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Flower Master in the City

Chapter 129
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Chapter 129

When she heard about Mingwu martial arts school, her face was a little ugly. She knew this place because someone once reported that someone in Mingwu martial arts school played black boxing and set up a gambling game. She also went to investigate. Unfortunately, she did not find any evidence at last.

Also because of that investigation, Leng Bingbing learned that the real owner of Mingwu boxing hall is Ji Ming, the son of Ji Nan, the senior official. When the police handle the case, they are most afraid to encounter this kind of thing involving senior officials’ children. Because they often haven’t started the formal investigation, there are all kinds of pressures coming one after another. The pressure of emotional expression, one by one, is annoying.

In such a large Jianghai City, there are many senior officials’ children. For example, Ji Ming, they have their own so-called yamen circle. These people are not as high-profile as Jiang Haisi, but their energy is also quite large. Of course, in theory, Lin Zihao and Gao Mingyang should belong to the same circle as Ji Ming, but in fact, they belong to the same circle On the one hand, no matter Lin Zihao or Gao Mingyang, they have no deep contacts with Ji Ming.

That’s why Lin Zihao’s reception last time, despite the fact that all the people from all over the world were present, in fact, none of Ji Ming’s Yamen appeared. Otherwise, Ji Ming recognized him at the first sight when he saw summer. Even if Xia Tianchang was as ordinary as before, it would be enough for everyone on the scene to take Lin Zihao’s fiancee away in public Elephant is deep.

Obviously, Mingwu boxing hall is Jiming’s territory. Now Ma Ting is going to Mingwu boxing hall. She feels like delivering vegetables to her door. But Ma Ting has no choice. She can only hope that Ji Ming hasn’t doubted her. At the same time, people who still hope that the boxing hall can’t treat lengbingbing as a policeman.

Cold ice also has a premonition that today’s things will not be so simple. However, she is not afraid of things, and when she sees the summer around her, she also has a little more assurance. Although the rogue has a bad heart for her, he can definitely fight and help her.

There was a bit of traffic jam on the road. After driving for more than half an hour, three people came to the Mingwu boxing hall. In fact, the Mingwu boxing hall is not in the bustling area, but in the LC area that has not been transformed. The boxing hall is also in a three story bungalow. There is a young man at the door, leaning against the wall with a cigarette in his mouth, looking drowsy.

When the three approached in the summer, the young man’s eyes opened a crack, and a flash of light flashed through them, and then he returned to his drowsy appearance.

"Three brothers." Ma Ting takes the initiative to walk to the young man, "I’ll go in and help my father clean up the relics."

"Oh, it’s Tingting. Let’s go." The young man waved and yawned, "I didn’t sleep well last night. I went on sleeping!"

"Thank you, brother." Ma Ting’s eyes flashed a glimmer of joy. She gestured towards summer and coldness, and hurried in.

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Just after entering the boxing hall, Ma Ting found that it was too cold and cold to be normal. When she came here in the past, there were always some people practicing boxing, but today few people are seen.

However, now she can’t manage so much, just hurried to the locker. Her father is also a regular visitor of the boxing house. She has a locker, and what she wants to take is in the locker.

Ma Ting opens the No.13 locker first, but it’s empty. There’s nothing in it. When she’s a little disappointed, she finds Ma Ting’s head is in it. She looks for something carefully in the locker. After a while, she goes to the other side. Then somehow, she opens the No.31 locker. There’s a pair of boxers in it. Ma Ting gropes for one in the boxer Then he found a key.

"I found it." Ma Ting’s face showed joy and handed the key to Leng Bingbing. "Leng officer, let’s go to the bank!"

In summer, he is a little disdainful. Ma er just became an agent, pretending to be a ghost.

Cold ice took the key, thought about it, but handed it to summer: "you take it!"

"OK, sister Jinghua!" Summer suddenly happy, because it means that the sister of the police flower trust him.

"Let’s go!" Leng Bingbing also thinks that there is something wrong with this boxing hall. Holding Ma ting in one hand, he goes to the front.

Just a few steps, Ma Ting’s face changed, because she saw dozens of people come from all directions, the original cold boxing hall, suddenly became very busy.

And the young man who was sleeping at the door came in, smiling at Ma ting.

"Third brother, what’s the matter?" Ma Tingqiang pretends to smile and asks in a puzzled way.

"Tingting, Jishao wants to talk to you, so I hope you can wait here for a while." The three elder brothers giggled, "Ji Shao’s face, surely you will give it?"

