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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 297
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Chapter 0297


“Mom, can Gunner come for a sleepover this weekend?” Noah asks, but my mind is

billions of galaxies


I was filled with nervousness. I know I said I’d visit Ethan when I was ready, but the

situation has

changed. For some reason, the issue keeps bugging me. Keeps infiltrating my mind day in

and day out.

I haven’t had the chance to talk to Rowan about it. He clearly hates Ethan. It doesn’t take

a genius to

figure that out. It’s not that I want to ask his permission or anything like that. I will still go

to see Ethan,

whether he likes it or not.

What worries me is his reaction. Rowan loves Iris like his own. It’s clear to see that, but like

I said, it’s also

clear he despises her father. I’m sure he won’t be too happy about me visiting Ethan.

What I’m not sure is

if he’ll hate the idea because he loathes Ethan or because of something else. Maybe it’s


“Mom, are you even listening?”

Noah’s frustrated voice brings me back to the present. I hadn’t even noticed that I had

zoned out again.

“What were you saying?”

He stares at me with his scrutinizing gray eyes. His mannerism and behavior are so similar

to his father’s.

I sometimes find it uncanny how alike they were.

He repeats the question after looking upwards. As if he were praying for patience or divine

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Letting out a sigh, I face my son, not really sure how to answer him. I get that Gunner is

his best friend, but

I also know that Rowan doesn’t like his dad. Or at least, he never used to like him. I’m not

sure if things have changed now that their sons are friends.

The memories of how Calvin and Rowan got into pis sing contests over Emma back when

they were in

school assault my mind. I didn’t want to think of those days. I didn’t want to think about

the time Emma

once had Rowan’s heart in her palm.

It still hurts me to know that. Still inflicts unimaginable pain when I remember the years he

was cold

towards me. Sure, things have changed now, but I can’t help but have doubts. They

plague my mind even

when we are asleep, and he’s holding me close to him.

It’s a constant battle. Especially when I don’t understand what changed or what pushed

him to abandon his love for Emma and choose me. It also doesn’t help that I know he’s

keeping something from me.

Lying to me.

Part of me is afraid that this is all a dream and that I’ll wake up and everything will fade.

The other part is afraid that he is playing with me. Toying with me. I may be overthinking,

but I’m afraid that he is playing

his ultimate ace card.

I mean, what better way to get revenge on the woman who hurt you? Play the devoted,

loving man that she always dreamed of, and then, when she falls for the act, rip her world

apart by leaving her and telling

her that it was nothing but a cruel joke. Nothing but revenge for the years he missed

having the woman he

Noves with him.


“Sorry, my love. I’m just a bit distracted today.”

He looked pis sed, and I completely understand why. Pushing those memories and doubts

to the back of

my mind, I focus on my son.

Whether Rowan’s intentions were pure or not, it didn’t matter. If he does hurt me, I’ll do

what I’ve always

done. Pick up the broken pieces and push forward. It will hurt like a bi tch, but I also know

that I can live

with a broken and dead heart.

Noah let’s out a frustrated breath. “So, is it okay for Gunner to come over?”

“How about I talk to your dad when he gets home?” I pull him to me, needing to feel him

so I can anchor

myself to the present. “If he agrees, then we can have him over the weekend.”

His frustrations melt away, and he gives me a blinding smile. I smile back, thinking of how

he’ll give many

girls sleepless nights when he gets older. Just like his father and uncle did.

“Thank you, mom,” he says, k*ssing my cheek. “I’m going to see if Iris is awake. I’ve

missed her so much.”


I watch him as he runs up the stairs. I was so happy and proud of how he loved and cared

for Iris. He was

also really protective of her. It soothed my heart to know that Iris had someone like Noah

in her life. I

didn’t. Travis never cared for me, but I am glad that Noah cares for his sister.

I don’t know if he knows that she’s his half-sister. Deep down, I know he does. He’s a very

sharp boy, so I

know he has already figured out that Rowan isn’t Iris’s dad. This just makes me love him

more. It makes

me happy that he has accepted her, even though she has a different dad.

“What are you thinking so hard about?” His deep voice startles me, making me jump a

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“You’re home”

He drops on the couch next to me. Without warning, he pulls onto his laps before

proceeding to k*ss me

His k*sses and the intimacy between us are something I will never get used to. Sure, we

haven’t had S**,

but the way he k*sses me is enough to let me know that the hunger burning inside him is


He pushes his tongue inside my mouth. I open for him. Getting lost in his masculine scent,

the way our mouths are meshed, and how his tongue tangles with mine. I completely

forget that we are in the living room, where Noah could walk in on us at any time.

My nipples are pointed peaks. Straining against my bra. I rub my as s against his

hardness. Wishing that our clothes would magically disappear and I would have him inside

me. The groan he lets out at my teasing travels all the way down to my c lit, causing a

gush of wetness to gush out of me.

Dam n it. I really need to do something about the S**ual tension between us. Rowan

seems to have pledged celibacy for some unknown reason. I didn’t know how to break

down his defenses.

Just like always, he pulls away, ending the scorching k*ss. He lays his head against mine

as we both try to catch our breath.

When the haze clears, I get off his lap and stand up. He was still hard, and I was still

turned on. Sitting on his lap like that while feeling the evidence of his arousal would only

distract me from what I needed to


“What’s wrong?” he asks, as if sensing the change in the atmosphere.

He shifts in his seat, as if trying to get comfortable or get rid of his hard on. The bulging

tent in his trouser pants was pretty obvious. For a moment, it distracts me as I think of

how great his c ock would feel in my mouth.

I shake the thought out of my mind, completely shocked at the image playing in my head.

F uck, it was so out of character for me.


I turn to face my husband, forcing myself to focus on the issue at hand.

“We need to talk.”