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Earth's Greatest Magus-Novel

Chapter 276 - No Turning Back**
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Chapter 276: No Turning Back**


This chapter contains an explicit sex scene. Please read at your own discretion.



Emery could not deny that Klea was a gorgeous woman and her standing naked right in front of him, with both her hands teasingly covering her private areas made his blood boil.

He was trapped in a moral dilemma, his body no longer responded to his commands. This felt way worse than when he was bound and made unable to move by Lodos' powerful gravity spells. How could such a gesture be more powerful than magic?

A few palpable moments of silence passed and the situation was getting even more uncomfortable.

"Come on, Emery, be a man! Act like it!" He muttered to himself. He wished he could borrow a little bit of power from his bloodline, if only he let himself go and followed his instincts to ravish the beautiful creature offering herself in front of him.

Oddly, instead of being angry, Klea moved her arms and started helping Emery remove his own clothes.

He felt her trembling arms on him and realized Klea's confidence was decreasing by the second. Though he had no experience, Emery knew he had made the terrible mistake of making her feel even more embarrassed.

When Klea was halfway through helping him take off his clothes, Emery grabbed her arm, picked her up with both arms and slowly laid her down on his bed.

There was no turning back now.

Emery mustered as much confidence as he could and took off his clothes before moving on top of her.

Klea closed her eyes, their faces were just a few inches away from each other.

Emery started kissing her earlobe, giving it a gentle nibble, before going down and kissing the pulse of her neck softly and lovingly.

He caressed her body, feeling the soft skin under his touch.

As much as he tried to keep his composure, Emery's face started to redden the more he heard Klea's moans and he decided to kiss her on her cherry red lips. When their lips met, it was as if a spark connected the two of them and their tongues intertwined with each other in a dance for dominance.

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They continued the kiss until they could barely breathe.

When they finally separated from each other, a trail of saliva followed them.

For Emery, this was like exploring an unknown territory. However, instead of fear, what he felt was admiration for the woman below him and overwhelming happiness and excitement for himself.

Emery gathered his courage and started caressing Klea's body again. His deft fingers played with her fingers, while his right hand touched her cheek. Klea let out a trembling moan in response-


In an instant, the spell was broken.

The shocked Emery winced and removed his hand away from her.

With a mix of shock and burgeoning guilt, he looked at her and asked. "What…? Why?"

Klea turned around to the side, covered herself with the bedsheets and trembled. Her breathing sounded uneven and she bit her lip to calm herself before she managed to answer.

"Wha... did… did I do wrong?" Emery asked again, but Klea refused to look at him and he felt the pang of guilt in his heart intensify even more. Though he felt the abrupt loss of the connection they shared in that moment, he was more concerned about the woman in front of him, the beautiful woman he counted among his friends.

Finally, Klea looked at him and gave out a strained laugh, tears sliding down her face.

"Hah.. Silly Emery… How do I know If you did right or wrong?" She wiped a tear from the corner of her eye.

"Then… Tell me, why?"

Klea took a deep breath, closed her eyes and shook her head before answering. "I… I'm sorry, Emery… I don't think… I am ready."

Emery was stunned into silence.

"No, uh… I'm sorry… It's not you… I'm really bad at-." Klea stuttered. It was rare for the usually confident woman to be stunned like this. "I'm sorry, Emery… Please, don't be mad at me."

"No, Klea." Emery shook his head. "It's alright… I am not angry."

"Again, Emery, I am sorry… It's just that… I want it to be with you, but…"

"What do you mean?"

Klea calmed herself down, took a few deep breaths and began to explain her story.

She was the daughter of the pharaoh, and though she grew with everything she would ever need within her beck and call, she had to live with some expectations put on her since her birth. Most recently, her father had forced her to do her duty, marry her brother and provide a new heir for the dynasty.

She had agreed to marry her brother, but she had been avoiding the second part of the duty since then. She knew that when she returned, she would not have the chance to avoid it again.

Tears started to run down her face.

"What a crazy family… Isn't it, Emery?"

Emery patted her head and wiped the tears from her face with his fingers.

"Emery, I really like you and I want you to be my first… not that stupid brother of mine... But, I can't help but feel like we are doing this for the wrong reasons… Are we, Emery? Please, tell me what to do," Klea continued.

Emery could only hug her and stroke her hair. As much as he wished for the answer to come to him, it won't change the fact he knew nothing about her exact situation.

But, he was a noble. He knew and even experienced some of what Klea told him.

"Klea, remember… You are beautiful, you are strong, you are an amazing girl. People can force you to do something, but in the end, you can choose to do or not do it. You are the only one who can decide your own fate," Emery said.

Klea looked down without answering, but after a few seconds, her gaze started to brighten a little and her body stopped trembling. She looked up, met Emery's gaze and said.

"Thank you, Emery… I know what I should do now." Klea smiled and kissed him on his cheeks. "As for what happened just now… I feel really bad, if you… if you really want to, let's continue.,.. Err what do you think...?"

Emery let out a long sigh, kissed Klea on her forehead and rose up from the bed to retrieve his clothes on the floor.

"It's okay… Have a good night, Klea."

Emery put on his clothes and started to walk away from the room.

"Wait!" Klea called out. "Though we're not doing it… I am still going to live here with you!"


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Emery forced a smile before going out of the room and head to the other bedroom


Author Monthly Note: (no coin use will delete later)

Dear Reader, the month of May has ended and here are the total chapters of the month

Earth Greatest Magus 52 chapters

Blood Elf Monarch 38 chapters

Doomsday Pillars 7 chapters

I am happy to announce that this May I managed to write 25 more chapters compared to April.

I cannot stop to say how grateful I am for your support on the development of the three s universe; spirit magus chronicles.

This May, the Earth Greatest Magus has reached top 15 original male s while Blood Elf Monarch has received its Web contracts.? This gave me more confidence in my decision to be a full time writer. In the last few days, I have started to hand over most of my previous work responsibilities, therefore I believe this June I can write even more chapters.

I apologize for any part of the story that might be less than expected. Please be forgiveful as it takes at least 3 hours to write one chapter, not including idea generation and the occasional writer's block. Thankfully, your feedback has been very helpful to keep me focused on the story.

I would like to shout out to Jeff_Allen_1300, ShuRaSet, Airwalker, head_honco, herb_Kimbrough, Michael_Laughlin, Nydanos, and Alex_Proctor for being the top contributors for the .

Not forgetting Maggaeddeuk, Malthazar, BaiLouYin, Maddawg1808, and Jasteron for the top power stones votes.

Special thanks to the readers community in Discords who constantly encourage me and give me valuable inputs. Finally, many many thanks for the Editors and Proofreaders as this cannot work without you. Thank you. All your support really amazes me.

This coming June, for Earth Greatest Magus, volume 3 has started and Emery will start his journey and make his name as Knight and Wizard. I hope it will be a refreshing volume for you all.

The target that I set is 60 EGM and a total of 100 chapters for the month. Therefore, I hope for your continuous support.

Please check out the new Privilege tiers prices, there will be 5 more chapters for the highest privilege tier with a 10% increase in price. Also, note for my reader with a more limited budget, I ask you to join the newest tier 1 privilege with 99% discount. Your 1 coin per chapter will really help the to reach the new win-win events that's very beneficial to the . All will be ready in 1-2 days

In conclusion, thank you for the time to read the long announcement and I hope you all join the discord server for discussion, research image, and giveaway.

Once again, thank you for your support!