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Flower Master in the City

Chapter 219
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Chapter 219

"Come on, come on, get me Joe!" Qiao Donghai suddenly roared, "if something happens to Xiao Qiao, I’ll never finish with you!"

In fact, he doesn’t need to shout. Qiao Fenger and Qiao huanger have rushed upstairs first, and a group of police have also run up.

"Hey, what are you doing up there? We are here! " A lazy voice suddenly came into the ears of all the people. Qiao Fenger and Qiao huanger stopped suddenly and looked around. Isn’t that summer?

Summer stood at the door, holding Qiao Xiaoqiao in one hand and a laptop in the other, as if nothing had happened.

"Summer, Joe, are you all right?" Qiao Donghai is very happy. In this moment, he really experienced the feeling from hell to heaven.

A group of police are also relieved, Qiao Xiaoqiao is OK, their jobs can be saved, but they are a little confused, these two should not be upstairs? Why do you come in from outside now?

"Of course I’m fine. How can I be?" Summer is a matter of course.

"Summer." Huang Anping hurriedly came over. "Didn’t you meet the explosion?"

"When the bomb exploded, my husband jumped out of the window with me." Qiao Xiaoqiao interjected.

Qiao Donghai was stunned, and finally couldn’t help but ask, "jumped down from the ninth floor?"

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A group of police also looked at the summer with the eyes of monsters, and the guy jumped down from the ninth floor, and nothing happened.

It’s Huang Anping who doesn’t think it’s strange. What’s the ninth floor? He once jumped down from the twelfth floor with him in summer.

"Big brother, let’s get out of here first." Qiao Xiaoqiao didn’t want to be a monster in summer, so he put in a word.

Qiao Donghai finally responded. Although Qiao Xiaoqiao has now escaped a disaster, things are not over, and the bomber hasn’t been caught yet. For today’s sake, it’s better to move Qiao Xiaoqiao to a safer place.

"Yes, let’s go first." Qiao Donghai gives an order with the phone, and then a lengthened Lincoln drives over. This is a specially modified bulletproof car. It has just been attacked by snipers. Qiao Donghai naturally needs to be more careful.

A group of people quickly got on the car and drove to Qiao’s house. As for the aftermath work of Qiao’s mansion, it will be handled by someone naturally, without Qiao Xiaoqiao and Qiao Donghai worrying.

In the huge building complex of Qiao’s family, there is a three-story villa dedicated to Qiao Xiaoqiao. Although the villa has not been occupied for a long time, it is very clean. Obviously, it is cleaned every day, but there is no servant in the villa. Because Qiao Xiaoqiao’s daily life is actually in the charge of Qiao Fenger and Qiao huanger. They are not only bodyguards, but also life nannies of Qiao Xiaoqiao.

The first floor of the villa is the living room and kitchen bathroom. The bedroom is on the second floor. Qiao Xiaoqiao and Liu Meng go to tidy the bedroom first. Qiao Fenger and Qiao huanger naturally go to help. In summer, Qiao Donghai and Qiao Donghai stay in the living room on the first floor.

"In summer, is it still the killer of the shadow group?" Qiao Donghai asked.

"Oh, I forgot. You sent two people to the tall building opposite the Qiao’s building. There is a man on the top of the building. He should not be dead. Let someone bring him here." It’s not until this summer that he thinks about it. He’s going to get the guy and interrogate him again.

Qiao Donghai hurriedly called to inform the person, but within five minutes, someone replied that the person had disappeared.

"Gone?" Summer murmured, "is it saved?"

But he didn’t care much. Even if the man was saved, he would laugh until he died. He couldn’t survive.

"In summer, we can only wait for the killer to come here passively. It’s not a matter. After all, you can’t follow Xiao Qiao all the time. Can’t you solve it completely at once?" Qiao Donghai pondered and asked. It’s only about a month. Qiao Xiaoqiao has been assassinated three times. Although he was in danger at last, he has been beaten passively. It’s a little suffocating.

"There seems to be no one-off solution." In the summer, I scratched my head and was a bit distressed. "It’s not so easy to kill all the people who want to kill the shadow group. Even if we kill all the people, there are countless killer organizations in the world. Unless we find an employer, there is no way to solve this problem."

Qiao Donghai nodded a little helplessly: "yes, forget it, I’m just talking about it. In fact, even if I find an employer, what can I do? Even if one of the employers is solved, there may be new employers. There are many enemies in Qiao’s family. It’s impossible to kill all the enemies. Fortunately, you can protect Xiao Qiao. Feng’er and huang’er are much better now. Liu Meng is often with Xiao Qiao. Generally speaking, Xiao Qiao will not be in danger. "

Silence for a while, Qiao Donghai suddenly thought of another thing: "by the way, summer, do you remember Yin nineteen?"

