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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 59 - 57: Imperial Ants
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The two continued to advance inside the forest. They had walked in the forest for about 30 minutes. Strangely they did not encounter any other Soldier Ant nor they encounter any other kind of monster, the forest was eerily quiet for some reason.

''Why we are not encountering any monsters? I wanna fight.'' Gracier says frustrated.

''Who knows. Maybe it is because there is a powerful monster inhabiting this part of the forest.'' Alex explained.

''I see. I wonder what kind of monster it will be.'' Gracier said.

''Obviously, it is a Queen Ant,'' Alex said, sure of his guess.

〖Fufufi, Master, you just want it to be a Queen Ant. No need to be shy just say it.〗Silveria teased him.

Rolling his eyes, Alex thought about the information he got from Leena. It was said their test will take place in the Zilya's Mountain Range next week. It has been more than two weeks since he came into this city. He made several encounters, he even got himself a little sister, said little is talented. This was just the start, his ultimate goal did not change, he will become the strongest, but for now, he can slowly take one step at a time. At least he must become Level 15 today before going back

''Big brother, something is coming from the other side.'' Gracier suddenly said as if she sensed something, because of her race she was more sensitive than Alex a human.

Immediately Alex activated his Divine Sense skill, a mini-map appeared in his mind. Indeed as Gracier said, something was coming from the other side, to be more accurate it was a group of monsters, Six red dots moving at fast speed and a little further behind them was a group of little red dots, they slower than the first group.

Alex did not have time to check more information on the second group because the first group will be upon them soon. He immediately summoned Silveria and aimed it at the sky. Gracier was surprised because of his action. Not explaining anything Alex ordered,

''Prepare your fireball spell and be ready to shoot it.''

Gracier nodded her head before chanting,

『Flames hear my call, gather and become the sword that mows down my enemies: Fireballs』

As she finished three fireballs the size of Basketball appeared in front of her. As usual her speed of chanting was ridiculous, Gracier removed her eye patch, her heterochromia eyes stared fixedly at the sky like a hunter waiting patiently for its prey to appear before finishing it.

''There are here,'' Alex announced.

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The enemies appeared from the other side of the forest, there were flying in the sky. It was Soldier Ants but not the normal one. These flying Ants looked larger than the Soldier Ants the two had killed. Moreover, they had wings growing from behind their necks. This type of Soldier Ant is called Imperial Ant, they are akin to the Queen Ant personal guards. If they appear, this would mean the Queen Ant was not far from here.

Smiling the two did not give too much time to the Six Imperial Ants to attack. Alex was the one to first attack, he fired Four bullets toward the Imperial Ants.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!


Though the Imperial Ant flying at the top avoided the attack after emitting a strange cry, the Imperial Ants that flew behind it didn't fare so well. One bullet went through that Imperial Ant's head, instantly killing it, two bullets among the other three bullets tore through the wings of another Imperial Ant. Most of the upper body exploded after it fell onto the ground.

Before the remaining four Imperial Ant could attack they suddenly felt suffocating feeling forcing them to stop for a second, it was all it took to seal their fates forever.

Gracier had used her left eye, her dragon eye to pressure them, then three fireballs flew straight at the four,

Boom! Boom! Boom! Bang!

Three Imperial were obliterated while the previous Imperial Ant who had avoided Alex's bullets in the first attack died because Alex used the chance provided by Gracier to kill it.

''No fair Big brother, the remaining four were mine.'' Gracier pouted.

''If you're not quick enough you will not see anything left.''

Leaving these words Alex used his Skill: Blink and vanished.

Left behind Gracier's mouth twitched as she muttered ''This is calling cheating, you're bullying me, Big brother but I won't let you gobble everything.''

She dashed toward Alex's location.

Meanwhile, Alex who used his Skill: Blink, appeared Ten meters East. Coming from the other side of the forest were dozens of Soldier Ants. They were startled upon noticing the human that appeared out of nowhere.

The left side of Alex's lip tugged upwards creating a sinister smirk on his face; casting a spell of battle lust to eyes that dare look his way. The Soldier Ants flinched and Alex wasn't going to let this chance slip by, therefore with his left arm, he launched Three Black Betties (His throwing knives) at the three Soldier Ants located at the front while with his right arm he fired Five bullets.

Bang! Bang! Bang!!!

Six Soldier Ants were eliminated in a matter of seconds while finally, the remaining Ants became aware of the danger the human who appeared represented, they tried to scatter to avoid the fate of being killed.

When Alex wanted to continue, he felt a sudden increase in temperature without looking back he Blinked to his left.

Shortly after Alex left, a snake two meters long made of flame appeared and slithered toward the scattering Ants, the Fire Snake wrapped itself around two Ants burning them quickly, after finishing the two the Fire Snake did the same to another two Ants. The remaining three scattered to their left to be burned by Two fireballs, the size of Basketball.

Alex stood there dumbfounded as he stared at the event unfolding in front of him. Quickly, the Soldier Ants were dispatched and Gracier appeared slightly panting, however, she was smirking as if telling Alex 'This time I've won'

Alex sighed at Gracier's moves, he was caught off guard, he had never thought that she would use that spell coupled with the Fireball spell. He was not a Magician nor he had knowledge about this world's magicians but he was sure that Gracier is a talented Magician when it comes to Fire Magic, to be able to quickly cast two different spells as she did showed who talented she was.

Shaking his head Alex mumbled status, immediately his status appeared before his eyes, looking at his status Alex couldn't help but smile.


[Alexander Touch]

Class: Magic Gunman

Age: 17


「 Rank 2」

Level 14

Experience Value (XP): 1280/1500

Magic Power: 1290 (+ 30) ✒ 1320

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Magic: None

Attack: 230 (+10) ✒ 240

Defense: 195 (+ 10) ✒ 205

Agility: 230 (+10) ✒ 240

Intelligence: 230 (+10) ✒ 240

Luck: 180 (+10) ✒ 190

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Normal Appraisal Level 5] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 2] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Blink Level 1] [Knife Art Level 2]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] 』

''A little more and I'll become Level 15. I'm sure that I'll be able to step into this Level before going back. Well, after killing the Queen Ant." Alex muttered after checking his status, he had already added his 20 BP to his MP stat as usual.

〖And where did you see a Queen Ant?〗

Silveria asked Alex who seemed sure of the apparition of the Queen Ant, she didn't sense any other presence after the Ants the two had just killed.

Smiling Alex said, "Just wait and you'll see."

"Gracier let quickly collect the proofs of subjugation."

"Okay Big brother. I'm Level 9," Gracier announced proudly.

Alex who was collecting the Soldier Ants daggers like protrusion stopped for a moment before sighing thinking how unfair like can be. Just one day and she leveled up eight times, if he had that chance back then he would be Rank 3 by now. Shaking his head Alex congratulated Gracier before the two continued collecting the proofs of subjugation.