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Femdom Island

Chapter 164 Nikol Is Back
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"Nikol, are you alright?" Alva asked concern etched on her face with her own blood mixed with her sweat.

Nikol didn't respond, his gaze still fixed on the forest. His sister and the alliance girls gathered around him, equally worried looked at him.

"Nikol, please say something," his sister, Leviathan pleaded without bothering about the other girls, as she wasn't in the mood to ignite any more battles.

But still, Nikol remained silent.

Leviathan gave him a gentle shake and muttered, as she thought he was still in a daze, but in reality, he was just arguing and talking with the voice inside his head.

"Nikol, we won. Fenrir is gone. You did it."

As soon he heard those words, Nikol finally turned to face her, his eyes filled with a mix of exhaustion and determination.

"But for how long?

"Fenrir will return, I have to beat it."

The alliance girls exchanged worried glances, knowing that Nikol was right. They had won this battle, but the war was far from over, as they end up getting entangled into more problems.

"We'll be ready," Leviathan promised.

"I'll train harder, get stronger. And when Fenrir returns, I'll be ready to defeat him once and for all, this time was a mistake, but I won't do the same thing twice"

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Nikol nodded, his resolve strengthening.

"We will be ready. And next time, we will not let him escape, but for now-" Nikol suddenly looked at Leviathan with a questioning gaze.

"I want to know the truth," Hearing Nikol's words, Leviathan kept looking into his eyes for a few minutes, but then she decided to tell everything but before she could do that, everyone heard a scream coming from the direction where the beastkin warriors are supposed to be in.

Nikol worried about what happened, quickly ran in that direction only to see their powerful and beautiful lionkin queen, Leona lying on the floor with her whole body leaking blood from the previous attack of Fenrir. From time to time she gasped for air like she was on her deathbed.

Cynthia and Kitsune were already kneeling down beside her, tears streaming down their faces.

"Oh no, Leona! Please, please wake up!" cried Cynthia, as she knelt beside her injured friend with her heart almost beating like a drum.

Kitsune, who was standing right next to her, put her hand on Cynthia's shoulder with her normal calm and kind demeanour but it was rather obvious that she was just as shaken as Cynthia,

"We need to help her, we can't lose her," she said, her voice shaking with emotion.

Nikol saw this group and tried to remember who they are, and he easily identified them because of their special features.


"Don't you have a healer? What are you doing without letting her do her job?" Lydia questioned confused about their behaviour but looking at the state of their injuries of Leona, she understood that even a healer like Nym won't be able to do anything for this queen, besides light mages are rare like fine gold without any impurities.

"Please, someone, anyone, help us! Our queen needs medical attention!" Cynthia cried out, her voice choked with emotion hoping that at least Alliance will have a method to help them since they already knew about the light mage from the Arti.

Kitsune added, "She's been hurt badly, and we don't know how to heal her wounds. We need a healer, a light mage, anyone who can save her! Please ask your light mage to help us, we will forever be in your debt,"

The surrounding crowd looked on with pity and some of them with anger, but none of them dared to step forward. The beastkin race was feared and respected for their power and everyone understood their physical power difference after the last battle, but also for their fierce and often unpredictable nature. No one wanted to risk getting on their bad side.

Leviathan also kept looking at them with an emotionless look, but she knew even her skills won't be able to heal someone that is on their deathbed. Besides, she had nothing like that to help them. Even though Leviathan, Fenrir and Phoneix are considered apocalypse, they were no omnipotent beings. There was the possibility of death for them, but none of the current living beings was even able to challenge their power so, for now, they were safe.

Just then, a voice spoke up from the crowd.

"I can help."

Cynthia and Kitsune looked up to see a familiar young man pushing his way through the crowd. He had a calm and determined look on his face as he approached the injured queen and kneeled before her body to check her blood loss and heartbeat. This young man was none other than Nikol himself, who wanted to keep everyone who went through this battle alive.

"Please, let me help her," Nikol said his voice gentle but firm. He didn't feel sad or angry seeing Leona because he didn't know her, but letting someone die in front of him, when you have the ability to rescue them felt like such a scum-like thing to do.

Cynthia and Kitsune nodded, relieved to have found someone willing to aid their queen and they believed Nikol.

"It's bad, her heartbeat is getting weaker and I think she had bled a lot," Nikol said, his brows furrowed in concentration.

"But I can heal her. It will take some time, but she'll pull through. I need clean water and clean bandages to cover her wounds before starting the treatment, so please bring them,"

Cynthia and Kitsune let out a collective sigh of relief, gratitude filling their hearts and they quickly acted upon the orders and took off all the bandages they had and Leviathan helped with clean water. Her water had the effect of calming so, Leona's pain eased a little as soon as she touched it.

"Thank you, thank you so much," Cynthia said, her voice trembling with emotion seeing their queen calming down, but Nikol knew this was just first aid, but the main problem remained.

Kitsune added some words without even knowing that her treatments are not completed yet,

"We owe you a debt we can never repay."

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Nikol smiled, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Oh, I'm sure we can think of something," he said, winking at them.

"But for now, I'm going to treat her for real," He said and looked at his hand.

Nikol simply held out his hand and used his nails to put a small cut on it and let the blood drip onto his beautiful lips of Leona. He closed his eyes and focused, channelling his unknown power through the blood and towards Leona's injured body and there was one thing he wished for, and that is the fast recovery of Leona, and he hoped it would work with her.

"Nikol! Wha are you doing? Our blood is poisonous to them-" Leviathan muttered in hurry, as she thought Nikol didn't know about it, in fact, he didn't because every time he did experiment with Nym about his blood, they made some progress and understood that Nikol's blood had some effect on the injured but never once they were able to successfully heal someone.

And for the first time, Nikol decided to believe in his own skills and do everything he can. It didn't work at first showing no developments at all, but he didn't falter. He kept pouring his blood into Leona's lips, determined to heal her completely.

The crowd was looking at this bizarre technique with doubt in their eyes, but alliance girls believed Nikol, so none of them really doubted him.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Leona's eyes opened, and she tried to get up but her injuries were too bad for her to do that, and she looked around at the people gathered around her and quickly realised that she was on the verge of dying.

The wounds on Leona's body began to close slowly, and the blood on the ground seemed to shimmer and pulse with energy. The others watched in awe as Nikol's blood worked its healing power and without any medicine, it completely closed Leona's injury but the pain and scar remained on her body reminding her foolish way of acting.

"Thank you for saving my life, our saviour," Leona said in an awkward tone wondering how to react to this development because Lydia and Zenda were also looking at her with anger.

"Nikol, this woman attacked us, if not for her blocking our road, we would have been able to avoid this damage," Eva muttered dissatisfied about beastkin people getting close to Nikol.

Tisha and Ressha waited on the sideline for a response from Nikol, and they didn't really know what they are supposed to do since they lacked a lot of information.

"Let's go back to the queendom, beastkin and Leviathan will follow us," Nikol said and stood up from his position without faltering.

"I want to know everything, I want to know who I am and why we are getting attacked, and I will decide for myself what I am going to do from now," Nikol decided to abandon his past self of dependent little brother and develop into a man, that could deal with everyone equally.

Even though some of them didn't agree, in the end, all of them decided to go back to the queendom and discuss everything they know and clarify everything.

Everyone had been away for weeks, fighting a long and gruelling battle against their enemies. But finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they were on their way back to their beloved queendom and most of them were tired including Nikol, who went through a full emotional ride within these days, so he decided to rest at last and clarify everything including his relationships with people.