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Flower Master in the City

Chapter 149
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Chapter 149

Yunqing is speechless for a while. At the same time, she has a decision in her mind. After eating this meal, she will cut off contact with summer and will never inquire about his affairs.

"Mr. Xia, let’s eat first." Yunqing didn’t eat anything before, because he was in no mood. Now he feels hungry.

In summer, he was full. He just stared at Yunqing and ate. He was not comfortable with Yunqing. Fortunately, his mobile phone rang in summer, which helped Yunqing.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at it. In summer, he found that it was the strange number that had called him more than ten times. Then he answered the phone and asked, "Hello, who are you? Why do you call me so many times? "

"Honey, it’s me! I’m Yao Yao. " The voice of Jiao didi came from there, but it sounded a little fake. Obviously, this person was not used to being coquettish.

Summer finally understand, dare to call him so many times is Chu Yao, do not know where she asked for the phone number.

"What are you looking for?" Summer then asked, Chuyao in addition to like to say rude words, other aspects are actually quite to his appetite.

"Husband, people miss you!" Chu Yaojiao said, "where are you?"

"I’m eating, the Honghu family in Dingzi street." Summer said his address.

"Oh, my husband is waiting for me. I’ll be right here!" Chu Yao said something quickly and then hung up.

Three minutes later, a red Ferrari stopped in front of Honghu’s house. Then, a tall and sexy girl jumped out of the car and ran in.

"Husband!" The girl saw the summer at a glance and rushed to him.

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In the summer, looking at Chu Yao, she was a little unhappy: "how do you change the color of your hair?"

Chu Yao Leng Leng: "husband, you let me dye it white!"

The most striking thing for Chu Yao now is not her figure nor her face, but her hair, a silver head, which can be called a real witch with white hair.

"Not good, change it tomorrow." Summer said.

"I see, honey, I will change it tomorrow." Chu Yao looks a little aggrieved. "By the way, my husband, I asked Huo Xiaochuan to finish the transfer formalities of the car. Now those cars are yours. Besides, I didn’t say anything rude today. Do you think I’m very good?"

"Not bad." Summer casually said.

"That husband, since I am so good, can you let me go from the ninth to the eighth?" Chu Yao looks at summer pitifully. She doesn’t want to be the ninth youngest wife. She wants to go up slowly. She wants to be the ninth, the eighth, the seventh to the first. Finally, she becomes the first wife!

Summer thought about it, and then said, "since you are so good, I’ll reserve No. 9 for you. I was going to give it to sister Yunqing!"

Yunqing, who is eating, is stunned at this. What does it have to do with her?

Since the girl with white hair ran in, Yunqing didn’t know what they were talking about. The only thing she could know was that she was sure that she had a girlfriend in summer, and that she was the girl with a bit of non mainstream hair. Of course, in her opinion, the two were quite matched.

"Ah?" Chu Yao said bitterly, "honey, you mean I can’t even be number nine!"

"Yes, you are not my wife now. You are in the testing period. I will find more wives in this period. Naturally, you will not be the ninth wife." In summer, I take it for granted, "but for the sake of your obedience, I’ll keep the number nine for you."

"Yes, thank you, my husband." Chu Yao is about to cry. Is it easy for me to find a husband? Unexpectedly, so many people come with my mother to rob me. I thought I could climb step by step and finally become the first wife. How could I know there are pursuers behind me to rob my mother’s position? It’s unreasonable!

Yunqing is a big mouth, staring at Xiaxia and Chuyao. She finally understands that the so-called No.9 is the No.9 wife, and the non mainstream little sister is the No.9 wife of Xiaxia. Moreover, the guy said he liked her, but originally wanted her to be his No.9 wife. What kind of insanity is this? How can she have such a morbid idea !

"Waiter, pay!" Yunqing beckons. She doesn’t want to stay with summer for a second. This person is really abnormal.

"Take it, don’t look!" Chu Yao casually stuffed a handful of money to the waiter, and then looked at Yun Qing with a triumphant face. "I’m No. 9, and you’re No. 10 at most. How can you pay for it?"

"Well, that little sister, you misunderstood me. I’m not interested in Mr. Xia. I’m not interested in being No. 9 or No. 10. You can rest assured." Yun Qing said, a little ironically, that the girl seemed to treat her as a rival.

"You know what you are." Chu Yao decided to cut off all the threats and not let people grab her position, but she soon got a little tangled up, so she was not the last little wife in the list? That can’t be bullied to death by the first eight little wives?

