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Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 182 No Escape
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"HAHAHA! Is that all you got?!"

Colmano continued to swing his great battle ax with absurd strength. Even now he hasn't used his blessings like Cuzia or Alessio. But his strength is already this enormous.

Samuel also realized that there was no fire burning around Colmano's body. Even though he realized that in Cuzia's body, there was a fire burning and boosting her power several times.

It meant that even with this much power, the opponent he was facing had yet to unleash his full strength.

Samuel felt dread as he imagined what would happen if this man who looked like a monster itself unleashed his true power.

Fortunately, Samuel could also see that this beast wasn't very smart. If he had the slightest bit of intelligence, then he would have decided to end this fight as soon as possible. Especially when carrying important artifacts.

But instead, he chose not to use the powers of his friends and fight like this.

Samuel knew these types of people. The types of people who enjoy fighting after getting a taste of power from Mana and the system.

'I have to kill him quickly before he decides to change his mind!'

Samuel, who had been dodging all along, suddenly decided to counterattack.


When the great battle ax hit the ground and dealt equal damage as before, Samuel managed to dodge it because he had expected Colmano's track to be like that. 

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In Samuel's eyes, Colmano was very predictable because he didn't fight with his brains but only with all his muscles.

Samuel immediately jumped onto the battle ax and kicked the shaft down, causing the huge battle ax to sink deeper into the ground.

Samuel also immediately stood above it, making it difficult for Colmano to pull his battle ax back. Then with a quick movement, Samuel thrust his spear into Colmano's head.

However, Colmano raised his hands just in time. Samuel's spear eventually pierced his two arms which he crossed forward to protect his head.

Due to his muscles, Comano was able to stop Samuel's spear and keep it there.


Samuel realized his predicament. If he didn't withdraw the spear soon, then he would be stuck here. And Samuel didn't know what other attacks would come his way.

But if he let go of his spear, that meant he would lose the only weapon he had. And that's not much different from taking a fatal blow.

"HE HEHEH!" A laugh that sounded like the laugh of a madman came from Colmano's mouth. "I've got your weapon!"

There was not a single sign of pain on Colmano's face that he could see. Samuel knew right away that he was in trouble.

Colmano then swung his arms to the sides forcefully. Samuel, who didn't want to let go of his spear, was also thrown and hit the building with a strong force.

Luckily, the spear also slipped from Colmano's hand and was carried away with him.

Colmano grimaced. He just felt pain when the spear left his hand. But because he is very stubborn, Colmano still won't use his power of blessing.

"Use your blessings!" Cuzia said in a tone full of annoyance.

"Not yet!" Colmano replied.

"Arrghh!" Cuzia let out an angry growl. In the end, she took her anger out on Haru, Kiara, and Leyan who were her opponents.

Samuel, who didn't want to waste time while Colmano was still loyal to his stupidity, lunged from behind the mist and debris from the collapsed building. He ignored all the pain he was in to strike back.

The wound on Colmano's arm still hasn't healed so he shouldn't be able to grip his huge battle ax anymore.

It turns out, what Samuel thought was right. Colmano didn't pick up his battle ax even though it was lying right next to him. Instead, he lunged at Samuel with a vicious grin.

So Samuel lunged at him and then swung his spear. However, beyond Samuel's expectations, a person with a body scorched by flames approached quickly from the top of the building.


A small explosion was created when he landed. The man - Alessio - scanned what was happening around him and then said. "Let's get outta here, quick!"

Alessio immediately darted towards Colmano who was holding the artifact, knowing about the priority he had to take first.

"Hey! Let me finish them first!" Colmano let out a complaint like a child whose playtime had been forcefully stopped by an adult.

"Shut your mouth and let's get outta here!" Alessio let out a glare that looked deadly in Colmano's eyes.

"Grrhh... Alright." Colmano finally complied, though he looked reluctant.

Cuzia, who heard Alessio's order, immediately tried to separate herself from Haru, Kiara, and Leyan.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going!" Leyan spat out a curse while pulling his bowstring. But suddenly a huge fiery serpent came rushing at him with incredible speed.

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Leyan, Haru, and Kiara knew that they couldn't avoid it.



However, the huge thunderbolt that came with the person destroyed the fiery serpent in an instant.

"You guys aren't going anywhere," Clyde said coldly.

Both Samuel, Leyan, Haru, and Kiara both felt relieved when they saw him coming with a body covered in lightning.

Clyde didn't say anything else. He only immediately charged at full speed toward Alessio.

Alessio gritted his teeth. Now it seemed they had no escape. So the only way is to fight and win.

"Colmano, use your blessings now!" Alessio shouted.

Colmano was no longer stubborn, he immediately used the power of his blessing and immediately his body was enveloped in blazing fire.


Colmano rushed to get to Clyde before he approached Alessio. He raised his battle ax which was embedded in the ground with ease. 

His speed and strength had increased many times due to the power of the blessing and now he was even more dangerous than before. Even though Colmano before using the blessing already looks like a powerful savage beast.


The battle ax hit Clyde's sword and stopped his movement. Then Alessio also lunged toward Clyde.
