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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 87 - 85: Dark Chocolate Is Good For Your Health
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Hearing Sera's question, Alex almost fell face first. He had forgotten the heaven-shaking change he went through, not only he became extremely handsome, his height had increased as well, let's not forget his short hair became longer as well. With all these changes it was almost impossible for anyone except his sister to identify the current Alex.

Larry's men started laughing, even Larry was grinning.

Looking at the five as they were some sort of clowns, Alex moved, passing through the four men and he appeared right beside Sera, who was surprised. Even Larry was surprised by Alex's move, his face turned serious.

Finally, the four clowns stopped laughing as they caught on to what was going on. They were surprised to see Alex in the middle of them, he was previously twenty meters away.

One of them couldn't help but blurt out, ''But how?"

Ignoring him Alex stared Sera in the eyes, ''I'm hurt, you haven't seen your hubby for only a few days and you already forget about him. I'm extremely shocked.''

Sera's lips twitched, staring at those beautiful green eyes finally she became aware of who this person was, she became even more surprised.

'No way, since when did he became this handsome? His height and hair increased in few days. He's indeed full of surprise.'

All these thoughts run through her head, however, she maintains her poker face as she asked.


''The unique and the only one. I'm here 'Ma chérie'.'' Alex said before taking her hand in his.

She did not shake it off because she was busy figuring out what that 'Ma chérie' meant.

Finally, not coming up with a translation she switched to another subject.

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''Where have you been since 3 days ago? Your sister was worried.''

Alex heaved a sigh, ''My apologies but I'm here now. I know how worried you must have been not seeing your hubby for a few days.''

Sera smiled and looked elsewhere, that gesture got misinterpreted by the others, Ms. Lisa smiled thinking 'Isn't your date finally here?'

While Larry's face turned livid at this display.

Sera on the other hand was doing her best not to curse Alex's shamelessness. He was taking advantage of her, his hand was now around her waist.

'What a pervert.' Sera thought.

Behaving as if he hadn't seen Sera doing her best not to curse him, Alex turned to face Ms. Lisa.

''Evening Ms. Lisa. Six boxes of Special Ice cream, please.''

''I'll be right back.'' Ms. Lisa said with a beautiful smile and started preparing the orders.

Meanwhile, Alex was flirting with Sera, who wasn't responding. From the onlooker's perceptive, it would appear like she was pouting, she was angry because her man left for days without informing her.

Larry, almost exploded in anger, especially when sometimes Sera will blush after Alex whispered something into her ears. This display of intimacy was irritating, he could have chosen to leave with his men but that would seem like he admitted defeat, that he was inferior to Alex, there's no he would do that.

Shortly later Ms. Lisa came with Alex's orders, if she had not come Sera was planning to slap Alex's hand from her buttocks. She was aware he was doing this to help her send away that annoying fly but the bastard had been taking advantage of her. Even if she knew Alex was doing this to make more realistic. Isn't bit too much? Never she would have thought, Alex was this shameless.

''Thank Ms. Lisa. We will be on our way. We will come to visit you another day. By the way, do you have Dark Chocolate?" Alex asked after paying the bills and stored the six boxes away.

Larry and men's eyes widened, for a moment greed flashed through their eyes. To think this handsome man had a space ring. His background must not be small. Larry became more jealous of this fact, however, when he heard the last part of Alex's sentence, he got a pretty bad feeling.

''I do. Do want to order some Dark Chocolates as well handsome lad?'' Ms. Lisa answered. She sells pretty everything here. From Ice creams to candies.

Alex smiled and added one gold coin, then he pointed his finger at the five men and said with a serious expression on his face.

''Not for me but for these gentlemen standing over there since sometimes already. I found that they have a heart problem. Just look at their faces.''

Ms. Lisa and Sera were sure that whatever Alex was going to say next would make them laugh.

Yet they still observed the five faces, indeed at the moment, they aren't looking good. They were clearly pissed off, especially Larry.

'Isn't it because they are pissed off? And you are the culprit.' Sera thought, nevertheless she still asked innocently.

''So what Dark Chocolate have to do with this?"

'This girl, she is doing it on purpose, women are sure scary.' Alex thought, yet he still answered with a straight face.

''You know from where am I, doctors says, I mean clerics say that Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidant flavonoids, which are healthy for your heart. Regularly eating this rich treat can decrease your risk of stroke and heart attack by 39 percent.''

''What are antioxidant flavonoids?" Sera asked, she was still acting innocently like a child without any bad intentions.

''That is not the point. The point is that it can help them. So, sell them dark chocolate worth 1 gold coin. You guys must regularly eat this, Dark Chocolate is good for your health.'' Alex added like someone doing a good action.

''Puh~hahahaha.'' Sera burst into laughter, she even held her stomach, Ms. Lisa was doing her best not to follow her.

Finally, understanding the meaning of Alex's move, Larry's eyes almost spit fire.

''You bastard.''

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''You welcome.''

Leaving these words behind Alex picked Sera up and disappeared.

Ms. Lisa did not know what to do, it became awkward, she had taken the 1 gold coin, yet she can't bring herself to sell the Dark chocolate to Larry and his men. She was not blind nor she's an idiot, from Larry's get up and a family name she knew he was a noble, better not offend a noble, or else she may close her store if the other party decided to find trouble with her.

Ms. Lisa sighed and decided to keep the money and knock some sense into Sera's man later. It's good to be hot-blooded when one is young, however, one must be careful, especially in front of a noble.

In this world background is everything, powerful family dictates the law, better not offend a noble, even if you are the most handsome man.

Unknown to her, Alex also has a last name, if she knew this. She would have only smiled bitterly and say, young masters, are sure arrogants.

Meanwhile, while Ms. Lisa was lost in thought, Larry's face went through astonishing changes, from red to purple then finally black, he looked like a cartoon character who was about to vomit. He was feeling extreme rage for being humiliated in front of his men and more importantly in front of the girl he was trying to impress.

Doing his best to not explode, Larry said to one of his men.

''Find me anything on the man who just left. Find where he lives.''

''Understood young master.'' the man responded before leaving.

Larry smiled, his smile was vicious. He was already seeing Alex groveling in front of him while he was enjoying his girl.

''Nobody ridicules me. You'll pay for today's affront.''

Spatting these words Larry left with his men after glaring at Ms. Lisa.

The latter could only smile bitterly, hoping Alex will not suffer too much.

'He is a good customer and a good customer is rare. Hope I'll be seeing you soon, not to disfigured, though.' Ms. Lisa mumbled inaudibly as she watched Larry leave with a vicious smile.