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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 301
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Chapter 0301

I stare at the father of my daughter. The man that I’d trusted and wanted enough to sleep

with. My eyes take in his features as I try to get my brain to work.

He looked different. Don’t get me wrong, he was still really good-looking, but he seemed

different from the man I had a glimpse of in my memory. He even has a beard now. It

made him all the more good- looking.

I know, I’m in love with Rowan, so why am I checking out Ethan? I’m not. I’m just noting

that he’s handsome.

“Hi,” I finally reply. It was the only word that I could master.

I feel so awkward. So unsure of what to do or what to say.

His eyes drop from mine to stare at our daughter. His unreadable expression changes.

Softness and love take over.

“Can I hold her?” he asks, his eyes still fixed on her.

It’s clear that he loves Iris. That fact alone warms my heart. I was really afraid that he

wouldn’t want anything to do with her. Afraid that he thought of her as a mistake. You

know? Because he was only using me while planning to kill me.


I stand up and gently lay Iris in his outstretched hand.

Ethan k*sses her forehead. “Hey, baby girl?”

He tries to hide the tears that fill his eyes, but it’s obvious there.

Reading him proves to be difficult. Just like with Rowan, he hides his emotions well. I don’t

know what I expected when I decided to see him. But warmth and gentleness aren’t it.

After being told what he did to me, I expected this cold, unfeeling and mean person. I’m

shocked that it isn’t what I’ve found. Letty did tell me thought, that when I was around him

I was happy. I was free and that he helped me a lot in becoming a different person.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

She told me that, Ethan helped me get out of my shell. That he helped me experiment and

embrace my S**uality. I didn’t believe her at first, but now I do.

I don’t feel anything for him, but there is just something about him. Something that draws

me in. Maybe


“Thank you so much for bringing her. I haven’t seen her since the day she was born” his

voice is gruff and full of emotions.

“Why? Didn’t Theo and Nora bring her to see you?”

“She was in NICU, remember?” he says softly. “Though they did bring me pictures of her”

Sometimes I forget that Iris is a premature baby. I always forget that during the time I was

in a coma, she was in intensive care unit.

“I’ll try to bring her as often as I can” I assure him.

We are silent for a while, with him playing with Iris’s tiny hands. She holds his finger so

tight, which makes me wonder if on a deeper level she knew who he was. If she was aware

of their connection. I know it might sound absurd, but I feel like she knows Ethan his her


“Not that I’m not glad you’re here, but why are you here? I’m surprised you came. Mom

told me that you lost your memories”

Dam n. That is something I don’t think I’ll ever get over. The fact that he’s my real

parents’ adopted son yet he and I have a daughter together.

“Apart from bringing Iris to see you, I wanted to meet you. Get to know you as a person

since we’ll be sharing custody of Iris”

“I’m surprised you would” he murmurs, his eyes still on Iris.

I keep quiet for a moment. Ignoring his words.

“I know what others have told me about you and me. Now I want to hear it from. I want to

know our story from you”

His snap up to look at me. I see the surprise playing in his eyes. I guess, he probably

thought that I would take others point of view and not his.

He takes a deep breath, before beginning.

He doesn’t hold back at all. He tells me everything from how he found out that I was alive,

to how he devised the devious plan and to finally putting things to motions.

My heart aches at how he had manipulated me. I can’t imagine the heartbreak I felt when

I found out that he had betrayed me. My lungs are clenched. I feel like I have a tight fist

wrapped around my chest.

I don’t remember what happened, but his actions have marked my soul. That is why his

confession hurts

I fall back against the chair and just watch him. By the time he was done, Iris was already

asleep. Snuggled against her father’s chest.

1 never got t truly apologize, but I am truly sorry, Ava. I have no excuse for what I did to

you, only my absurd reasoning that the company should be mine and not yours. You’ll

never know how deeply repentant I am” his voice was more of a painful whisper.

The truth of his words are written in his eyes. I don’t know how I know this, but deep inside

I know that he means every single word he said. What he did is completely messed up,

but will I honestly resent him,

especially when he seem to be sorry?

“I don’t know what to say

And it’s true. I am speechless and confused.

I’m not saying what I did was right, but everything changed once I realized I had fallen in

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

love with you. I went into it thinking I have the whole narrative, but you changed things. I

never saw you coming, Ava, I never thought that you would fl*p my world around”

F uck. What the hell was I supposed to say when a man you have no memory of confesses

to being in love with you?

Luckily, I don’t have to say anything because one of the guards interrupts us.

“Time is up”

Silently, I watch as he k*sses the top of Iris’s head before giving her to me.

1 may not remember what happened, but I hope we can put the past behind and move

forward for the

sake of Iris. Look like a good man, despite your sins and you deserve to know your

daughter, so, friends?”

I ask him hopefully.

At first he looks shocked at first, but then a smile graces his l*ps.


It was a lot to d******d all that happened and my current feelings, but I know this is a step

towards the

right direction.

T’ll try to come as often as I can so you can see Iris”

Tll appreciate that

He stands up and the guard cuffs him. They were about to leave when Ethan turns around

and faces me.

Be careful who you trust, Ava. Not everything is as it seems and Rowan isn’t being as

honest as he portrays himself to be” he warns. Take care, my love”

Before I can even reply or ask him, they both leave. I stand up with my daughter and head

towards the

exit. All the while his warning about Rowan still ringing in my head.