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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 814- Night Of The Raid (6)
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Chapter 814- Night Of The Raid (6)

"Really, Your Grace it's a pity that you are in the enemy faction. Having you by my side would really alleviate some of my burdens. Won't you reconsider joining my side" Cynthia offered. Nonetheless, the duke only remained silent.

"It's a pity. Anyways, don't say that I am cheating your grace. This is a war, to win one is allowed to use all kinds of means. Besides, I'm not obligated to answer to your question".

Duke Montford snorted "So be it then. I don't know who is supporting you, but you won't be able to take down my Castledor city".

Saying that, he got ready for battle. Ground around him bent, jutting out an earth spear which he held in his hand.

"Hmph, using my own air engine against me huh. However, a target like that flying so low is just asking to be attacked".

SWISH… right after his words fell, he hurled the spear towards the Air engine with all of his strength.

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"[Sacred Echoes]" a purple light broke through the air colliding with the spear just before it could hit the air engine.

"Hmm? Now that's surprising. I see Your Highness has prepared quite a lot of cards to fight me" Duke Monford looked at Cynthia's purple white persona and commented.

At this moment, the princess was covered in a purple white markings that raced through her body from head to toe. These markings looked exotic as well as ancient and graceful at the same time.

These markings glowed with an ethereal light, giving Cynthia an otherworldly look. It was not only her appearance that has changed, even her eyes and her way of talking were completely different than before.

"Be serious Duke, I know you are much more powerful than this".

"Haha, I'm just an old man who is getting left behind by the times now. Although, I may not be as powerful as I was in my prime, I will still keep Your Highness company"

Giving a rare grin, Duke Montford activated his skills. [Ultra Enhanced strength], [Ultra enhanced Agility], [Super enhanced defence], [ Super Enhanced endurance], [Agile reflexes], [Body Reinforcement], [Keen Senses], [Precision Strike], [Battle Aura], [Intimidating Aura], [Tempest Surge], [Mana Armour… [Visage-Zephyrus Armour].

The long list of rare and superior skills, was enough to even intimidate some of the most powerful adventurers here. Yet the most dreadful aspect of Duke Montford was not his drastically increased aura or his stats but the complete transformation that he had undergone.

At this moment, he was encased in an emerald green armour, a seamless ensemble of gentle and berserk winds swirling and pulsating together. The armour looked sleek, hugging the body and giving an elegant look to the user.

With every swing of the sword, blood of many would fall, staining the otherwise pristine white floor, red. Steeling himself, he continued to proceed forward until all that remained was a mountain of corpses.

CLACK… suddenly, Blake's leg stumbled onto something and he was about to fall down when Frida hurriedly caught him.

"What's wrong Blake? Why are you walking around in a daze?".

The man looked down and noticed that the thing that he stumbled upon was the decapitated head of the soldier captain. Looking at his cold and dim face now, Blake remembered the words he had spoken to him before his death.

"You monsters!! How can you still call yourselves humans after you commit such slaughter? Even if you kill all of us, the kingdom will never fall in your hands". The most update n0vels are published on novelenglish.net . Fɪre.ɴet

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To them, he and the others must have undoubtedly seemed like a villain. People who were trying to disturb their kingdom. The sword in his hand was stained with the blood of the soldiers of this land who bravely threw themselves towards him in hopes that their sacrifice would be able to help the kingdom.

For the first time in a long while, Blake felt that his sword was heavy and very difficult to lift.

"Don't think too much about it, we are doing everything for a greater purpose. If even that is not enough to lighten that burden you are carrying, know that no matter what you become or think of yourself, I will always love you"

Suddenly two gentle arms wrapped around him and Frida's comforting sounded beside his ears. Feeling her warmth, Blake felt energy return back to his body and his guilt ridden conscience was back to normal.

There can be no revolution without shedding blood, if his resolve was so fragile, he should have just sat back. However, he came here and followed her highness of his own volition, to return the huge favour he owed her.

This raid was no doubt the most difficult for the princess and the blood that flowed no matter which side, was of her own people. Nonetheless, her resolve was not something that could be shaken easily.

She was still fighting now at this moment, to reduce as many casualties in this battle as possible. So why was he standing here whining like a fool?

"I'm alright now. Everyone let's go" Blake nodded towards his teammates. As the leader, his attitude and mood also affected the team. As such, now that he was back to his usual self, the team's atmosphere also lifted up.

"U-Um… There is an underground route straight from here. T-The first prince is at the end, hiding inside the emergency shelter" Emma informed, leading them forward.

"Hello~" At the end of the underground route, in front of the huge reinforced door of the emergency shelter, were two children, one of whom was waving his hand towards them.

Blake, Wyot, Frida and the others instantly recognised them as the two children who were always surrounded by that peculiar demi human group. They wondered where they were all this time, now they knew.