"Get out of my way!" "Cold drink," or I’ll take you all into the police station when you attack the police

"Captain Leng, if you go out like this now, we can take it as if you have never been here before." The third brother gave a bold look at the key parts of the cold body, "otherwise, I believe that many brothers here would like to taste the unique taste of cold beauty!"

"You want to die!" As soon as Leng Bingbing’s face changed, he quickly pulled out his pistol and aimed it at the third brother

The third brother did not change his face: "Captain Leng, you can shoot, but if you shoot, my brothers can also do it. Do you think you can handle so many of our brothers with one gun at such a close distance?"

"Are you threatening me?" With a sneer, "I have eight bullets here. I can make sure to punch through the heads of eight people. Who wants to try?"

"Captain Leng, you can kill eight of us first, but I’m afraid you’re going to spend an unforgettable evening with the remaining eight." The third brother is still a look of confidence and fearlessness, "of course, this is not the end, in the future, you will experience a lot of, cold captain, do you really want to try?"

A flash of anger flashed across her cold face, but she did not shoot. She had realized that this was a group of Desperado. Once she did shoot, it would be fatal. At that time, it would not be so easy to take Ma Ting away.

"Sister Jinghua, if I kill all these idiots, won’t I commit a crime?" Summer suddenly asked.

When she heard this sentence, she couldn’t help being happy. She knew that she wanted to do something in summer. She glanced around coldly and said, "no, they attacked the police. You are brave, not only won’t commit a crime, but also won the reward from the police."

"What a reward?" Summer a little excited, "sister Jinghua, what is the reward?"

When she was cold, this guy really wanted to be rewarded. She was just talking about it.

However, since she asked in summer, she didn’t refuse to answer, so she said, "well, there’s a bonus, there’s a certificate and so on."

"Bonus, it’s not interesting." In summer, I was a little disappointed. "Sister Jinghua, otherwise, I don’t want the reward from the police station. How about you give me some reward?"

Leng Bingbing is a little annoyed: "can’t you do business first?"

"Sister Jinghua, if I don’t make it clear first, you will regret again." Summer’s worry is not aimless. Sister Jinghua has played with him several times. She rescued the robber in the hospital and got nothing. Last time, she promised to accompany him to dinner, but didn’t say the time. Finally, she ate a fast food in the police car.

"What reward do you want?" he asked

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"Of course, sister Jinghua, you are my wife!" Summer said without hesitation.

Cold refused: "no!"

"Then give me a kiss." In summer, we need to go back to the next place.

Unfortunately, Leng Bingbing refused: "no way!"

"Sister Jinghua, you are too mean." I’m a little dissatisfied in summer.

Cold ice is a little angry. What does it have to do with stinginess? Is it not mean for her to be a wife and kiss others casually?

"Captain Leng, you are really elegant. Now you are still in the mood to flirt. However, it doesn’t seem to match your nickname of Leng Mei!" The third brother shook his head and said, it seems that he is not in a hurry to start.

"Hey, shut up!" Summer a little dissatisfied stare at the three elder brothers, "I talk to sister Jinghua, what do you put in?"

"Boy, there are not many people in the world who can shut me up, and you are not included!" That three elder brothers sneer rise, the eye flashed a glimmer of cold awn, "pour is I advise you, shut up early, otherwise will shut up forever."

"Sister Jinghua, I can’t help beating people. Just promise me something to reward me!" In summer, I pinched my fists and wanted to hit people in a hurry.

A cold headache: "forget it, I promise to accompany you to dinner."

Summer does not agree: "sister Jinghua you will not want to fool me?"

"Who fooled you?" Coldly said, "you can choose the time and place. I’ll figure it out. Has the head office?"

"OK, I’ll start!" Summer voice did not fall, has lightning like jump to the three elder brothers, a blow past, "long wanted to hit you!"

"It’s up to you Er... " That three elder brothers words didn’t finish, then send out a scream, summer a blow on his face, immediately was knocked out half teeth.

But in summer, he didn’t let go of his plan like this. He hit the other half of his face with a fist. So, the poor third brother lost all his teeth.

Looking at his achievements, summer is very satisfied: "not bad, since you don’t want to shut up, then I will complete you, so that your mouth will never close."

A cold light flashed, and a flying knife flashed at summer like lightning. It was the third brother who was beaten by summer. His eyes were red and he wanted to cut the summer. Obviously, he had never been humiliated!