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Flower Master in the City

Chapter 324
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Chapter 324

While Chu Yao was planning to cut people in the evening, she received a cold call in the summer.

"Lu zuolin and Lu Zimin died last night. Do you know what happened?" Cold asked, she did not directly ask whether it was summer.

"Oh, those two bastards want to kidnap sister Yunman, and I’ll kill them all." Summer is not hidden.

I can’t help biting my teeth. Why doesn’t this guy take human life seriously?

"Do you know that the Sihai gang has given you a gang pursuit order?" Cold ice a little angry said.

Summer is a bit confused: "police flower elder sister wife, what is the gang pursuit order? Are they coming to kill me? "

"Yes, that’s right. Now everyone in Sihai gang will want to kill you, because if you are killed, you can be the leader of Sihai Gang!" Cold ice didn’t say well.

"Oh, it doesn’t matter. I’ll go to find sister Xin first, and then I’ll kill all the people of Sihai gang." Summer said lightly.

"You..." Cold and speechless for a while, kill all the people of the four seas gang? Does he know how many people there are in Sihai Gang!

"Sister Jinghua’s wife, what’s the problem?" Summer a little strange asked.

Cold ice for a while, and then not angry said: "well, no problem, you look for your Sun Xinxin!"

I hung up cold before I could speak in summer.

"Is the wife of sister Jinghua jealous again?" In summer, I scratched my head. "I’ll find sister Xin first, and then I’ll find sister Jinghua’s wife later."

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I made up my mind to continue to run in the direction of Haijiang mansion in summer.


hang up the phone, and she fell into a cold thought. She had no doubt about summer’s statement. He might have killed all the people of Sihai Gang, but if he did, things would be big. How many people are there in Sihai Gang, I’m afraid not even luzolin himself, but there are thousands of people. It’s a big deal to die these days. If he dies Thousands of people, then?

What’s more, although she knows that her martial arts are very good in summer, there are many people in Sihai sect after all. In case of an accident in summer.

No matter for the sake of summer or for the sake of the police, Leng Bingbing feels that she can’t let summer solve the problem by herself. Since she can’t let summer solve it by herself, she must find a way to solve the problem.

If she wants to solve it, she can only rely on the force of the police. But if she wants to move the four seas gang, her East District branch is obviously not enough. She has to find some help.

Lengbingbing first thought of Huang Anping. If the police force can be mobilized by the Municipal Bureau, there will be plenty of people. So lengbingbing called Huang Anping.

And Huang Anping, who has been paying attention to the four sea Gang, has actually received this news. After receiving the cold call, Huang Anping hardly hesitated, so he replied to the four sea gang for a clean-up.

Despite Huang Anping’s help, Leng Bingbing was still not at ease. After thinking about it, she took out a list from the drawer with contact information of dozens of people. These dozens of people, who were members of the riverside task force not long ago, were also the police elites of Jianghai city.

Leng Bingbing picked up his mobile phone and called them one by one according to the contact information on the list.

************When I walked into blue sky technology company in summer, I found that this time it was no longer empty. There were more than a dozen people in the office, the company’s entrance position, and a nice looking receptionist.

"Hello, sir." Seeing the summer, the receptionist immediately smiled and said, "what can I do for you?"

"I came to find sister Xin." In summer, I glanced at Sun Xinxin, but didn’t see him. Then I smelled sun Xinxin’s familiar body fragrance with my nose. It came from the small office. So, without waiting for the receptionist to speak, he went straight inside.

"Sir, wait!" The front desk lady was a little anxious. She wanted to stop summer when she ran over. "It’s the general manager’s office. You can’t go in!"

Summer nature can not let her stop, a flash has come to the office door, push the door to go in.

This small office is not big. There is only one desk. There are two women sitting face to face. One is sun Xinxin, and the other is Kong Ming.

Seeing summer, Kongming smiled: "Xinxin, your man is coming!"

Sun Xinxin has already got up to welcome to summer. Hearing this, she looks at Kong mingbai, but she doesn’t say anything. She just smiles at summer: "summer, you come!"

See summer and sun Xinxin know each other, that catch up with the front desk Miss also very witty back, it is summer, but stare at Sun Xinxin for a long time, seem to forget to talk.

Sun Xinxin is not comfortable in summer. Although she has been stripped naked by him for many times, she is still not used to the aggressive eyes in summer. Her pink face can’t help blushing a little, and she asks with a little coquetry: "summer, why do you look at me like this?"