"Mr. Xia, since your girlfriend is here, I won’t disturb you. I’ll go back first." Yunqing just wants to be as far away from summer as possible. After saying that, she doesn’t wait for a reply in summer, so she goes out of Honghu people’s house in a hurry.

"Ga......" The screeching sound of braking suddenly came from the front. Yunqing looked at it with a bit of consternation. His face suddenly changed. He saw two vans parked there, the door opened, and a dozen men jumped down quickly, holding up the steel pipe, and rushed towards her.

Yunqing’s subconscious turned back and ran. After two steps, she twisted her feet and fell to the ground. Turning around, she saw that the group of people had rushed over like wolves. She had no time to get up and run away. She could only subconsciously hold her back brain in her hands and face the people, protecting the vital parts of her body.

The expected pain didn’t come. Yunqing was a little puzzled. Looking up, she found that the group was still rushing forward. She suddenly found that the goal of the group was not her, but also out of the Honghu people’s summer.

Although she was dissatisfied with summer, this man was her benefactor after all. Yunqing couldn’t help worrying about summer. She took out her mobile phone and prepared to call the police. But at this time, a furious voice sounded: "stop for the old lady!"

When hearing this sound, the people who were rushing forward to Huan immediately felt as if they had been put into a fixed body mantra. The steel pipes held high were also quirky to stop in the middle of the sky. Some people even kept the posture of taking a half step, which seemed very funny.

"You little bastards want to die, don’t you? Dare to take the steel pipe and rush at me, believe it or not, I will stab your sons with steel pipes? " Under Chu Yao’s anger, she was also full of swearing. When she heard summer, she frowned, and even Yun Qing was a little confused. This little sister is really out of the mainstream!

"Big miss, how are you here?" The fastest runner stammered, then explained quickly, "how dare we do this to you, miss? We are here to teach this boy a lesson! "

The man pointed to summer, but Chu Yao was even angrier: "how dare you teach my husband? Believe it or not, I’ll cut you off and feed you to the fish now? Old woman... Well, it hurts! "

In summer, Yiba palmprint on Chuyao’s buttocks: "you said ten rude words again!"

"Husband, people are wrong!" Chu Yao looked at the summer pitifully.

A group of people have quietly put down the steel pipe, and the guy in front of them secretly makes a gesture, and then they want to leave. What’s the joke? The man they want to beat is actually the man of the eldest lady? Give them a hundred courage, they dare not do it!

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"Stop!" But Chu Yao immediately found their little action, "who allowed you to leave?"

"We don’t know you are here, miss..." The boy at the head is suffering. How unlucky is it tonight? Who is bad to meet? I want to meet the eldest lady!

"Don’t give it to my mother Well, don’t give me so much crap. Who asked you to come? " Miss Chu was very angry. The consequences were not serious. She broke her hands and feet at most.

"It’s Lawyer Chen." The leading boy replied honestly.

"How can he teach his husband a lesson?" Chu Yao asked again.

"Well, to interrupt a hand." The answer still dare not have a little water.

"Well, you go now and break his limbs. No, it’s five limbs. He can’t be a man!" Chu Yao’s voice is very cold.

"Yes, miss!" When they heard the order, they were delighted. Since the eldest lady asked them to do something, they would not be punished.

The leader waved: "come on, that Ya is in front!"

In a black car less than 100 meters away, Chen Yimin and Zhou Dong are staring at what happened at the door of Honghu people’s house.

"What kind of thing, dare to play hard with me!" Seeing a group of hoodlums rush to summer with steel pipes, Chen Yimin is very proud.

"And Yunqing’s mother, I don’t really appreciate it. I must sleep with her if I have a chance!" Zhou Dong was also angry. "Old Chen, I thought you liked her before, so you didn’t start. How can you know that you didn’t succeed all the time? It’s really outrageous!"

"Well, I used to think she was beautiful, so I asked her to come to my house. I wanted to knock her for a while, and she would throw herself into my arms. I didn’t know that the bitch was really good at it. She just made a name for herself." Chen Yimin is also a little depressed, "but it doesn’t matter. I didn’t straighten her before. Now that she doesn’t know how to play, we will let her stay in this business. At that time, she will send herself to bed obediently, ha ha ha..."

"That’s right. I’d like to have a taste of her. Let’s go together, ha ha..." Zhou Dong smiles at the thief.

Chen Yimin’s face suddenly changed: "strange, what about those people?"

"No, they are coming to us!" Zhou Dong’s face changed a lot, too

Unfortunately, it’s late!

"Boom Wow... Ah... Er... " All kinds of noises and screams are quickly intertwined.