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Femdom Island

Chapter 199 Jormungand
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The night was ablaze with the full moon, casting its radiant glow upon the land. A gentle breeze whispered through the trees, carrying an aura of mystery and anticipation. Fenrir, the mighty wolf of the apocalypse, stood at the edge of his realm, his piercing eyes fixed upon the dark glowing blue sky. He knew what was about to unfold, for the celestial spectacle heralded the arrival of an otherworldly presence.

Fenrir's fur bristled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. As he gazed into the ethereal light, he could feel a powerful energy stirring, reaching out to him from the heavens above. His instincts, honed over countless centuries, told him that a significant event was about to unfold—a meeting that would shape the destiny of his realm.

Just as the anticipation reached its peak, a soft voice echoed through the air, resonating within Fenrir's ears. "Fenrir, third guardian of the sacred universal law, the time has come for us to meet," it beckoned in a soft sound, but Fenrir knew this was nothing but soft because the spectacle in front of him sent shivers down his spine because of how absurd it was.

As Fenrir's memories flooded back, he recognized the dragon emerging from what appeared to be a portal. Jormungand, the majestic serpent-like dragon with gleaming dark blue scales, had materialized out of nowhere, carrying an aura of immense power and undeniable authority. Fenrir's heart raced, knowing full well that his brother had come to hold him accountable for the sins he had committed.

Since Fenrir is in his wolf form, it looked like a scenery out of a nightmare, but somewhat iconic as the Jormungand's scales and Fenrir's fur illuminated the night sky without even letting the moon outshine them.

Jormungand's eyes, shimmering with ancient wisdom, bore into Fenrir's soul. A deep voice, resonating with the weight of ages, broke the silence that had engulfed the realm.

"Fourth Apocalypse," Jormungand spoke, his voice carrying a blend of sternness and sorrow. "It has been far too long since we last stood together. I have come to mete out the punishment that fate has ordained for you for breaking the rules."

Fenrir's voice quivered, a mixture of remorse and defiance. "Jormungand, my elder brother," he began, his words laced with regret.

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"Don't you think, it's time for you to let your younger brother, fly freely without holding me down," Fenrir asked almost in a sarcastic tone.

He knew even his other two sisters feared him because unlike the, he knew something more than them about the universal law, and there was a huge gap between him and the other three apocalypses, so nobody really knew how powerful he is.

Jormungand's immense form coiled, the serpentine body shimmering with sublime radiance. "Your memories may have faltered, fourth, but mine have remained resolute. I remember the days when we roamed these realms together, bound by more than blood. However, your transgressions cannot be ignored and-."

He looked in the direction of the village where Tasha and Edona were staying.

"I told you not to reproduce even though you have seeds, and you went ahead and disrespected my commands, I will lighten your punishment if you bring that woman and surrender right now,"

It was a voice that had absolute confidence and power and Fenrir could easily feel that he was facing someone way out of his league, but still letting him do whatever he wanted was an absurd idea to Fenrir, so he had to do something.

Fenrir's resolve solidified. He knew the road ahead would be treacherous, fraught with challenges that tested his very essence. With newfound determination, Fenrir shook his head before his elder brother, a pledge burning in his heart.

"Jormungand, you don't have any right to tell me, what I should do and what I shouldn't, and you should go back to where you came from,"

"I shall prove myself, Jormungand," Fenrir declared, his voice infused with unyielding determination.

"Cheeky kid! Looks like my younger sisters didn't beat you enough even though I gave you the responsibility of shaping you into a proper apocalypse, I will do it myself," He said but instead of an angry voice, he sounded way more calm and quiet, which was even more creepy for Fenrir than an actually angered person.

Fenrir's journey of redemption led him to a desolate battleground, where the echoes of ancient clashes reverberated through the air. The ground trembled beneath his paws as he prepared himself to face the imposing figure of Jormungand, his elder brother and the harbinger of laws.

With eyes locked and hearts heavy, Fenrir and Jormungand stood poised on opposite ends of the battlefield. The moon's radiant light bathed their forms, lending an ethereal glow to their confrontation. Fenrir's muscles tensed, and his fangs bared in a mixture of determination and apprehension.

