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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 54 - 52: Gracier Awakening Part 1
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~Gracier POV

I was born in a small-sized village located in the Zilya's Mountain range, my village name is Gato and I'm Gracier.

Being raised by a single parent, my mother was not easy, we were poor, still, we were happy.

When I turned five I asked my mother a question.

''Mother, where is father? How come I have never seen him?"

It was on that day that I saw my mother who was also cheerful even when things were not going well for us to turn gloomy all sudden. That looks in her eyes that day I could never forget, her eyes were filled with hatred, the five years old me at that time was scared, having noticed my state my mother finally calmed down and lied to me saying my father was out, he would surely come back.

Maybe it was her wish as well but I never saw my father even when I turned thirteen. Finally, my mother told me what happened before I was born. My father was an extremely handsome Elven Adventurer who stayed in our village for two months, he had some kind of mission to accomplish in the mountain.

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Being a young maiden herself, my mother quickly fell in love with the man, the man also seemed to have fallen in love with the most beautiful woman in the village. My mother was indeed beautiful, beautiful face, nice form, she had long black hair and black eyes, something completely unusual. Some said that my mother wasn't a native of the village, she was brought here when she was fifteen years old by whom, nobody knows. I even asked my mother if she wasn't from here after noticing that sometimes she seemed to be lost in thoughts, staring in a certain direction, the response I received when I asked that day was only a pat on the head and a smile.

Coming back to my mother's story, the two started dating, everybody happily congratulating the two, the new lovers quickly consummate their union, one month later my mother was pregnant. Naturally, she informed my father, his reaction at that time was, well he turned stiff not saying anything. My mother thought that he was too shocked to talk, she decided to let him the night to digest the news, unfortunately, the next morning my mother became aware that my father had left, leaving Five gold coins behind.

Astonished my mother thought maybe my father when to run some errands in the city, he went back to retire as Adventurer before coming to take care of his family. Everybody in the village believes that, however, the reality was cruel, the months passed yet there was no news of my father, he seemed to have disappeared completely. Even the old village chef went to the city to inquire about him, it was then he learned that he had already left since a months ago, going back into his hometown located on another continent.

The old village chef come back and lied to my mother saying it seemed that my father went on a long quest. Being intelligent herself my mother soon understood. She cried all day blaming herself for being a naïve girl who believed the man's sweet words. The bastard left her after learning that she was pregnant, he even dared to leave behind Five gold coins as if she was some kind of slut. My mother was furious, she hated my father more than anything.

Live continued until she gave birth to me, having seen my innocent face when I came into the world, my gloomy mother became happy all of sudden, she decided to raise me with all her love and care. Finally, she used the money the bastard had left behind to raise me.

After listening to my mother's tragic story, I comforted her as I could. I knew why she had told me her story, it was to make me aware that men can not be trusted. As for the reaction I had when I heard about my father's deed was, well truth be told I didn't feel anything, no hatred, no loathing at him. Will you feel anything for someone you had never seen? Someone who was not part of your life until you grew up? I think the answer will be no.

Nothing changed, apart for me being reserved when dealing with the young males in the village, being the most beautiful girl in the village, I had a lot of suitors, I even had a childhood sweetheart named Marcel, we were always together with her sister who was also my best friend. Everyone inside the village thought that we will finish together. After hearing my mother's story, I started distancing myself from him because I had developed distrust toward men in general. When he asked me why I was becoming distant, I lied saying that it happened like that, it was a woman's thing.

I continued to live happily with my mother, my friends, and the other villagers. One year passed and I was now fourteen.

It happened two weeks after my birthday, I was happily playing in the field with Ellen my best friend also Marcel's sister. She excused herself saying she had something to take care of, I decided to wait for her, I waited for two hours without seeing her, even though the field was a little far from the village, it should have not taken her so much time to come back even if she had something to do.

Something must have happened, I started running back to the village, to my horror the scene I saw when I neared the village make my blood turned cold, my breathing quickened, from afar I saw the whole village burning and monsters running here and there, they were slaughtering the males like they were livestock, the women were captured, clothes ripped apart before being played with, I even saw my mother fighting against monsters for a while before being captured, she shared the same fate as the other before being killed in front of me.

I stood there frozen, not knowing what to do, it was Marcel who brought me out of my stupor, he asked me to run from the village, he would distract the monsters while I would run.

''I refuse, let me fight alongside you,'' I said refusing.

It was that day I saw a furious Marcel for the first time, in a harsh tone he spoke,

''Go, do not waste this chance, go and live well. And it's possible please avenge us, avenge Ellen.''

It was then I learned that Ellen was already dead, tears started running down my cheeks, my voice became hoarse, with the village chief joining Marcel and telling me to also run, I finally left without looking back because I was sure that I'll go back if I did that.

Running in the direction indicated by the village chief, I saw a caravan going in the same direction as me. Thinking that maybe I would be saved, I stopped the caravan and explained what happened to our village in hope that maybe the men looking like Adventurers would go rescue the few who may still alive, unfortunately, Dame Luck was not with me, I was captured by the men I thought were Adventurers.

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Once more I thought that men should not be trusted, they tell me to tell them my problems maybe they will help me yet they captured me instead of helping me.

Fortunately, when I was brought inside the city, I managed to escape, however, I was still captured by the men and when I was thinking maybe my fate as a slave was sealed he appeared and saved me, me who was a stranger.

After rescuing me he said he would deliver to the orphanage, logically I should have accepted yet I refused and asked him to take me with him. He acceptedd after thinking for a while, it was how I encountered Alex.

After telling him (them: The Moonlight Inn proprietress and her daughter Lea) my story, Alex accepted me as his sister when I told him that I want to become an Adventurer like him.

The same night after my rescue I slept with him on the same bed thinking maybe he was like the other men, he may assault me in the night, strangely he did not do something like that, I had a nightmare, he even calmed me down saying he was here, even though I was deep in sleep I still heard these words I slept peacefully after hearing them.

From then onwards I decided to become his sister for good, he was different from other men. I vowed to become stronger to one day watch his back, fighting alongside him. That is my dream.

Big brother Alex was full of surprises, he did something to me, he helped me activate my innate talent, astonishingly I had a Gift something only the biggest families have.

After awakening my Gift I changed physically, I became more beautiful, my left eye turned golden while my red hair became longer and more colored. I could feel power coursing through my veins.

With this new power, I was sure that I could accomplish my dream to fight alongside him.