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Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 195 Fact And Questions
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Clyde said that with such confidence that it made their fear become less so. Not that their fear has disappeared completely. But compared to a while ago, they were a bit better.

"You want to try something you couldn't do in the Fortress?" Albert asked.

"Yes." Clyde nodded. "But this is a secret. We can only talk about this outside the Fortress. Do you understand?"

The five of them looked at Clyde with eyes full of confusion. Clyde felt uncomfortable and nervous again when he got a look like that. But once again he shook off that feeling showing his usual flat face.

"I want you guys to summon your Character Information."

Upon hearing what Clyde had to say, their confusion grew even greater. They looked at each other.

"What do you mean? We can no longer summon Character Information as soon as we leave the Selection Stage," said Rosie.

"That's why I wanted to make sure," said Clyde. "That might be true. But there could be other possibilities."

"What do you mean?" she asked again. 

"There is still a possibility that you can use Character Information outside of Sivagadh Fortress. So, I want you to give it a try." 

Leon shrugged. "Well, we have nothing to lose if we do, do we?"

"No. You have nothing to lose. If you can't, you will only see Character Information with blurry text," replied Clyde.


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They proceed to summon their respective Character Information. Meanwhile, Clyde hoped in his heart.

"What the hell..." Wiley's voice trailed off in shock.

Clyde of course noticed that. The same expression was created on the faces of his other four friends.

"I-I can summon it!" said Rosie.

s soon as Rosie said this, Clyde smiled. 'It is true. There really is something wrong with that Fortress.'

Clyde guessed that a secret like this was only for them to know because he suggested it. But strangely, why didn't Samuel and the others notice that earlier?

Or, could it be that they are actually aware of it and are hiding it? But why did they hide that fact?

"Wow! Does this mean we can use our old powers now?!" Wile said excitedly.

"Didn't you guys even try it when you were in the Fortress?" asked Clyde.

"No. We didn't dare to do that for fear of hurting ourselves. That's what James said," Leon replied.

Clyde thought again when he heard that answer. 'Could it be that Samuel and his party really can't use the power of the system even when they were outside of the Fortress?

Or, maybe they just don't know because they've never tried it? But, what about all the residents who have lived there for such a long time?'

Various questions popped up in Clyde's head when he realized that the five people he brought out of the Fortress could summon their Character Information with no problem.

Whatever it is, all the answers are in the hands of the Senior Council. So Clyde knew who to ask next.

"You are not allowed to talk about this information inside the Fortress, alright?" Clyde said seriously.

"But why? Isn't this good information?" Lola asked.

Clyde stared at her. "We still don't know if that's good information or not."

"Come on, Lola. We just don't have to speak about it. Let's just do it for now," Rosie said to Lola. Rosie seemed to understand a bit about the risk of that information.

"Okay. Enough about that. Let's continue our training," said Clyde. Now he has a little smile on his face. Indicates his mood had gotten better after knowing that.

'That way, they can gain Exp points from killing monsters. Then they can use Stats Points to increase their strength. They could become stronger in less time than I thought.'

Clyde grinned when he saw a group of dinosaur raptors in the distance. He immediately saw a good opportunity appear before his eyes.

He turned towards the people behind him. "There are dinosaurs up ahead. Let's kill it."

"What? Dinosaurs?!" Wiley asked dumbfounded. But then his face turned into one of understanding. "Ah, so the monsters in this world are dinosaurs."

"Yes." Clyde nodded. "They are raptors, do you know what kind of dinosaur they are?"

"I know." 

"Me too."


Leon, Albert, and Rosie nodded. Meanwhile, Wiley and Lola looked at loss.

"What's that?" Wiley asked.

"Anyway, they are pretty fast little dinosaurs," Rosie replied.

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Then Wiley turned to Clyde. "Is that going to be a problem?"

"That shouldn't. You guys should be able to deal with them on your own. But if something happens, I'll help right away," Clyde replied.

"Alright." Leon drew his sword. "We just have to do it the same as last time, right?"

Clyde nodded.

"Let's go guys." Leon walked first to the front, leading his party towards the raptors.

His friends immediately followed him. The fear they felt was less and less because of the presence of Clyde who they were sure would immediately help when a dangerous time came.

But Lola was still holding her crossbow with trembling hands. She bit her lips hard. The girl's entire face expressed worry and anxiety.

"Hey, don't be too scared. I will always be by your side," Rosie who was beside her said and hugged Lola's shoulder. "I won't let them get near you."

Lola smiled hearing Rosie's words and promises. "Thanks."

Before entering the portal they already talked about what they should do. They supported Clyde's proposal about Lola being able to hold a weapon. And Rosie immediately volunteered to be her bodyguard.

"How are your Stats?" Clyde asked.

"Our stats look the same as the last time we saw them at the Selection Stage," Leon replied.

"So, you already know how strong you are right now, right?"

"Well, yeah. That's right," Leon answered with some hesitation. "What level are the raptors?"

"Level 5."

"Then, maybe we will be able to overcome them."

As they moved closer, the raptors noticed their presence. A loud screaming sound rang out as they charged towards the group.
