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Dragon Monarch System-Novel

Chapter 442 442:- A Winner
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From the grand balcony overlooking the underwater city, the view was breathtakingly beautiful, illuminating the unique architecture in the dim aquatic lights. It was here Zephyr found himself on the eve of his impending battle, the finale of the grand tournament, surrounded by his closest confidants.

His butler, Joseph, a humble man of mature age with a sincere concern etched on his face, began, "Zephyr, your final opponent is no ordinary adversary. It's Laura we are talking about. I'm sure your strength matches hers, but still, it'd be unwise to take the matter lightly. She is full of unexpected tricks, you see. It's crucial that you make the necessary preparations for tomorrow's showdown. Any slight edge can tip the scales in your favor."

Zephyr, the strong, muscular merman, flashed a cold, dismissive smile. "Joseph," he replied with an air of arrogance, "If you utter another word out of turn, I'll make sure you never get the chance to again." The threatening promise dripped with danger, causing Joseph to tremble in fear.

"My sincerest apologies, Zephyr. I didn't mean to overstep my bounds," Joseph stuttered out, bowing deeply in repentance.

But before the silent tension could spread any further, a new voice chimed in from the lavish couch beside Zephyr, "But he isn't wrong, you know. Laura is a formidable contender. If you're serious about ruling the Deep Sea Palace, you must prepare for the challenge she presents."

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Zephyr's eyes momentarily flicked to the source of this unsolicited advice – it was the son of Duke Avaron, a man who was more than just an ally. He was the successor to the powerful House Avaron, a house that had generously supported Zephyr in his journey to this pivotal point in the tournament. They were close allies, almost like friends. Zephyr gave a nod of acknowledgement before shifting his gaze back to the glimmering cityscape below.

A moment of heavy silence followed before Zephyr decided to break it, his voice dripping with subtle sarcasm. "Matthew, shouldn't you be in mourning right now? Your father just passed away a few days ago, didn't he?"

Matthew, the son of Duke Avaron and the newly appointed head of the Avaron household, smirked in response to Zephyr's question. He shifted his gaze upward, staring at the intricate mosaic patterns adorning the high ceiling as he gathered his thoughts. "Why would I mourn the loss of an obstacle?" Matthew started, an oddly carefree smile spread across his face, contrasting starkly with the gravity of his words. "My father was nothing more than a stone in my path to ascendancy. He clung to his seat of power with such stubbornness despite his advanced age, refusing to step aside. His demise has freed my path to take what rightfully belongs to me – the power, the wealth, the prestige... everything I ever craved is now within my grasp."

As Matthew continued to revel in his newfound authority, Zephyr turned his attention to a parchment lying on the nearby table. It was a detailed analysis of Laura's fighting techniques, strengths, and weaknesses. Picking it up, he glanced over the contents quickly before dismissing it with a scoff. "I don't need this to triumph over Laura. My faith lies in my fists," he declared with a confident grin, holding up his clenched hands, symbols of his might. "These fists will guide me to victory in the finals, and I will become the new ruler of the Deep Sea Palace."

Matthew was taken aback by Zephyr's arrogance. A word of caution lingered at the tip of his tongue, but he bit it back, fearing the wrath of his friend. He understood that Zephyr would not take kindly to being lectured. He was a merman driven by his pride and confidence, and any questioning of his abilities could result in a fury Matthew preferred not to deal with.



Scene change______

In the echoing silence of the packed stadium, Zephyr's voice rang out with arrogant bravado. "Laura, do you genuinely believe you stand a chance against me?" He erupted into a hearty laughter, the sound echoing through the arena. "Why don't you just surrender? If you admit defeat now, I can assure these fists of mine won't mar your beautiful face."

Laura didn't bother to dignify Zephyr's words with a response. Instead, she lunged towards him, her eyes steely with determination. Zephyr might have been an insufferably prideful man, but he had the power to back up his grandiose claims. Laura was no pushover either. Her strength was equally formidable.I think you should take a look at

The enormous, city-sized stadium was almost evenly split in terms of support. Half the crowd, the common folks and those who valued strength of character and grit, rallied behind Laura, cheering her on fervently. The other half, largely composed of the upper-class nobility, threw their weight behind Zephyr, their voices creating a formidable chorus of support.

