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Flower Master in the City

Chapter 261
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Chapter 261

Miao Yong was very angry. He said angrily, "Captain, this guy is just messing around. Don’t tell him so much, just arrest people!"

Yu Jin also realized at this moment that summer is really a mess. If you want to reason with him, I’m afraid it won’t work. Since the soft one can’t, come to the hard one.

"Somebody, cuff him!" With a wave of his hand, Yu Jin and the two policemen came forward.

"Wait a minute!" The sweet voice suddenly came. Yu Jin looked up and felt her heart beating. What a beautiful woman.

Waving his hand, Yu Jin stopped working. Looking at the beautiful woman, Yu Jin’s voice was a little dry: "you are sun Xinxin?"

Before entering, he laughed that Miao Yong had never seen a beautiful woman before, but now he knows that Miao Yong was right. This woman is really a disaster. It’s a super disaster to the country and the people.

"I’m not sun Xinxin." It’s Mu Han who comes here. She reaches out a small book and hands it to Yu Jin. "This is my certificate. You must leave here now!"

Yu Jin takes over the certificate and opens it to have a look. Suddenly, he is surprised. This woman is actually national security’s?

With Yujin’s vision, he can naturally distinguish the authenticity of this document. He soon determined that this woman, who looks like a disaster, really comes from national security and has a high identity. In short, he can’t offend.

This time, he understood why he dared to make trouble in summer, but others relied on him. It’s normal to think about it. Otherwise, who would be bored and offend the police?

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"See clearly?" Seeing that Jin didn’t speak, Mu Han was a little unhappy. "We have already taken over this matter. We don’t need you to intervene. Do we have to ask your director to call you?"

"No, we’ll be right away." Yujin responds. At this time, he feels relieved. God is helping him. Not long ago, the woman of the crown prince called him and asked him to catch sun Xinxin and send him to the crown prince. He just didn’t know what to do. Now the people of Guoan intervened, he also had an excuse to be fair and honest. If the crown prince really had a way, he would let him wrench with the people of Guoan Wrist!

Thinking of these, Yujin suddenly became happy and waved: "stop the team!"

"Captain, how..." Miao Yong is still confused.

"Don’t talk nonsense, go back to me. There’s nothing more for us!" Yu Jin said impatiently that he didn’t want to come out any more moths. Prince, he can’t deal with them. He can’t offend them here. Since neither side can, he’s the best choice.

Although Miao Yong is depressed and unwilling, he has nothing to say since Yu Jindu has made such a statement. So, within a few minutes, a group of police have gone clean, but there are still many people in the village who have not left.

Sun Xinxin and sun Tianyu, Tian Xiaoya, are more curious about the identity of Mu Han.

"Wife, didn’t you quit that dragon group?" Summer is a little strange asked.

"Yes, but the police don’t know. Besides, my certificate is true." With a charming smile, Mu Han suddenly saw a figure flash away from the corner of his eyes. He was very familiar with the figure. Mu Han could not help but change his face and lower his voice. He said to summer, "honey, I will go out for a walk and come back soon."

"Oh, yes." Summer did not care, nodded.


Mu Han walks to the back of sun’s house, where there is a small mountain depression. There is a bamboo forest on the other side of the mountain depression. There is no one else nearby. After a little hesitation, Mu Han raises his feet and heads for the bamboo forest.

Slowly walking to the center of the bamboo forest, Mu Han suddenly pulled out his gun, hid behind several bamboo sticks, and said in a coquettish voice, "since you have come here, come out!"

Suddenly, a figure stood behind a piece of bamboo, with a gun in his hand, and pointed to Mu Han. However, because the bamboo forest was dense, they could not aim at each other.

"Duan blade, is that you?" Seeing the appearance of the person clearly, Mu Han was a little surprised, "did you forget the injury behind? How can I catch up so fast! "

"It’s just flesh and skin." Duan said coldly, "Mu Han, since you don’t want to die with me, naturally I have to send you on the road myself. I don’t want you to die in someone else’s hands!"

"Duan blade, it’s not certain who will send him on the road!" Mu Han sneers, "since you’ve come here, it’s just the right place. It’s also a beautiful place. I’ll let you bury your bones here!"

