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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 73 - 71: The Covenant Part 1
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Night fell.

The last radiance of the sun vanished underneath the horizon, only to be replaced by the darkness that enfolded the world. The clouds drifting in the air were also smeared in a dark hue.

Alex was slowly walking back to his Inn. He was smiling as if he was amused by something.

〖Master why are you smiling like a fool since a while ago? Or it's because of what Leena said?〗Silveria isn't one who let go of a chance to tease her master.

'Indeed it's because of that.' Alex replied.

〖Happy are we? You are all fired up now you got her acknowledgment. She said you can try to win her heart. It's normal that you are happy. Please don't be because it won't be easy.〗Silveria said.

Alex heaved a sigh before he said, ''You don't get it, do you? I'm not smiling because of that. Sure it will be hard, extremely hard if not impossible but that not the point. You act as if you haven't seen the look in her eyes when she spoke. She spoke these words but inwardly she believes it's not possible, she felt amused as if it was some kind of game to her. Why is that? I'm not sure, maybe because of her status or background. Either way, I bet she was thinking it will be fun to watch me try. For her, it's must be like an adult watching a child try to gain something the former was sure it was impossible to gain. It's the feeling I get from her. I vow I'll make her mine one day.' Alex explained before ending with a vow, he seemed serious when talking.

In a black space, an extremely beautiful girl sat on a black chair, black chains were wrapped all over her body, some of those black chains were slowly breaking apart. This girl's expression was ice cold. She had been observing Alex and when she heard Alex's words her lips curled up a little to form something that looks like a smile, it was beautiful.

On the other side, Silveria smiled and said,

〖That is the spirit. I'm sure you will win her heart one day with this lady's help.〗

Alex's lips twitched, he refused to comment because he was sure Silveria will start bragging non-stop if he were to gave her the opportunity. She will say she was giving him a lesson on how to woo a girl. No, thanks.

Shortly later he arrived at the Inn, pushing the door open he went inside and as usual, it was crowded.

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''Looks who is back so late." said a regular customer, a man with a scarf, he was in his late thirty. Alex had often exchanged few words with him, this man was also an Adventurer and he was aware of Alex's date with Leena.

''Isn't our dear Rookie? His date must have gone well for him to come home this late. How lucky, come share with your brothers here some juicy stuff on your date. Maybe we will use your experience as an example. Come on.''

''Come on''

A friend of that man said, he was also a regular customer, an Adventurer as well. The other Adventurers nearby started shouting asking Alex to share some of the details and obviously he wasn't going to do that.

In that case, to be left alone there was only one thing to do,

''These gentlemen drink will be on me,'' Alex announced before slipping away.

''Ohhh!! That's what a real man should do. Cheers to our Rookie, may you last longer.'' the Adventurer who had talked first said while raising his cup.

''May you always stay so generous.'' Another man said with his cup raised high.


They cheered before downing their entire cups. Alex shook his head when he heard the man that wished for him to always stay generous.

Alex went toward the kitchen and saw Gracier working beside Ms. Lana, without turning back she said, ''Welcome back Big brother how was your date?"

''Evening Gracier. My date was wonderful. You seem busy. By the way, that apron suit you well.'' Alex praised Gracier.

''Thank you, Big brother.''

She smiled feeling extremely happy to be praised. Alex then turned to face Ms. Lana who had a smile on her face, whenever she saw him she always has a smile on her face, Alex wonders why.

''Welcome back Alex.''

''Evening Lana. Busy as always.''

''Yeah, extremely busy thank to Gracier it's easy to handle. She is a hardworking girl.'' Ms. Lana caressed Gracier's smooth red hair.

''That's good to know. Where is Lea I haven't seen her?" Alex asked while looking around. Since he entered he didn't see Lea.

''Oh Lea? I sent her on an errand. She should be back in a few minutes.'' Ms. Lana responded.

''I see. I'll be leaving I'm not eating tonight, I'm already full. See you tomorrow morning. Good night.'' Alex announced then added before leaving.

''Gracier take your time. I'll be waiting for you, come once you finish.''

''I will,'' Gracier replied before continuing her work.

''Good night Alex.'' Ms. Lana said as she watched the retreating Alex's back.


One hour later Gracier entered and saw Alex sitting on his bed eyes closed, he seemed to be meditating.

''Welcome back.'' Alex reacted to her presence.

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''I'm back Big brother. Time to tell me how your date went. You must go into the details if possible. I hope you scored some points.'' Gracier said as she sat on her bed. It seems that she came directly from Lea's room because she was wearing the latter nighties.

''Here take this. It's my gift to you.'' Alex said first, passing her a big teddy bear.

''Yeah, it's a teddy bear. Thank you, Big brother. Now I can sleep holding it.'' Gracier was extremely happy.

''You welcome. It's great that you are happy.''

Alex replied with a smile while also thinking,

'The teddy bear should be able to take my place. I can sleep peacefully now.'

''But I'm still waiting for your story.'' She still hasn't given up.

Alex heaved a sigh before starting to recount how his date with Leena went.

A few minutes later he had finished recounting, Gracier was pleased with Alex accepting Leena's offers. Now he had a powerful backer and someone she knew, she was glad.

''Huh! So Big brother was not from this world. This confirms my suspicion that you are not from here. You gave that vibe after all. I wonder how is your world. Is it beautiful than our world?" Gracier asked curious about Earth.

''Even if I haven't explored this world yet I can say my world is more beautiful because of its countries and advanced technologies. Earth is really beautiful.'' Alex said thinking about those beautiful countries on Earth.

''That great. It would be wonderful if I was able to visit it someday.'' Gracier said hopefully.

''I doubt if it is possible,'' Alex said broking Gracier's hope. Back then Goddess Mea had said it was impossible to ever go back. She may be lying but he doubts it was the case.

''I thought so. So, the others are already in the capital. Why did you stay behind?" Gracier asked.

''It was because I had something to do first. I'll be leaving for the capital soon.''

''I see. I hope I'll follow you there.'' Gracier said hoping to follow him to the capital.

''You will first we need to talk,'' Alex said in a serious tone.