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Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 488 The Distraction
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Chapter 488 The Distraction



"What?" Rong Bolin asked in a whisper when he noticed Liu Xueyi being distracted. "Xueyi?"

Having been caught staring, Liu Xueyi blinked several times before turning his attention to his friend. "Uh, it was really nothing. I just…"

Ignoring what excuse his friend was planning on throwing at him, Rong Bolin followed the line of his sight. The moment his gaze met the person Liu Xueyi had been staring at, Rong Bolin's lips curled into an amusing smile.

"This is going to be nice," he coyly pointed out. "I bet Andromeda got herself into a wild competition."

"What?" Liu Xueyi shook his head. He could not comprehend the words Rong Bolin was saying as true. There was no way he planned on bringing another woman into his life.

Andromeda was the one he loved, and that was final.

"Stop sprouting trash, Bolin. There's no competition. I belong to Andromeda, and that is final."

"Sure. No one said you or she did not belong to each other. All I am saying is, if Yu An takes a liking to you, I can tell she is one who would stop at nothing to get what she wants."

Liu Xueyi tightened his jaw. His eyes held a certain look in them, but Rong Bolin wasn't bothered by it.

"You have to be careful. I am pretty sure she would invade using a business proposal, and I know you are not dull to not know what she would be after. Be ready for war. After all, being the centre of attraction for most ladies isn't the kind of spotlight one should jump into."

"And I won't. 90% of me does not trust her."

"Nah," Rong Bolin shook his head and poked Liu Xueyi's chest, "this is the part where there shouldn't be any 10% of trust," he advised.

"Isn't it okay to give one the benefit of the doubt? What if she—"

"Do not even think of going there," Rong Bolin interjected. His gaze darkened, and his expression became serious. "I can sense danger from her. It is best if you maintain your distance."

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"Bolin I…"

"No," Bolin cut in again, this time placing his palm on Liu Xueyi's chest. "Benefit of the doubt or not, Xueyi. It isn't your business, bro. Don't make such a mistake. Think of it as if she doesn't exist."

"Who doesn't exist?"

Both men stiffened as the familiar voice rang out behind them. As if on cue, they averted their gaze at the same time to the dashing young lady standing at their side.

'Speak of the devil.' Liu Xueyi noted inwardly. 'This is just about enough of a sign to prove she is a no-go area. Bolin is right. I must keep my distance.'

"Hello, handsomes," Yu An greeted, moving her body slightly while taking them in with her eyes.

She had to admit that she loved what she saw, from how their suits fit well against their bodies to their excellent taste in clothing.

"I'm Yu An. Thanks for honouring my invitation."

She extended her hand to Rong Bolin even though she stole side glances at Liu Xueyi and waited for the former to accept her warm greetings.

"Indeed. It is an honour too, Ms. Yu. I'm Rong Bolin."

"Oh, the business danger hound. Cool. It is a pleasure making your acquaintance." Rong Bolin flashed her a charming smile and took her hand while catching a sideways glimpse of his friend.

No doubt she did her homework well, but he was sure she knew Liu Xueyi's face all too well. And when Yu An turned sideways to do the same with Liu Xueyi, she did not need him to begin the intro and did it all herself.

"The well-known Emperor of the Entertainment World and top CEO in charge of the biggest fashion house in the city, Liu Xueyi. The words don't do justice to your handsomeness."

Yu An slowly bit on her lower lip, holding Liu Xueyi's gaze. "It's a pleasure."

"I see I do not need an intro," Liu Xueyi scoffed. "The pleasure is mine, Miss Yu. You have a nice party."


Both of them exchanged a handshake, and soon Rong Bolin took the lead of the conversation, trying to dig out a bit of information from her.

While Liu Xueyi watched from the side, chipping in whatever information he could to join the conversation, if he was wise enough, he'd realise it was Rong Bolin giving him a way to escape from the danger beside him.

Seeing that he did not take a hint on things, Rong Bolin took out his phone discreetly, his eyes scanning the party before sending a quick text to Eu-meh.

If Liu Xueyi won't save himself, who better than the lady with the man's heart to do it?

Walking over to the trio, Andromeda cleared her throat and took closer steps towards Liu Xueyi.

The second Yu An laid eyes on her, her lips curled up at the side, revealing a dainty smile. From the corners of her eyes, she assessed Andromeda, taking a careful look at the lady and trying to figure out a weakness.

"Hello hon." Andromeda leaned closer and attempted to place a peck on Liu Xueyi's cheek, when he turned just in time to get her kiss. 

"It shouldn't be wasted on my cheeks," he whispered to Andromeda, his smile betraying his excitement at having her present. 

Andromeda giggled lightly, her wavy blonde hair moving in sync with her head as she locked arms with him. 

Almost at the same time, Rong Bolin exhaled, feeling relieved that his message had been passed along.

It did not take Andromeda long for her gaze to dart over to Yu An. The gentle smile on her lovely lips spoke of her confidence as she extended her hand for a shake.

"Hi, I'm Andromeda Kai. Nice to meet you."

"Hello, Andy, I'm Yu An; the pleasure's all mine," she introduced, taking Andromeda's hand.

"Hold it right there," Liu Xueyi interjected. "Only I get to call her that, Ms. Yu."

Lifting her hand to cover her lips, Yu An blushed lightly at Liu Xueyi's cheekiness. She composed herself, giving him a nod of understanding before lifting her right hand to her side in surrender.

"As you wish. I shall use her full name," Yu An complied.

"Thank you." 

All in all, Rong Bolin was grateful for how the couple acted. First, with Andromeda sealing her mark on him with the kiss, and second, with how Liu Xueyi showed his complete dominance and possessiveness over his girl.

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"So, shall we take a walk? I'd love to get to know you more."

Understanding where this was going, Yu An gave a curt nod, accepting his proposal. "See you around then."

With that, both Rong Bolin and Yu An ventured off, leaving the couple alone. 

"Phew! I thought that wouldn't end," Liu Xueyi exhaled much to Andromeda's surprise. 

From where she and Eumeh stood, it felt like he was enjoying himself in the conversation and did not need saving until Rong Bolin's text message came in, requesting backup to save Xueyi.

"It seems you were enjoying yourself. You better thank Bolin later for the save, tsk."

Liu Xueyi blinked back severally. He did not understand exactly what was going on. 

"Don't be a slow poke, hon. You're smarter than this," Andromeda added, her eyes glazing over him. 

"What was that all about?" Liu Xueyi inquired causing Andromeda to halt in her steps. 

"It means, Rong Bolin tried to take her attention from you, giving you an escape but it felt you loved the attention."

"But…" she lifted her index finger to his lips, silencing him briefly. "I know you, honey. Your diversion can be misleading to those not close to you. I'm not angry. You're unique that's all."

The moment he got her compliment, Liu Xueyi felt giddy all over as his cheeks became a little hot. "Come love, I think this party has seen enough of us."

For Liu Xueyi though, he was happy he had seen what he needed to see. Now he could report to his family without any hic-cups. 

Howbeit, several watchful eyes had been glued to him. This was something he'd come regretting much later. 

As much as Andromeda wished to get going, she knew Rong Bolin left Eumeh for them. She did not want to leave the latter by herself till he returned. 

"But Eu..." Her words hung in her throat the second her gaze landed on Eumeh. The latter was engaged in a conversation with a tall black-haired man and did not look like she needed saving. 

"My thoughts exactly. In fact, that will be all Bolin needs to run back to her side and ditch Yu An with some other business partner. Why did you think he took a walk with her?" 

Andromeda gave a light shrug to his question. Satisfied with how things had played out, she nodded at him. "Sure, let's go."