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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 296
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Chapter 0296


limp slowly towards my cell. Prison is hell, that’s for sure. My job is to prove the innocent

and send

criminals to prison. I never thought that I would one day end up here.

I haven’t had a good night’s sleep since I arrived here about two weeks ago. It’s like the

moment I walked

into the cell, I was an enemy to all the inmates. For some reason, they hated me, and they

proved just

how much they did.

In the back of my mind, I know this is all Rowan’s doing. I should never have crossed him. I

should never have underestimated what he felt for Ava. The Rowan I knew. My Rowan. He

would never have hurt me.

He would never have done anything to cause me pain.

It’s safe to say that the boy I loved and treasured all these years is long gone. The boy I

fell in love with was nowhere in sight. In his place was a cold–hearted man who would hurt

me because I dared to cross


I sigh as I finally get to my cell. I was tired and worn out. I haven’t had a decent shower or

meal since I

stepped into this place.

Every time I was given a meal, one of my cellmates would either knock it out of my hands,

spit on it, or forcefully take it from me. I’ve barely had enough food to keep a dog alive

these past two weeks.

As for the shower, most of the time they would just push me out of the cubicles before I

could shower. It was all horrifying and terrifying at the same time. All I wanted was to go

home, but I’m not even sure

that’s possible anymore.

“Look” Joy, one of the meaner inmates says. “Our bitch princess is back”

Whoever her mother is, was wrong about naming her joy. There was nothing joyous about

Joy. She didn’t bring joy or happiness to those around her. Instead, she brought nothing

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but misery

I can’t tell her that, though. The last time I tried standing up for myself, I ended up with a

black eye. I’m really not in the mood to go through that again. The woman was solid as a

F***ing rock. She had the build of a man, so you can imagine how much it F***ing hurt

when she hit me.

Instead of answering, I remain quiet. It usually doesn’t work, but I still think that keeping

my head down and laying low is the best course of action.

I try to maneuver around her so that I can go to my bed but she blocks my path.

“I’m talking to you bitch” she snarls right before she shoves me.

I wasn’t prepared for it and because of my hurt leg, I fall on my butt hard. The pain that

shoots from my

tail bone and through my spine is intense. Biting my l*ps, I stop myself from whimpering.

It wouldn’t do me

good to show any weakness.

I try to get up, but it’s nearly impossible, especially with my leg. I twisted it when another

inmate tripped

me as I was heading to sit at a table in the cafeteria. When I fell, nob*dy helped me up.

Instead, all of

them just pointed fingers while laughing as I was wallowing in pain.

I bit my l*ps even harder to stop myself from crying. The nurse had told me that my ankle

would heal

better if I rested it and avoided more damage to it. That was now impossible, given that I

fell at an

awkward angle again.

“The idiot still thinks she’s something,” Bela, another inmate, says. “She doesn’t realize

that in here she’s

nothing, just like the rest of us.”

I don’t look up. Instead, I just focus on my ankle. It was now red and swollen. Maybe after

they leave me

alone, I can go back to the nurse and have her look at it.

I was so focused on my leg that I didn’t notice the two women closing in on me. I was

taken by surprise when one of them grabbed my hair in a tight grip. This time, I don’t hold

back. I let out a painful and

shocked gasp.

“Please leave me alone” I stammer, feeling so tired and drained.

I knew I should have just kept quiet because Joy smiles cruelly right before she slaps me

hard across the face. She raises her palm again and I raise my hands to try to deflect her

another of her slap.

“What the hell is going on here?” the booming voice makes them step away from me in


I fold into myself. Shaking like a damn leaf. I honestly don’t know how long I can keep this

up. The people here were out to get me and I was afraid that I would eventually end up


“Nothing, we were just having some fun. Weren’t we Emma?” Bela says with a fake smile.

I don’t answer. We all knew that nothing they were doing to me was fun.

“Get up Emma, you’re coming with me”

I don’t argue. It was probably Travis who had come to visit. I struggle, but eventually I

manage to get up

and follow the warden out.

Today is your lucky day,” she says as we walk.

instead of answering, I just snorted. There was definitely nothing lucky about today

When we get to a private room, she opens the door, revealing Travis. The tears I was

holding begin falling

down my cheek as I rush to him. Well, wobble is more like it.

He takes me into his arms and hugs me, making me feel safe. I let out my pain and

frustration. All the

anger and hurt. I cry into his chest until I have no more tears to shed.

“It’s okay, little sis, I’m here to take you home,” he whispers comfortingly in my ear.

At first, his words didn’t register, but when they did, I lifted my head from his chest and

just stared at him.

“Really? How did you do it?” I ask.

We had tried everything. I had tried everything. Nothing worked and no one was willing to

go against

Rowan. For the first time in my life I witnessed firsthand how ruthless and bloodthirsty

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Rowan could be.

“I talked to Ava and asked her to have a word with Rowan,” he shrugs. “At first, I didn’t

think that she

would, given how cold she was towards me, but today I was called to pick up your release

papers. The

judge said that Rowan was doing this as a favor for his wife.”

I just nod my head. I honestly don’t care if Ava talked on my behalf. As long as I was free,

it didn’t matter

at all.

After that I’m taken to the office and I’m asked to sign some documents. Then I’m given a

chance to

shower after which everything including the clothes I was wearing the day I was arrested

are given back

to me. When I’m done, I meet up with Travis and together we walk out of the prison.

It feels so F***ing great to see the outside. To breathe in the cool and fresh air.

I give the building one last look. Being there has opened my eyes to a lot of things.

It’s time to accept that Rowan is no longer mine. If he can go to such great lengths to hurt

me because I hurt Ava, then I need to accept defeat. I may have had his heart once, but it

no longer beats for me. It was hard to swallow the bitter pill, but i had no choice. I can no

longer hold on to something that is dead and


Rowan is my past, and he has probably been for a very long time. It was time to move on.

It was time to

acknowledge that we were probably never meant to be end game.

As that truth settles into my soul, I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

I gel into the car with Travis. He drives off, and I smile, feeling like the chains around me

had been

What I didn’t notice was that an enemy was also smiling. One that was plotting against

me. What none of

us noticed was the enemy that was planning to ruin my life.

Merry Christmas to you and your families, my dear readers. Sending lots and lots of love

this festive . …

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