"Sister Xin, your clothes are very beautiful!" Summer finally said.

Sun Xinxin was a little sad for a while. The little wolf looked at her for half a day, just at her clothes?

In fact, sun Xinxin’s current clothes are not special. On the top is a small suit on the outside of the shirt, and on the bottom is a skirt. It’s just a very common white-collar professional dress. However, this ordinary professional suit, on her, has a different taste.

Sun Xinxin, who is full of flirtatious feelings, seems to have a little less flirtatious taste after wearing this professional suit, and the whole person has a bit more dignified taste, so it becomes both dignified and flirtatious. They are mixed together, but they are more attractive.

Never seen sun Xinxin dressed like this before in summer. When he saw it for the first time today, he naturally thought it was very beautiful. He only saw it in ye Mengying’s place. But ye Mengying’s dress is a real image of an iceberg beauty. It’s totally different from sun Xinxin’s dress.

"Cough, in summer, shall I go out to let you two live in the world of two?" Kong Ming said with a smile.

Summer still stare at Sun Xinxin, nodded: "OK, you go out!"

Kong Ming can’t help but be stunned. She was joking. How could she know that summer would really let her out?

"Well, you’re a big boss. You can say anything." Kong Ming really got up and walked out.

When she was about to go out, she could not help but remind her, "Hey, our desks are not of good quality. Be careful, don’t ruin them!"

Sun Xinxin is immediately ashamed: "Kong Ming, believe it or not, do I tear your mouth?"

Kong Mingxi smiled: "be careful not to tear the clothes!"

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With that, Kongming didn’t give sun Xinxin a chance to fight back. He left the office quickly and took the door with him.

As soon as Kong Ming went out, he picked up sun Xinxin in the summer. He missed her taste very much.

"Don’t make any noise, it’s in the company!" Sun Xinxin was a little alarmed, for fear that she would really do something to her here in summer.

"Don’t worry, sister Xin. I won’t tear your clothes." Summer solemnly said, when he said this, his hand had been fumbling on her, and he had skillfully dug into her clothes.

Of course, he would not tear her clothes. He would only expertly take off her clothes. Besides, Xinjie’s clothes are so beautiful. He also thought that she would wear them to him later. How could he be willing to tear them?

"No, I’ll be home at night..." Sun Xinxin panted softly.

Summer in her ear whispered comfort her: "sister Xin do not be afraid, I will not break the table."

Of course, he won’t break the table, because he doesn’t need to put sun Xinxin on the table to enjoy her body.

Sun Xinxin finally understood that this time it was a disaster. The little wolf was always reckless in his work. How could he care about where it was?

"Door..." Sun Xinxin finally said only one word, and the red lips were blocked up by summer.

************Kong Ming lies at the door and listens for a moment. Then she goes away with a red face. Sun Xinxin is really a girl. Don’t you know that she fed her summer last night? Now people are chasing the office to do it.

At this time, a tall, thin man with glasses stood up from his seat and walked this way.

"Yao Wei, what can I do for you?" Kongming asked in a hurry, because lanze is mainly responsible for software research and development. In fact, the company’s daily affairs are mainly handled by Kongming. She is quite familiar with everyone in the company. Yao Wei is a software engineer recruited by the company with high salary. It is said that there are several brushes, like lanze, who are not successful in the original company, so she jumped here.

Blue sky technology is a small company after all, and it has just been established, so the current employees are mostly fresh graduates. Yao Wei is the only one with working experience. Kong Ming attaches great importance to him naturally, and Yao Wei himself is quite proud. In the company, he is always looked down upon.

Kong Ming doesn’t care about this. She thinks that people with ability will be a little arrogant. As long as this guy can bring actual benefits to the company, arrogance doesn’t matter at all.

"Mr. Kong, I have something to ask Mr. Sun." Yao Wei took a look at the small office, but didn’t wait for Kong Ming to speak, so he went there.

"Oh, don’t go!" Kong Ming shouted, "Xin Xin is with her boyfriend!"

Since Sun Xinxin came here, Yao Wei has nothing to do to ask sun Xinxin for instructions. This makes Kong Ming feel a little abnormal. Won’t Yao Wei take a fancy to sun Xinxin?

Of course, it’s normal for a man to look down on Sun Xinxin’s terms, but she knows that sun Xinxin has a boyfriend, and her boyfriend is still the big boss of the company. As an employee of the company, you can look at anyone, but you can’t look at the boss!