"Mu Han, you should know that you are not my opponent." Duan blade’s voice suddenly softened. "In fact, I think this place is also good. Maybe we can stay here and live. As far as I know, it’s the deep mountain to walk more than ten kilometers north from here. We can also go there. Although you refused me at noon, I’m still willing to give you a chance. As long as you agree, we can leave together immediately "

"Duan blade, your persistence moved me a little, but unfortunately, I still said that, you are not enough to protect me, and I have found a man suitable for me." While talking, Mu Han tries to find a better aiming position. However, when her body moves, Duan blade’s body moves too, and she approaches her side while moving.

"Bang!" Mu Han suddenly shoots. She has to shoot, because Duan blade is getting closer to her. She knows Duan blade’s strength very well. Duan blade also knows her strength very well. If compared with the shooting method, Mu Han has a 60% chance to win, but if Duan blade is close to her, then Mu Han will lose. Because Duan blade is stronger in the close fight.

Because of this, Duan can not stop approaching Mu Han, while Mu Han tries to stop Duan. Unfortunately, Mu Han soon finds that she shouldn’t choose the bamboo forest at all. For her who is good at shooting, choosing such a place is just like discarding her martial arts.

In a flash, she has fired five shots in a row, but each shot failed to hit the target. But in this time, Duan blade has come to a distance less than three meters away from her. Instead of stopping Duan blade’s approach, she shot because she was shooting, delaying her ability of action.

"Bang!" This time, Mu Han subconsciously bowed his head and dodged the shot. However, the next second, she found that she was once again in the cold house at noon. Duan’s muzzle was aimed at her again, and she had nowhere to avoid at the moment.

"Mu Han, as I said, you are not my opponent!" Duan’s tone was a little cold. "This time, who else can help you? You say I can’t protect you, but I can decide your life and death! "

"You’re wrong. You can’t decide my life or death." At this time, Mu Han smiles again, "Duan blade, the mistake you made at noon, why do you want to make it now? Why do you always look in front of you, but never behind you? "

"Mu Han, do you play this trick again?" Duan doesn’t believe, "who else can save you in this place?"

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Duan blade’s voice just fell, but there was a discontented voice from afar: "idiot, you dare to point a gun at my wife and don’t want to live, do you?"

Hearing this, Duan blade’s face changed, suddenly turned around, quickly pulled the trigger, and shot a series of bullets: "Bang Bang Bang..."

A faint figure was flying in the bamboo forest. When Duan just shot, the figure was tens of meters away from him. When he finished shooting the bullets in the magazine, the figure was in front of him. Then Duan saw a fist running towards his head like lightning.

Duan blade’s body tilts back to avoid the fist, but his left hand touches his waist, and then a faint light greets the visitor.

"Husband, be careful of the knife in his left hand!" Mu Han hurriedly reminds that Duan blade actually has a nickname, that is Duan blade. He has a sharp Duan blade on his body, but in fact, more than 80% of the people Duan blade has killed are killed by him.

It’s summer, and it’s summer without Mu Han’s warning. His fist running to Duan blade suddenly turns to palm knife, cutting like lightning!

"Er!" Duan blade only felt the sharp pain and numbness coming from his left wrist, and unconsciously gave out a groan of pain, which made the broken knife suddenly unstable.

In summer, when two fingers pass by, they clamp the broken knife, and then stab Duan blade like lightning.

"Ah..." Duan blade uttered a more shrill scream. The broken knife completely fell into his heart.

"It’s not challenging at all. The third master is right. The people in dragon group are not so good. Fortunately, my wife is not in dragon group." Summer finally stopped his high-speed movement of the body, looking at the pupil is enlarging section blade, a face disdainful said.

"You, you are Mu Han The man you’re looking for? " Duan blade’s mouth is full of blood and looks terrible.

"Yes, this is my man." Mu Han gets up and comes to summer’s side, looking at Duan blade, whose life is rapidly passing, with a proud look.

"Then I... Just... Let go... Heart... ... " Duan is very difficult to finish these words. His body slowly slides down against several bamboos. His eyes are closed, but his face shows a peaceful smile.

There is a huge sadness in Muhan’s heart. Although she just proudly declared that summer is her man, seeing Duan blade like this, she is not happy at all. It should have been her trusted comrade in arms, who should have given her strong support at the critical moment. However, just because of the person’s light words, she took them Become the enemy of life and death.

At this moment, for the first time in her life, she finally had hatred for that person, hated that person’s cold blood, hated that person’s selfishness!