"Of course, did this guy kill Lin Zihao?" How can summer not remember such things?

Qiao Donghai shook his head and sighed: "Lin Zihao should be more careful than we thought. Although Yin XIX was beaten badly by us, he still made Lin Zihao suspect. In fact, since Yin XIX was captured by us that night, he never saw Lin Zihao again. In this way, he would not be able to kill Lin Zihao."

"So?" Summer can’t help but a little depressed, that he worked hard to hypnotize Yin 19, isn’t it a waste of time?

Summer is a bit unpleasant. I knew hypnosis was useless. He might as well kill Yin 19 directly.

"Yin 19. What about that guy now?" Summer asked again, it’s not too late to kill Yin 19 now.

"He has left Jianghai and gone to the capital." Qiao Donghai replied.

"To the capital? Have you returned to the old nest of Yin medicine? " Summer soliloquy, if this is the case, it is not a good thing for him.

In this city, in terms of medical skills, the only one who can compete with him may be Yin medicine. The harmful medical skills of Yin medicine often bring him some troubles. It’s not allowed that he will be hostile to Yin medicine in the future. If Yin 19 can make trouble in Yin medicine, it may be a lot easier for him to deal with Yin medicine in the future.

"But Lin Zihao seems to have been quiet for a long time. He didn’t make trouble for us any more." Qiao Donghai added, "by the way, Ji Nan and he Yunshan have handed over the judicial process. Ji Nan will probably die. He Yunshan is also expected to stay in his cell until he dies. Er Shu will basically take over Ji Nan’s position and become a senior executive officer. According to this trend, er Shu will become the No. 1 person in the province sooner or later. Maybe our Qiao family will have it in the capital city A place. "

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Although the Qiao family is the number one family in Jianghai City, if you look at the whole country, the Qiao family is still not a big family. If you put it in a place like the capital city, it’s not a big family. Maybe because of this, when Qiao Donghai’s grandfather was still alive, he told him many times not to go to the capital city and stay in Jianghai.

It’s a pity that old Joe, who has passed away, may not have expected that the Qiao family wanted to stay in the river and the sea, but someone in the capital took the initiative to find the door.

Qiao family’s such a large industry can really attract people’s covets. Qiao Xiaoqiao, as a person, can also attract many people’s covets. Thinking of this, Qiao Donghai suddenly remembered that in recent years, many families have proposed to marry Qiao family, and the goal they want to marry is naturally Qiao Xiaoqiao. Once Qiao Xiaoqiao is married, it’s obvious that he has both wealth and people.

It’s just that Qiao Xiaoqiao refuses every time he has an engagement. In this way, some people’s plans to get both money and people’s money are lost. Most of these people covet Qiao’s industry and Qiao Xiaoqiao. Now, if they don’t get Qiao Xiaoqiao, they will destroy her. Once Qiao Xiaoqiao is killed, it will be one for the whole Qiao family A big blow, and then maybe we can take advantage of the fire and rob Qiao’s industry.

"It seems that we have to look up the families who have mentioned relatives before." Qiao Donghai thought about it, but he didn’t tell summer about it. He didn’t believe it, but he worried that he would arrest everyone and interrogate them in summer. It’s not good. There are a large number of families that he offended. The Qiao family can’t set up so many enemies now.

The phone rang at this time. Qiao Donghai saw that it was the second uncle Qiao Zhenguo who called. He knew that it was mostly for what just happened, so he hurried to the phone.

"Donghai, is Xiao Qiao OK?" As soon as the phone was connected, Qiao Zhenguo asked eagerly.

"Don’t worry, uncle. Xiao Qiao has no hair missing." Qiao Donghai replied, "now Xiao Qiao has come back home. It’s safer here. Nothing will happen."

"Little jocan’s home?" Qiao Zhenguo was a little surprised. "That’s good. It’s more convenient to take care of each other in the future, so as not to be gossiped by outsiders."

"Today’s business, thanks to summer, not his words, just afraid of Little Joe..." Qiao Donghai didn’t go on. Today’s serial assassination is overwhelming. He doesn’t have the super ability in summer. Qiao Xiaoqiao is afraid that he has been blown to pieces.

"It would be better if he could make less trouble." Qiao Zhenguo sighed, "let’s just say that. I’ll hang up first."

Joe Donghai shakes his head. If summer doesn’t cause trouble, it’s not summer.

Qiao Donghai just hung up the phone here, and the mobile phone over there in summer rang happily.

Summer took out the mobile phone to see, the number is still strange, do not know who.

"Who is it?" Summer answered the phone, lack of interest asked a sentence.

"Brother in law, it’s me!" At the other end of the phone, there was an excited voice, "brother-in-law, where are you? Are you busy? If you are not busy, come out and play with us! We are swimming in the North Lake! "