As the fight commenced, Laura and Zephyr seemed evenly matched. Each took turns in escalating their strength, pushing each other to their limits. It was a battle unlike any that the Deep Sea Palace had witnessed in a long time. The tension, the palpable excitement, the thrilling back-and-forth – it was the kind of spectacle that etches itself into the hearts of the spectators, a memory that would endure for generations.

In the midst of their clash, Laura and Zephyr traded moves, their bodies fluid in motion, their attacks sharp and fast. To an onlooker, it would appear that they were fighting on an equal footing, but inside Zephyr's mind, a different story was unfolding. He was thinking and calculating, plotting the course of the fight and his strategies in the throes of their intense battle.

The battle had been raging on for almost two hours now. In that time, Zephyr had unleashed his most potent abilities and even his secret trump cards against Laura. He was prepared to throw everything at her to secure his victory. However, each of his attempts was met with a skilled counter from Laura. His most potent attacks, the ones that could shake the very foundations of the ocean, were effortlessly blocked by her. Laura was unscathed, not a single drop of blood had been drawn from her. In contrast, Zephyr's right arm bore the evidence of the clash, the skin was torn, and blood was seeping out.

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Perplexed and frustrated, Zephyr's mind raced, 'How is she so adept at blocking and countering my attacks?' Laura was the epitome of tranquility in the face of a storm, her face rarely betrayed any emotion. But Zephyr was different. He had always been overconfident and carried an air of arrogance. He had believed, in the beginning, that he would finish this fight within the span of ten minutes. However, Laura's unyielding persistence, her knack for countering his attacks and injuring him without taking any damage herself, it stung his pride and chafed at his inflated ego. He could feel the rage simmering within him, on the verge of boiling over.

'I will not lose to Laura. No one can stand in my way of becoming the Emperor of the Deep Sea Palace,' Zephyr mentally vowed. Bellowing out a loud roar, he launched himself at Laura with renewed ferocity. But his anger and frustration had already started clouding his judgment. It was the beginning of his downfall.

Laura continued to handle his attacks with a composed demeanor, unfazed by his show of fury. This only fueled Zephyr's rage further. His mind buzzed with a single question, 'Why can't I beat her?' The unanswered question twisted in his mind, driving him to the brink of madness. In the following minutes, the spectators watched in awe and disbelief as Zephyr, who had started the fight as a calm and collected warrior, slowly descended into an abyss of frustration and madness.

For the first time since the commencement of the grueling battle, a smile touched Laura's lips. It was a smile of victory, a satisfied glint lighting up her eyes. As Zephyr, succumbing to his rage, charged at Laura, he unwittingly strode right into the trap she had laid out for him. One significant vulnerability of the merman, along with many other oceanic creatures, was their susceptibility to certain forms of poison.

Laura had meticulously planned her strategy. The poison she had used was neither lethal nor severely harmful. However, it possessed a unique property, it induced a deep slumber in those affected by it. And just as she had expected, Zephyr was ensnared in her trap.

Zephyr's frenzied charge abruptly halted. His raging eyes showed a hint of confusion and disbelief. His body swayed and he slurred, "How...how could I lose to you?" With those incredulous words leaving his lips, his eyes rolled back, and he fell to the ground, succumbing to the effects of the poison.

The stadium went silent for a moment, and then erupted into a frenzy. "We have a winner! We have a ruler! Our new Empress of the Deep Sea Palace... Her Majesty, Laura!" The announcer's voice echoed throughout the venue, stirring the crowd into a thunderous applause.

The very next moment, every individual present in the stadium, regardless of their race or status, stood up in acknowledgment of their new ruler. They bowed their heads, showing respect to Laura. The nobles, who had until a moment ago supported Zephyr, had no choice but to grit their teeth and accept this outcome. A woman, Laura, was now their Empress, the ruler of the Deep Sea Palace.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!