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Flower Master in the City

Chapter 173
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Chapter 173

"Not good to drink?" Summer poured a little, tried to drink a sip, and then agreed, "is not good to drink."

"Is there something wrong with the wine?" Qiao Dongyun couldn’t help asking. Both of them said that the wine was not good to drink. Naturally, he wanted to suspect that there was something wrong with the wine.

"I seldom drink wine. I don’t study red wine. I really can’t drink it." Qiao Xiaoqiao turns to look at Qiao Donghai. "Big brother, you often drink. Why don’t you try?"

Qiao Donghai shook his head: "little Qiao, you don’t know. I can try out the degree of any wine. As for the others, I can’t help it. I don’t like red wine more. I don’t know whether it’s true or not."

"I’ll try." Qiao Dongyun volunteered. He had drunk Lafite in 1982 many times. He was half a professional.

Qiao Dongyun poured himself half a cup, tasted it for a while, and then said to himself, "it tastes the same as I used to drink!"

"Well, my wife, in 1982 Lafite, did you say that this wine was made in 1982?" Summer asked.

"Well." Joe nodded.

"Oh, I see. This wine is fake." Summer said.

When they were stunned, Qiao Dongyun even doubted: "summer, won’t it? I’ve drunk it many times before. It tastes the same! "

"That means you always drink fake wine." Summer casually said, "although I haven’t drunk this wine, but I can be sure that the vintage of this wine is less than ten years, how could it be made in 1982?"

Pointing to the bottle of Maotai, summer said: "that’s also a fake. It’s less than 20 years. How could it be fifty years of Maotai?"

Listen to summer say so, Qiao Donghai also can’t help but doubt: "summer, are you sure this Moutai is less than 20 years?"

"Of course, it should be 18 years. The error will not exceed one year." Summer looks confident.

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"These bastards and fake wine have been sold to me." Qiao Donghai can’t help scolding. Since he is so sure about summer, he still chooses to believe in summer.

"Qiao Shao, your food..." The waiter just pushed the door in. Qiao Dongyun shouted at her angrily, "let your boss come here!"

Thinking that he may have been drinking faked Lafite in 1982, Qiao Dongyun has the feeling of spitting blood. He is not in love with money, but angry to be treated as a fool. The bastards who sell faked wine may scold him as a nouveau riche who doesn’t understand red wine while counting money!

Poor waiter didn’t know what happened, so he had to put down the food and hurried out. A few minutes later, a middle-aged man who looked like Maitreya Buddha trotted into the room.

"Joe, what can I do for you?" Middle aged man with a smile, carefully asked.

"Hao Fu, are you good at using fake wine to fool me?" Qiao Dongyun sneers.

Hao Fu is shocked. Doesn’t Qiao Dongyun drink fake wine every time? How did you open your mind today?

Although he was surprised, on the surface Hao Fu still smiled: "Qiao Shao, how can this be possible? You know, we never sell fake wine in haoweixuan. But for that, how can you come to drink here often? "

"Don’t give me that!" Qiao Dongyun snorted coldly, "change it into real one, or I will smash your shop!"

Hao Fu still smiled: "Qiao Shao, this is true. How about this? I’ll give you a 20% discount?"

"Hao Fu, don’t be shameless. Do you have to let the industry and Commerce Bureau copy you? Are you convinced?" Qiao Dongyun said angrily.

"Qiao Shao, if you really think the wine is fake, let the Bureau of industry and Commerce test it." Hao Fu still looks respectful, but he is not afraid at all, because he knows that even if someone comes to check, the wine will be taken as a reality.

Qiao Dongyun frowns a little. He can’t help but turn around and take a look at Xia Xia. Hao Fu looks like this, which makes him a little suspicious. Is it because Xia made a mistake and he really wronged Hao Fu?

"Second brother, if you don’t mind, you won’t come here in the future." Qiao Xiaoqiao doesn’t want to make trouble. After all, it’s better to keep a low profile as much as possible now that Qiao’s family has just had an accident.

"Hey, you said this wine is not fake, so you can have a drink!" Summer suddenly said.

"I seldom get a chance to drink such a good wine. Thank you very much." Hao Fu takes an empty cup, pours one for himself, and then drinks it in front of the crowd.

Hao Fu naturally doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with the drink. After all, in a sense, it’s not fake wine, it’s just the wrong year.

After a glass of wine, Hao Fu smiled: "Qiao Shao, if there is nothing else, I will go to work first Er... "

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his abdomen. Hao Fu covered his stomach with one hand, and his face was sweating. In a few seconds, he had already fallen to the ground in pain, and he screamed: "ah..."

"Yeah, there’s a reward for drinking fake wine!" Liu Meng clapped his hands and looked very happy. "Ah, Xiao Qiao, find a reporter, and tomorrow everyone will know that the boss here is poisoned by fake wine, and no one will come here for dinner!"

