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Dragon Monarch System-Novel

Chapter 444 444:-
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Nearly seven months prior, a formidable alliance had taken form. The fourteen small kingdoms banded together with Lewis, the former King of the Deep Sea Palace, and two other powerful 3rd-tier kingdoms. A formidable force was forged with one unified goal: to take down the Istarin Empire. An intimidating army of a million strong marched towards the Empire, their determination etched on their faces.

Yet, it was during this pivotal moment in history that Aditya, the lynchpin of the Empire, made his move. He single-handedly thwarted the million-strong army, demonstrating a level of prowess that left many astounded. More than that, he executed Lewis, the previous King of the Deep Sea Palace, sending shockwaves through the ranks of the attacking army.

Defeated and outmatched, the fourteen small kingdoms, along with the two 3rd-tier kingdoms, were subjugated and their lands annexed into the Istarin Empire. This integration resulted in a vast expansion of the Empire's territory, sprawling across nearly the entire eastern region of the continent.

However, the newly acquired territories of the fourteen kingdoms were far from a gem. They were the least developed parts of the region, plagued by constant strife and violence. Poverty was rampant among the populace, with food prices skyrocketing to unaffordable levels. Basic commodities became luxuries, creating a living nightmare for the common people. Security was a luxury they couldn't afford.

But, after the Istarin Empire's takeover, things started to change. Aditya, with his vision for a better future, invested heavily in the development of these territories. He practically drained the Empire's treasury to uplift the lives of the people, turning their nightmare into a dream of prosperity.

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Seven months had swept past, and with them came an astounding transformation. The living conditions of the people in the newly integrated territories had seen a monumental improvement. Additionally, the rate of crime, once an ever-present concern, had dropped significantly. It was as if a dark cloud had been lifted, revealing a new dawn of prosperity and peace.

Aditya was eager to visit this part of his territories to witness firsthand the fruits of his efforts. He yearned for a bit of solitude, a chance to think and reflect away from the usual clamor of the court. There were other minor reasons for his visit, each contributing to his decision to embark on this journey.

Aditya chose not to return to High Harbor City immediately. Instead, he chose to make a stop at a quaint little town nestled along the eastern coastline of the Istarin Empire. From this picturesque location, Aditya planned to travel by air to Mistwood City. This city, one of the largest in the Empire, sat right in the heart of the eastern region.

Mistwood City was intriguing in its layout. Unlike other parts of the Empire that were abundantly dotted with forests and mountains, this region was predominantly filled with expansive farmlands. There was only a small fragment of it covered by forests, which made it safer for the inhabitants. The threat of being attacked by magical beasts, a common fear in other areas, was nearly non-existent here. The people lived their lives in relative peace, their worries significantly reduced by the reassuring protection of the Empire.

Aditya, under the guise of William, finally reached the bustling city after a journey that seemed to stretch out for ten minutes. He had last visited this city around six months ago, back when it was a poor, underdeveloped shell of its current self. The transformation it had undergone since then was staggering - it now bore the semblance of a prosperous, bustling paradise.

He ventured deeper into the city, taking in the sight of the transformed surroundings. As he was soaking in the ambiance, a sudden disturbance shattered the tranquility. Out of nowhere, a colossal fist made of raw, pulsating energy materialized in front of him. He barely had time to react before the energy fist slammed into his chest with alarming force, sending him hurtling backward. His body crashed into the side of a nearby building, the impact causing the wall to crack and splinter like a spider's web. Groans of pain escaped his lips as he fought to steady himself.

Shaking off the daze, Aditya opened his eyes and caught sight of a woman sauntering towards him with an ominous gleam in her eyes. She spoke, her voice chilling and sinister, "Your Majesty, I've heard tales of the Divine Dragon Blood's immense power. You wouldn't mind me draining every last drop of your blood to enhance my strength, would you?"

Taken aback, Aditya responded, his voice icy and severe, "Who are you?"

"Well, perhaps introductions should come first," she said with an air of superiority. "I'm known as Vespera, but I wouldn't expect someone as high-and-mighty as you to know about someone of my humble origins." Aditya's senses were tingling. He recognized that Vespera was a cultivator at the Peak of the 5th order. I think you should take a look at

In response to her introduction, Aditya quickly composed himself and got up. He locked his gaze on her and queried, "Who sent you here?" His question hung in the air, dense with implications.

Vespera let out a soft chuckle, replying, "Your Majesty, too many questions can distract from a good fight." As she finished her sentence, she swiftly waved her right hand. Almost instantaneously, the ground in front of Aditya split open. Emerging from this makeshift chasm were hundreds of shadowy tentacles, all lunging straight towards Aditya.

Quick on his feet, Aditya concentrated his strength in his legs and leapt out of the way, landing on the roof of a nearby five-story house. The shadowy tentacles missed their intended target, instead devastating the entire house upon impact.

Vespera's voice then echoed once again, "No one sent me here. I am what they call a Rogue Cultivator - I don't belong to any particular faction or empire."

Aditya stood tall, looking out across the city filled with his people, a sense of responsibility flooded his heart. "What do you want, Vespera? Why bring this fight to the heart of the city?" he questioned, concern lacing his words. He feared the potential destruction of the city, the potential loss of innocent lives. He couldn't allow that to happen. He was their King, their guardian, and it was his duty to ensure their safety. He hoped to resolve the situation peacefully through dialogue, to find out her motivations and negotiate an agreement.

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Vespera paused for a moment, looking back at him. "Your Majesty, my name is Vespera, and I've been a rogue cultivator for what feels like an eternity, living a thousand years," she explained, an eerie calmness to her voice. "The select few who have come to know me, refer to me as the Enigmatic Sorceress. Ever since I was young, I've been in search of two things: omnipotent power and immortality. I have wandered through an endless number of cultures, kingdoms, empires, cities, and across all seven continents. But to my disappointment, I have yet to find what could grant me the immortality I seek."

"But aren't you already near-immortal?" Aditya interjected, "Being a Peak 5th-order cultivator, you could live for millions of years. You're powerful enough to defeat almost anyone, aren't you?" His words were firm, but the subtle flickering of crimson lightning around his body hinted at an underlying readiness for battle. His eyes transformed, turning red, the pupils narrowing into vertical slits, resembling those of a dragon. Red dragon scales began to materialize on his skin, covering him like a protective armor. The transformation signaled his preparedness for a battle he hoped he wouldn't have to fight.

"No, that's not the type of immortality I'm after," Vespera countered, a manic glint lighting up her eyes. "I don't just want to live a long life, I want to transcend the very concept of death. Yes, as cultivators, we might have extended lifespans, but almost all of us, 99.9% as you said, never live out our full life potential. I want to be an immortal that cannot be killed, not just one who lives a long time."

Her gaze turned fierce, locking onto Aditya with a fervor that took him aback. "For that, I need your blood. The blood of the legendary Divine Dragon. You cannot imagine how fortunate I feel to have crossed paths with you in my lifetime. It's as if the heavens themselves have given me a second chance," she continued, her smile broadening into a feral grin. "Your Majesty, your blood is the key to fulfilling my dreams."

Aditya's eyebrows knitted together, her desperate excitement sending a chill down his spine. "I'm not just going to hand my blood over to you," he replied evenly, "but if it's death you're so eager to escape from, I can give you that instead."

Without wasting a moment, he vanished from Vespera's line of sight. In the blink of an eye, he was behind her, whispering a cold "goodbye". From his outstretched palm, he unleashed a wave of crimson flame, the brilliant fire illuminating the impending clash in its ominous glow.


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