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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 94 - 92: First Time Killing Another Human
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Alex smiled while looking at Diaz and his men's desolate backs. He was not fearing them trying something because they will not, they had a more important matter to do, instead of plotting against him. Alex was sure that Diaz and his men will be leaving town tonight, they did not have any other choice than to flee and lay low.

Sometimes it was better to crush your enemies' psychologies than directly killing them, you made them believe that they had no other choice than to do what you suggest.

Diaz and his men were going to have a life full of hardships where every day they will running trying not to stay in one place because there were wanted by both the Guild and Alex's family, naturally, in the latter case it was a lie, a lie there were unaware of.

Shaking his head Alex decided that it was time to focus on the main issue.

Then his eyes zeroed right into Larry, and when his eyes and Larry's eyes met, the latter felt goosebumps rise over all his body. These were the eyes of a predator that deprive you of everything. Diaz and his men had been an example of the man atrocity, for a moment Larry gulped.

However, how could he, a dignified young Master of a baronet house cower in front of a little gangster? That would be putting stain onto the dignified Fishburns family, gathering his courage Larry glared at Alex in defiance.

Alex smiled in amusement while inwardly praising the young man, early he had tried to intimidate him, not that he used any skill, he just pressured him with his level, not his full strength, though.

It should be noted that Larry's level was 25, while his four men's level was hovering between 22 to 24. As for the remaining two-man flanking Larry on his left and right, they should be the real star of tonight's show, they were respectfully Level 33 and 34.

''I should praise for coming up with that ingenious plan. Without fighting you made those four retreats. Bravo, however, do you think it does change something? Your fate tonight isn't going to change even with those fools out of the picture.'' Larry spat out viciously.

Smiling in front of the obvious threat Alex asked, ''So, what my fate tonight gonna be?''

''You will be beaten by my men until you will grovel in front of me begging for forgiveness. Then I will cripple you, before going after your woman and sister.''

Larry stopped talking and advanced a few steps forward, eyes tainted in madness he added,

''What was her name again? I think it's Gracier, what a lovely name for a half-elf, I shall taste her alongside your lovely girlfriend.''

''Indeed, it's a lovely name, not for the like of you to pronounce.'' Alex spat with a cruel smile forming on his handsome face. He looked like a demon ready for slaughter.

Then, he disappeared.

''Attention, Young Master.'' shouted the two men.

However, it was already too late for Larry to retreat or for the two men to come to his rescue because they got stuck in place by a powerful and suffocating pressure, it was Alex's skill Intimidation. The other four men couldn't also move because they were also feeling the brunt of the skill even though it wasn't aimed at them.

Meanwhile, Larry stood frozen in place, fear gripping his heart, he had spoken those words earlier in the hope to force Alex to recklessly attack him and his men will take care of him, yet what currently happening wasn't what he expected, he knew Alex had unusual movement skill, he had countermeasure for it(the two men) however he did not expect him to freeze two Rank 4 so easily.

Appearing in front of the frozen Larry, Alex punched him in the face broking his nose in the process, Larry's body was thrown back.


Alex appeared in front of still flying Larry, the latter hadn't even recovered from the last attack to be attacked again, however, this time Alex smacked the recovering Larry across the cheek, sending him spiraling across the air like twirling ballerinas. Ignoring his subordinates' astonishing look, he summoned Silveria and aimed at Larry who was still in the air.

''Don't you dare.'' Roared the level 34 swordsman, when Alex summoned that silver thing, the man knew their master would be in trouble, hence he roared breaking free from the skill, he dashed toward Alex to abruptly stop midway because Alex was now aiming the silver unusual object at him with a huge grin plastered on his face.

Bang! Bang! Bang!!

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The man heard, followed by blueish projectiles moving towards him at an extremely fast speed, he quickly brought his sword down cutting two of these projectiles, the last one was avoided by air breath.

However, before he could heave a sigh of relief he heard his young Master squealing like a pig.


Hastily glancing in direction of where the scream was coming from, the man found to his horror, Larry being nailed against a nearby wall by what he judged to be three shining blades.

All of this happened in a matter of seconds and before the man couldn't move toward Larry his heard Alex's voice coming from his back.

''Where do you think you are going?''

When the man heard these words, he could not help but gulp in fear because of Alex's insane speed, Alex's speed could rival that of Rank 5 top assassin. He hastily brought his sword behind his back to defend against Alex's attack.


The sound of metal colliding against metal could be heard. The man was astonished to be pushed back by the force behind Alex's attack.

'There is no doubt that the man level is above me? How this possible? Wasn't those four said he could at the most be level 25? What's going on here?'

All these questions were running through the man's head, however, he did not have the leisure to dwell in these matters for now because Alex had already aimed the strange silver object at him again.

Preparing to defend against the extremely speed projectiles that come out from the Silver object, the man saw that midway through his attack Alex abruptly switched target, he was now aiming the silver object at the other Level 33 who was by now freed of the influence of Alex's skill.

'Fireball' the man muttered and instantly a fireball the size of a soccer ball was created and sent in Alex's direction.

'Phantom Bullet.' Alex mumbled on his side.

The invisible bullet clashed against the incoming fireball.


An explosion occurred that send shockwaves in all directions, the Level 33 Fire mage was caught in the blast.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

However, he quickly jumped back to find himself in front of incoming silvers objects, his instinct screamed for him to dive down, so he did. He barely managed to avoid the face of being skewed by Alex Silver Bettie's.

