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Flower Master in the City

Chapter 316
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Chapter 316

"One on one, who is afraid of whom?" China Airlines was so hard to ride that it had to take the move, "wait until I have finished my meal!"

"Well, I’ll let you finish!" "I’m Nie Shaopeng from Jiangda basketball team. I’d like to give you some advice. It’s too late to call the basketball team of your sports academy!"

After saying this, Nie Shaopeng turned and left: "let’s eat first!"

Hearing the name of Nie Shaopeng, Huahang’s face was not very good-looking. Cui Yan’s expression changed a little, and she looked uneasy: "no, how can I offend Nie Shaopeng?"

In Jianghai University, Nie Shaopeng is also a famous person. He didn’t get into Jianghai university through special sports recruitment, but he got into the Finance Department of Jianghai University by his own ability. Although his major is finance, his basketball talent is better than that of other people in Jianghai University. Even those sports students can’t match him at all, and his first year in Jianghai university is convenient The captain of the school basketball team, until now.

In the last semester, Nie Shaopeng led the team of Jiangda basketball team to the district finals of Cuba men’s team, but was finally killed by the basketball team of the sports academy by one point. In this way, the Liang Zi of Jiangda basketball team and the basketball team of the sports academy even got married. Hua hang, a student of the sports academy, just bragged about it, and wantonly devalued the team of Jiangda basketball, which naturally angered Nie Shaopeng and others People.

"China Airlines, would you like to call the captain of your basketball team?" Cui Yan couldn’t help saying.

Hua Hang a bit hesitant: "this, not very good?"

In fact, Huahang was only once selected into the basketball team of the sports academy, but at the end of the game, he didn’t even compete for the position of the substitute. Otherwise, he should have recognized Nie Shaopeng just now. That is to say, he is not a member of the basketball team of the Sports Academy at all. How can he call the basketball team of the sports academy for help?

At the thought that he would be trampled by the people of Jiangda basketball team and humiliated in front of many people, Huahang felt uncomfortable all over, so he had no mood to eat.

"I’ll go to the bathroom first." China Airlines suddenly got up and rushed out of the room.

"Wife, you eat more." Summer has not paid attention to this matter, but constantly advised Joe to eat there, because he felt that Joe was a little thin, to eat more to mend the body.

It’s a pity that Qiao Xiaoqiao’s appetite is limited after all, so he can’t persuade him to eat much. In summer, he had to eat her share for Qiao Xiaoqiao. One man gobbled up at least half of the food. As for other people, it seems that they were in such a bad mood because of the people who just played basketball.

"Cui Yan, why hasn’t your boyfriend come back?" Lu Yuting asked suddenly.

In fact, she asked the questions of several other people. China Airlines has been to the bathroom for at least 10 minutes, but still no one is seen. Is it hard to go to the bathroom?

Cui Yan reluctantly smiled: "maybe the belly of China Airlines is not very comfortable, so leave him alone."

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"Lu Yunfeng, why don’t you go to the bathroom?" Lu Yuting said to her boyfriend.

"Tian bin, go and have a look together. Maybe something’s wrong with Huahang!" Luo Chunmei is also going to let her boyfriend go.

Summer at this time also opened: "wife, finished eating, let’s go!"

Qiao Xiaoqiao looks at Cui Yan, hesitates a little and says: "honey, wait a minute, Cui Yan’s boyfriend hasn’t come back yet!"

After all, it’s Qiao Xiaoqiao who invited us to dinner this time. It’s not suitable for her to leave us like this.

"What are you waiting for? He’s already gone." Summer casually said.

"Ah?" Qiao Xiaoqiao was stunned. "Ran?"

"Yeah, that guy didn’t go to the bathroom at all, he just ran away." Summer nodded.

"No, how could China Airlines escape?" Cui Yan quickly retorts.

Summer a little impatient: "do not believe you go to the bathroom to see!"

"I’ll see!" This time, Lu Yunfeng volunteered and quickly got up to leave the room.

Tian bin also got up to catch up: "I’ll have a look!"

In less than a minute, the two returned to the private room together.

"Well, Huahang is not in the bathroom." Said Lu Yunfeng.

"There’s no one in the bathroom at all." Tian added.

This time, Cui Yan’s face became a little ugly. She hurriedly took out her mobile phone and called China Airlines.

As soon as the phone was connected, she began to shout angrily, "China Airlines, where have you been?"

"I’m in a hurry. I’ll be right back." Huahang said over the phone.

"I’m wrong about you!" Cui Yan yelled angrily, then hung up the phone. For a long time, the strong Chinese airlines gave her a sense of security. How could I know that this man was so timid? It was just a basketball match, which scared him away. If there was any robbery with a knife, would he not run faster?

Put down the phone, Cui Yan a little embarrassed smile toward the crowd: "China Airlines really left, don’t wait for him, let’s go."