"That’s a good idea." Qiao Xiaoqiao smiled. "Boss Hao, it seems that you are suffering now. My husband happens to be a doctor. Would you like him to help you?"

"Ah Joe, Miss Joe Ah... Please... Help me Ah... " Hao Fu rolled on the ground in pain.

"Boss Hao, do you want to say that your wine is true?" Qiao Xiaoqiao asked without hesitation. She knew that Hao Fu must have done something in summer.

"Yes, yes It’s fake Come on, help me... " Hao Fu looks at Qiao Xiaoqiao, his expression is full of entreaties.

"Hao Fu, you son of a bitch, you really cheat me with fake wine!" Qiao Dongyun is furious. He suddenly gets up and wants to hit people.

Qiao Donghai holds him in one hand: "Dongyun, leave him alone, let him go in pain, be careful to be taken advantage of the opportunity to do the article."

"Miss Qiao Help, help me... " Hao Fu is still begging.

Qiao Xiaoqiao smiled lightly: "feng’er, play 120!"

When Qiao Fenger stayed, didn’t he let summer save him?

"He can sell fake wine, so can I." Qiao Xiaoqiao seems to feel Qiao Fenger’s question and explains it lightly.

Qiao Fenger finally responds, picks up the phone and dials 120: "Hello, someone in haoweixuan is poisoned by fake wine. Come to help!"

"Fucking shit!" Qiao Dongyun is very angry. He picks up the phone and dials a number? I want to break the news. Someone in haoweixuan is poisoned by drinking fake wine! "

Hao Fu, who was already suffering from unbearable pain, felt dizzy for a while when he heard this. Then he passed out in a coma. I’m afraid he didn’t know whether it was painful or angry.

"Let’s change places to eat!" Joe stood up.

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Qiao Dongyun is in favor of this. He is not in the mood to eat in this place after being so noisy.

After having dinner in another place, Qiao Donghai and Qiao Dongyun went back to Qiao’s house. In summer, Qiao Xiaoqiao and Qiao Xiaoqiao naturally went back to Qiao’s mansion.

Entering the gate of Joe’s mansion, summer’s mobile phone suddenly rings.

It’s a strange number again. I picked it up in summer: "Hello, who is it?"

"Little husband, do you miss me?" There comes a soft but weird voice. It’s not natural Chinese. It’s also heard in summer. It’s Isabella who called.

"They say you can’t add that small word. Do you want to be spanked again?" I’m not happy in summer.

"Hee hee, little husband, I really want to be spanked by you. Unfortunately, you can’t. I’m so far away from you!" Isabella smiled.

Listening to Isabella’s charming voice, he felt a little hot in summer. He thought of the process of spanking her ass that night, and the wonderful taste, which made him feel enchanted just by recalling.

"You can come to me!" Summer is a bit like Isabella.

"Little husband, you Jianghai police are looking for me. I can’t go to catch myself!" Isabella smiled, and then she said, "I have a message for you, little husband!"

"What news?" Summer asked, so far away, he can’t hit her ass, had to ignore that little husband’s name.

"The 13th death angel in the world has gone to your Jianghai city. The goal is Qiao Xiaoqiao. Well, he is about 30 years old. Yellow people, please pay attention..." Isabella quickly introduces the situation of the killer, while on the other side, Qiao Xiaoqiao and Liu Meng have come to the elevator.

The elevator opens slowly. In summer, I suddenly feel a ray of murderous air. It’s from the inside of the elevator. I can’t help but change my face and rush to the other side.

And almost at the same time, a dark shadow suddenly came out of the elevator, holding a dagger, and rushed to Qiao Xiaoqiao.

Qiao’s building has recently strengthened its defense. Moreover, this is Qiao Xiaoqiao’s special elevator. It’s impossible for anyone to be inside. So Qiao Fenger and Qiao huanger didn’t expect that the killer would be hidden in this elevator. They both followed behind, prepared for the possible crisis outside, but ignored the elevator. When they realized it, it was too late Now.

"Be careful, Miss Joe!" The only action Qiao Fenger and Qiao huanger can do is to hold Qiao Xiaoqiao by one arm and pull her back, so that at least they can avoid the first deadly attack.

Summer also slowed down a bit. He was a little far away. Although he was fast, it would take a little time to be fast. When he was a few meters away from Qiao Xiaoqiao, he found that the dagger of the killer was close to Qiao Xiaoqiao’s chest.

Qiao feng’er and Qiao huang’er’s strong pull finally worked. Qiao Xiaoqiao fell on his back, and the killer’s knife was defeated. However, the killer obviously didn’t give up. He also rushed to the ground, and the dagger still stabbed Qiao Xiaoqiao.