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Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 143 Sobbing
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"Huuu..." Clyde took a deep breath. Finally, this fight was over.

All the weapons he carried proved to be of little use other than inflicting a few non-fatal wounds. The rest he has to use his Mana to kill this dinosaur.

After seeing that the T-rex died with its head destroyed with severe burns, Clyde approached while taking his pickaxe.

Clyde looked at the pickaxe and wondered, could it be used to extract material from the T-rex's body? It sounds absurd but that pickaxe has runes that can extract ores quickly. So maybe it can.

The crystals on the back of the T-rex fell to the ground the moment the monster died. Clyde also saw changes in the T-rex's body, as if it had shrunk and weakened drastically.

So Clyde tried to use his dagger to cut the T-rex's skin. And it works!

The daggers with bad quality that previously couldn't even scratch the T-rex's skin can now cut the skin with ease.

Clyde was pleased that he didn't have to struggle to get rid of the skin and flesh to get to its bones.

Maybe it's because of the crystals that can make the T-rex have extraordinary strength and defense. Clyde will certainly take those crystals later too.

After finishing skinning and getting rid of the T-rex's flesh, Clyde started chopping its bones.

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He sighed in disappointment because there was no way he could take all the bones of this huge creature back to Hammer's place. So he had to come back here again.

Clyde looked for something he could use for rope and tied up some of the bones and crystals. Then he broke the gem on his necklace.

Instantly, his body was enveloped by a greenish light, and a second later he was back in Hammer's room.

Hammer was sitting on a chair. Her eyes widened when she saw Clyde coming. But what surprised him, even more, was what he brought with him.

Clyde returns with a large backpack that is definitely full. Then in both hands, there is a collection of bones and crystals tied with rope.

"Hey, can you use this to make something?" Clyde asked, lifting the crystals and bones with ease.

Hammer was still reeling from his astonishment when Clyde asked. Clyde had to shout one more time before he finally came to his senses.


"O-Oh..." Hammer leaned closer to Clyde and studied the bones and crystals. A wide smile appeared on his face as he noticed the quality of the bones and crystals.

"Yes. This is amazing," Hammer said in a low voice full of amazement. Then Hammer looked at Clyde with sparkling brown eyes. "How did you get all this?"

"I happened to meet a monster. So I killed it because I thought the bones would make good materials," said Clyde in a calm tone. As if meeting a monster in the Ruins and killing it wasn't anything big.

Hammer blinked his eyes several times quickly. "What?!"

"You heard me." Clyde dropped the bones and crystals on the floor. "If you find this useful, I'll bring the rest."

Clyde asks Hammer for the same necklace. The Dwarf immediately gave the necklace to Clyde before he asked twice.

Clyde returned to the Ruins after putting down everything he had brought. A few minutes later he returned with the remaining bones and crystals.

Hammer once again stared with awe in her eyes. He couldn't believe the mass of high-quality materials in front of him at this moment.

"It's been a very long time," Hammer fell to his knees with tears in his eyes. A moment later, Hammer started to sob.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Clyde asked, frowning in surprise at Hammer's behavior. What he was doing right now seemed to be in stark contrast to his biceps.

Hammer lifted his eyes from the pile of bones and crystals to Clyde. "It's been a long time since I got good materials to make something."

Clyde winced as he saw Hammer's hard, often-exposed-to-furnace face filled with tears and snot. But he also understands his longing for good materials. So Clyde decided not to criticize him too much.

"Alright. Take your time." Clyde took off his coat and leather armor. "I'll go practice first. Let me know when you're done making something."

Clyde then walked towards the exit of this room. Hammer asked something before he walked out.

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"You prefer a sword as a weapon, right?"

"Yeah. But I already have a good sword. You don't need to put too much effort into making me a sword. Just make a decent sword that doesn't break easily when Mana flowed with Mana," Clyde said.

Hammer nodded with determination. "You got it!"

Clyde left Hammer's smithy and continued to the plains to practice.

Even after doing a mission in Ruin - a world that is already on the verge of collapse - and killing a dinosaur filled with crystals that boost its power many times over, Clyde still feels his stamina and Mana are still full.

In the plain, he see again the usual people who were practicing. Clyde walked to the emptiest spot and away from anyone else.

For today, he wanted to train his lightning powers. Previously he could use it just by activating his [Skill: Pure Lightning]. Now he has to do it manually.

Clyde didn't notice, but most of the people who had been practicing before turned to look at him as soon as he realized he was entering into plains.

They were all looking forward to what other surprises Clyde would show them.

"Do you think he would want to train with us?" a man who still looked very young asked.

The older man beside him shook his head. "I'm not sure he wants to. You see how powerful it is, right? He is already at a level far above us."

Almost everyone thinks the same way they do. They knew that Clyde was a special case who could awaken his powers in a short time even after suffering heavy injuries.

Even the people who came with him were not as good as him.