"Damn it, no opening no matter how I look at him," Fenrir muttered to himself, frustrated by the opponent he had to face.

Jormungand, his scales gleaming with an otherworldly luminescence, unfurled his massive wings. The very air seemed to quake with his presence as he raised his head high, projecting an aura of unquestionable authority.

"Third," Jormungand's voice thundered through the silence, his words carrying a solemn tone. "The time has come for you to face the consequences of your actions. Prepare yourself, for I shall pass judgment upon you and seal you for eternity, we don't need an apocalypse that breaks the laws instead of protecting them."

Fenrir's voice rang out, infused with newfound resolve. "Bring it on, Jormungand. I will face your judgment and prove myself worthy of redemption."

Without further ado, the battle commenced. Fenrir lunged forward, his muscles rippling with raw power, teeth aimed at Jormungand's scaled hide. Jormungand, however, met his younger brother's assault with calculated grace, deflecting the attack with a swiftness befitting his immense stature.

The air around them warped and distorted, manipulated by Jormungand's mastery over space. Fenrir's violet flames flickered ominously, their heat shimmering in the night.

Jormungand's voice reverberated with power as he unleashed his might. "Witness the true extent of my dominion, Fenrir! In the realm of space, you shall find no escape!"

Undeterred, Fenrir's eyes blazed with determination. "Your control over space may be formidable, Jormungand, but my flames shall reduce even the mightiest of obstacles to ash!"

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With a mighty roar, Fenrir lunged forward, a torrent of violet flames trailing in his wake. Jormungand, his massive wings unfurling, deftly manoeuvred through the onslaught, his form rippling as he manipulated the very fabric of space to evade the scorching heat.

Their battle intensified, an awe-inspiring display of power and finesse. Fenrir weaved through the battlefield, his flames pulsating with otherworldly energy, threatening to engulf everything in their path. Jormungand, his eyes gleaming with the wisdom of ages, countered with calculated precision, bending the fabric of space to shield himself from the inferno.

"Fenrir, your flames burn brightly," Jormungand bellowed, his voice echoing through the chaos. "But can you match the boundless expanse of my control? Your fire shall be contained!"

Fenrir's determination flared, his voice resolute. "I may be contained, but I will never be extinguished! My flames shall consume the very limits you seek to impose!"

With a swift motion, Jormungand summoned the vast power of space. A vortex materialized, pulling Fenrir into its gravitational grasp. Fenrir fought against the forces that threatened to confine him, his violet flames surging in defiance.

But Fenrir's flames held an unexpected power—one that transcended the confines of mere combustion. As he embraced the full potential of his abilities, his violet flames morphed into an ethereal blaze that defied space itself, burning with a power unmatched.

Jormungand's eyes widened in awe as the violet flames enveloped him, their heat penetrating the very fabric of his control. The dragon's form trembled, his control over space faltering under the searing onslaught.

"Ohhh! Very interesting!" Jormungand roared, his voice filled with disbelief. "So your flames can defy the boundaries I have set?"

"But too bad, I have absolute authority no matter where I go, so no matter how you try, you won't be able to find my weak spot, if I have one that is," Jormungand said and extinguished, Fenrir's flames and threw him back breaking the dimensions causing everyone in the universe to feel the effects of this battle.

In one group, humans, elves, and a diverse array of living beings gathered, their eyes widening in awe and trepidation. They could feel the immense power radiating from the battleground, sending ripples through the interconnected realms.

Among them, warriors and sorcerers exchanged hushed whispers, their voices laced with a mix of excitement and fear. "Did you feel that tremor? It's as if the very balance of our world is being tested!" one exclaimed, eyes filled with anticipation.

Humans, Demons, Beastkin and Aquatic beings also started to make their own theories with the power of the mana and force they felt. Some of them freaked out thinking they are going to die, and others rejoiced in the feeling of utter powerlessness.

But for elves, it is different, as a wise elf stepped forward, her voice calm and measured. "It is her, Higher beings are rejoicing because of our princess's sacrifice, they are blessing us, Our princess Tasha blessed us with good luck and long lives,"

They collectively started rejoicing about this situation without knowing all of these were caused by two titanic beasts clashing with each other.