Qiao Xiaoqiao nodded, bought a single, and then all of them walked out of the room together.

Just out of the gate of maple leaf garden, people saw Nie Shaopeng and a group of people standing there, obviously waiting for them.

"And the boy?" Nie Shaopeng came over, glanced at everyone and asked.

"He has something to go first." Cui Yan answers.

"Gone?" Nie Shaopeng scoffed, "I thought he really had seed. I dare to say that he was a product without seed. He was scared away!"

"Fuck, what about us?"

"It’s a waste of my feelings!"

"Do you think it’s all like this in the gym?"

After Nie Shaopeng, people scolded one after another. It’s no wonder that they were angry. They thought they could ravage the bragging guy in the gym. They didn’t know that the other side ran away secretly, leaving them powerless. It’s hard for them.

"Nie Shaopeng, if you want to get angry with the people in the gym, just go to the gym. Don’t stop us here." Cui Yan said, she is in a bad mood now, and her tone is naturally not so good.

"I’ll go to the gym naturally, but not now!" Nie Shaopeng snorted coldly, "since you are with that kid just now, now that he is gone, let you send someone to fight with me!"

Nie Shaopeng points to Lu Yunfeng, Tian bin and Xia Xia: "I, Nie Shaopeng, don’t bully women. Who are you three? Who is going to stand up and fight with me?"

"Don’t use your fingers on me. Be careful if I twist them off." Summer is very dissatisfied with looking at Nie Shaopeng.

Nie Shaopeng is in a daze. How can this boy be more crazy than him?

"You want to break my finger?" Nie Shaopeng looks at summer in a funny and angry way.

"If you dare to point your finger at me as before, I’ll break your finger so that you can’t point your finger at others in the future." Summer said lightly, in his view, breaking other people’s fingers, is just a small matter.

Nie Shaopeng was a little bit happy at once. He had seen arrogant people. He had never seen such arrogant people. He wanted to break his fingers. What a joke!

"Nie Shaopeng, my husband always speaks well, so I advise you not to try." Qiao Xiaoqiao suddenly said, this sentence, let originally want to really point to the Nie Shaopeng who tried in summer with his finger, temporarily dismissed the idea.

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Nie Shaopeng looked at summer and Qiao Xiaoqiao, a little surprised: "Qiao Xiaoqiao, this is your man?"

"Yes, he is my husband." Qiao Xiaoqiao nodded affirmatively, "I advise you to go to the gym to find the person you should find, and don’t delay your time here."

"Good, I’ll fight you!" Nie Shaopeng looked at the summer. "You can go to the basketball court with me right away!"

"You are too weak." I yawned in the summer, "I’m not qualified to compete with you."

"What do you say, boy?"

"Do you know who our captain is?"

"Our team leader is the famous basketball Prince of Jiangda. Which onion are you?"

"Everyone can boast. If there’s any kind of boast, go to the competition right away. Don’t be like that kid just now. If you say something cruel, you will sneak away!"

Summer a word, enraged Nie Shaopeng behind the basketball team members, all talk, a wish to drown in summer with saliva posture.

"Qiao Xiaoqiao, do your men only boast?" Nie Shaopeng looks at Qiao Xiaoqiao, with sarcasm in his language, but with a trace of strangeness in his eyes.

"Wife, this idiot is very annoying. Do you want to beat him and throw him away?" Summer a little unhappy said.

Qiao Xiaoqiao smiled at Tiantian in summer: "honey, we don’t seem to have much to do now. Why don’t we just let this man play with you and let them know your strength?"

Summer waiting for Nie Shaopeng to see for a while, and then said: "this idiot seems to be not a good toy, certainly not play."

"It doesn’t matter. This toy is broken. You can change it to play." Qiao Xiaoqiao smiles gently.

These two people sing one song and one harmony, listen to everyone nearby look at each other. Nie Shaopeng, who is known as the prince of basketball, is actually used as a toy by these two people?

Qiao feng’er and Qiao huang’er are also a bit dazed. They feel more and more that, in fact, their respected Miss Qiao has a lot in common with the big sex wolf they hate in summer.

Summer is very serious thought, and then nodded: "wife, you are right, I will play with this toy first!"

Turning around to look at Nie Shaopeng, he cried lazily in summer, "Hey, do you really want to compete with me?"

"Yes, do you dare?" Nie Shaopeng looks defiant.

"There is nothing in the world that I dare not do." Summer a look of disapproval, "say, how do you want to single?"

"It’s very simple. Let’s go to the basketball court, one-on-one." Nie Shaopeng sneered, "whoever loses will learn to bark."

"It’s this kind of singleton again!" Summer is a little reluctant, at the beginning he has compared with Chen Zhigang’s idiot in the gym, "there is no creativity, it’s too boring, change the way!"