"

Looking at Han Jian who passed out of coma, he turned around in summer, looked at shangguanyong, and said lazily, "Hey, now you can kill him, I’ll go first, you can kill slowly!"

Summer said to leave, and then disappeared into the public’s eyes, while shangguanyong took a pig knife and looked at Han Jian, who was in a coma. For a while, he was a little confused. Before he came to the newspaper office, he was determined to fight with Han Jian, but now, he was a little hesitant. Do you want to stab Han Jian, the black hearted bastard?


just walked out of the newspaper office, I received a phone call from the goblin in summer. On the phone, the goblin asked for help: "honey, I can help you find the address of those people, am I powerful?"

"You’re my wife, of course." Summer casually said, obviously, in his view, the goblin is powerful not because she is a super hacker goblin, but because she is his wife in summer.

"Hee hee, honey, most of the people who post on the Internet and attack coldness come from a place called dream network company. I’ll send you the address by SMS. You can go to them!" The goblin sounds happy.

"Well, I’ll beat those idiots now!" Summer replied, then hung up the phone, less than a second later, he received a message from the goblin, the dream network address, has been sent by the goblin.

Summer came to the roadside, hired a taxi, this address he is not familiar with, had to take a taxi.

The taxi just started, but the phone rang again. This time, it was Zhao Qingqing who called instead of the goblin.

"Master, where are you? Are you going to hit that asshole reporter at the newspaper Zhao Qingqing said quickly.

"What’s the matter with you?" Summer a little unhappy, this Zhao Qingqing all day outside to corrupt his reputation, said she was his wife, let him want to hit her.

"Master, if you go to get angry with Bingbing, I’ll go with you. I want to beat that bastard reporter too!" Zhao Qingqing said in a hurry.

"Oh, well, go to the newspaper now." Summer think want to say.

"Yes, sir, I’ll go right away!" Zhao Qingqing answered excitedly, and then hung up.

In summer, he said to himself on his mobile phone, "let you cheat all day, and I will cheat you once!"

Ten minutes later, the taxi stopped at the door of an old-fashioned community. In the summer, the taxi got off and went straight to the third floor of one of the buildings. According to the address of the little goblin, it finally stopped at a door, lifted its feet and kicked open the door. A lot of noise came from inside. A dozen computers and seven or eight people appeared in the sight of summer.