Clicking his tongue Alex defended against the swordsman slash. He decided to finish this man because he was the more dangerous,

'Intimidation' Alex murmured.

Automatically, the swordsman feels suffocating feeling assaulted him all of a sudden, this was the second time he was experiencing this sensation.

''No good.'' The man mumbled as he tried to break free from the second, alas he needed seconds for this, and how could Alex give him that.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Alex fired three bullets incapacitating the man by shooting into his legs and in his sword hand. The swordsman was now laying powerless in the ground groaning of pain in his blood.

After finishing the swordman Alex moved toward the Mage who by now choose the safest option for himself, 'flee' beside the instant casting fireball spell, his other skills (spells) need a long chant, and having witnesses from the first row Alex's insane speed, and more importantly that dangerous object in his hand, the mage decided the best outcome for him was to flee.

Without looking back, he dashed out of the alley at a full speed in the hope of escaping.

However, his hope was going to be crushed.

Smiling Alex aimed Silveria at the fleeing man and fired.

Bang! Bang!!


The fleeing man fell and started moaning in pain.

Turning his green eyes toward the four men who stood frozen since the start because of surprise and fear, Alex smiled evilly.

Gulping audibly, one of the men said, ''We beg for your forgiveness Young Master Alex-?

''No forgiveness here.'' Alex cut the man short before incapacitating the four men in few seconds.

After finishing Alex started walking toward Larry who by now was pale looking, his earlier naughty expression was nowhere to be found, what was present was only fear of the man coming towards him.

''Don't come closer. Do you know who I'm am? I'm the second son of Baron Elton Fishburns you-''

''Noisy'' Alex muttered while ordering the Silver Bettie's to return.

Larry's body fell to the ground forcing him to moan in pain. Crouching down near the fallen Larry, he lifted his upper and slapped the man few times.


''Sthap, do- yhou- ple... please sthap, I'll dou anything.'' Larry pleaded after few resounding slaps, both his cheeks were swollen beyond recognition.

''Good, I want your storage ring. Remove your ownership and I will let you live.'' Alex said while placing Razor against Larry's neck.

The latter gulped eyes filled with nothing but hatred for the man in front of him. He was planning to do the same thing to Alex after thrashing him, yet he now going to suffer the same fate, how hilarious.

Smiling bitterly while planning to take his revenge in the future with the help of his Big brother who was going to study at the Imperial Magic Academy, Larry decided to remove his ownership from the storage ring.

However, right at that moment, something astonishing happened, Larry noticed the fallen Swordman winking at him before launching a small blade at Alex. Larry overjoyed because he had foreseen Alex's end. Unfortunately, as if he had an eye on his back, Alex dropped Larry and rolled on the other side avoiding the blade aimed at his heart.


Larry heard this sound and to his horror, the swordsman was now dead with eyes wide open because he did not expect his sneak attack to fall, blood was coming out of his forehead where the bullet went through.

Alex had killed him, it was an instinctual response, after avoiding the small knife, Alex automatically fired into the direction of where the attack came from to eliminate the threat.

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Silent descended upon the whole alley, Alex's hand trembled, he almost dropped Silveria, he had business to finish first.

Larry, on the other hand, was trembling in fear, after witnessing one of his men's death.

''S-spare me, young lord,'' he said not daring to look at Alex in the eyes.

It should be noted that he had never killed somebody, not directly at least, nor he had seen death up this close. Others were the ones doing the killing for him, at best the most horrifying thing he had seen was when one of his men thrashed a poor lad almost to death, on his order of course. So, currently, internally he was breaking down because he was a sheltered boy.

Not saying a word Alex stared at him with dead eyes, Larry hastily removes the ownership from the space ring and threw it in Alex's direction, the latter caught it and check it. After making sure he could check the content inside the ring, Alex smiled before pocketing it.

He approached Larry who was drawing back,

''W-what do you want? I have given you what you asked. My Big brother is now a student at the Imperial Magic Academy, he won't let you off if you c-"


Alex slapped him before locking eyes with the poor man as he muttered.


Instantly Larry's world shattered, he felt like he has been thrown into hell where there was endless suffering, endless grotesque monsters who had only one goal in mind, which was to eat his flesh.


With cracking sound, something within Larry's mind broke, his eyes turned like that of retard, someone that had lost his mind.

Dropping Larry's body as if he was garbage, Alex spat, ''Never have a design on my sister, and never have a design on my soon to be woman. From your way of doing things, this mustn't be the first you did something like this. Today you're got your retribution for all your past misdeeds.''

Alex stood up and gave one last glance at Larry who was vacantly staring into space as if he had lost his soul before leaving the alley full of moans of pain after collecting Diaz and his men money, none of Larry's fallen men dare to look at him in the eyes.

Once outside the alley, Alex didn't saw any passerby, suddenly he almost fell, using the nearby wall as support, he started puking now that everything was finished, he was feeling dizzy for a while, just after killing the swordsman.

〖Are you alright, Master?〗Silveria asked after the long silence. You could feel the concerns in her voice.

''I'm fine, I'm just feeling dizzy, it must be the aftermath of the fight. Sigh! I need something strong to calm down my raging emotions. Also, I need to contact Leena to inform her of what happened. She'll take care of the aftermath.''

Alex said before standing up albeit with difficulty, he was still feeling dizzy, he started walking in another direction, his new destination was a tavern.


Nickaido's here, for those of you who are wondering about the details on Alex's skill [Intimidation]

Here are the details.

Intimidation Level 5:

Duration: 15 seconds

Cost: 350 MP