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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 187 - 185: Inner Zone And Experimentation
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Twenty minutes later Alex stood up and dusted himself, he had regained more than half of his power, he decided to go into the Inner Zone, he must experience how hard this zone was going to be. 

Just as he was about to advance, he heard Silveria's voice inside his head.

〖Congratulation on clearing the First zone: the Outer Zone. Because you've killed a Mini-boss, the boss of this zone, you got a privilege, you can check your status. Do note that it's a one-time use, the next time will be after you killed the Mini-boss of the Inner Zone. Wish you good luck.〗

''Well, it's a good thing I can now check my status even if it's one-time use until I manage to kill the next Mini-boss. I wonder if the Core Zone only has a Mini-boss or it has both, Mini-boss and Boss?" Alex thought. 

〖You'll find out once you stepped into the Core Zone.〗Silveria commenter. 

Alex chuckled because from Silveria's comment, he was able to find out that the Core Zone probably has Mini-boss and Boss at the same.

''Well, I'm not afraid of a challenge, what I'm afraid of it's not progressing. Let's check my status.'' Alex said before thinking about checking his status. A blue window panel appeared right before his eyes.

『[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunslinger

Age: 17


Race: High Human

「 Rank 7」

Level 64

Experience Value (XP): 800/18700

Magic Power: 5010

Magic: None

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Attack: 1020 (+30)  ✒ 1050

Defense: 910 (+30) ✒ 940

Agility: 1020 (+30) ✒ 1050

Intelligence: 910 (+30) ✒ 940

Luck: 700 (+30)  ✒ 730

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 1] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 3] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 3] [Gun Art Level Level 10] (New) [Normal Regeneration Level 5] [Mana Recovery Level 5]

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] {Erase} {Magic Bullet} {Snatch} [Hellsing] [Xerox] 

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn]』

Alex's eyes shined when he saw that he had gained 30 points. Comparing to last time, he had gained more, it was probably because he just cleared the Outer Zone. 

Looking toward the Inner Zone, Alex's eyes glittered, instead of seeing a dangerous training zone, all he was seeing at the moment was a piece of juicy meat ready to devoured by him. 

He licked his lips before shaking his head, his eyes turned serious, and he started walking toward the Inner Zone. Now, that he had recovered his MP, there was nothing to fear.

After walking for few minutes, Alex left the Outer Zone, the green forest full of vitality, and stepped into Ice land, in front of Alex was an Ice forest, there's snow everywhere, the temperature was cold making him almost shiver, if it was only that Alex wouldn't have ground his teeth, the gravity here had increased by 100 kg making the Inner Zone's gravity to be around 350 kg. 

''This gravity here is reducing my speed by ten percent, I must quickly get used to the gravity here or else I'll be at disadvantage.'' He said before he started to walk forward. 

Alex who had cautiously in the Ice forest suddenly stopped and readied his weapons, because his Divine Sense was activated he was able to detect the incoming monster.

This monster was too fast Alex couldn't shoot the monster before the latter attacked him. 

Dodging the blow by stepping sideways, Alex's knife cut through the monster's neck. 

Alex quickly cleaned the blood on his cheek, even though he had dodged, he was still injured by the claw of the monster, the monster was too fast. 

His eyes widened when he saw the Snow wolf (pure white fur) in front of him, not because it was a wolf but because normally this Snow wolf should be gravely injured after receiving his attack, he should be unable to move, yet it was not the case, the wound the Snow wolf received was regenerating at a visible rate, in a matter of 10 seconds, the bleeding stopped, even the wound itself disappeared.

''Hoh! So monsters here have a special ability. To think the monster I'll encounter here will have the ability to regenerate. In other words, the only way is to deal heavy damage in a single blow without giving it time to recover

or something like that.'' Alex was really surprised.

By the way, the Snow wolf in front of Alex is Level 35, he did not immediately attack Alex as his sneak attack has fallen, even though he had managed to injure this human, the latter wound healed itself faster than him, thus this monster became cautious against the young man in front of him. He was waiting for his two brothers to come over and they will finish this young man. 

Unbeknownst to him, Alex was already aware of the incoming monsters. He suddenly had a genius idea, he decided to test it out. The 1st seal of his Death's eye can help him put his enemy inside an illusion, he can manipulate this illusion to their worst nightmare. Then, it's possible to alter this illusion to not be about experiencing a nightmare but to be about something else.

For example in his current case, make the enemy in front of him not see him as an enemy but the two wolves planning to sneak attack him as the wolf's enemy? To see the two wolves as Alex, not as a wolf? 

Alex wondered, he decided to test it, removing his eye patch, his blue eye locked the Snow wolf in place. Under such chilling eye, the Snow wolf felt terror for the first time since he appeared, that eye isn't something a human should possess, the Snow wolf wanted to flee, however, he could not move no matter how hard he struggled, he could only helplessly watch as Alex's right blue eye locked him in place and his mind went blank, he saw a scene where Alex massacred his entire family while laughing, besides Alex was another figure who had participated in the massacre.

This figure's feature was a little bit blurred, unclear, somehow, this figure looks like Alex. 

Furious after witnessing the massacre of his family, the Snow wolf attacked Alex with all his might, he decided to detonate his body to bring his hateful enemy down with him, if he was able to bring down the second slaughterer as well, it will be good. However, the one the Snow wolf wanted to kill the most was Alex.

~Back in reality.

Alex smiled when he saw his plan worked, he quickly distanced himself from the wolves. Being attacked by their brother was out of their expectations and before they could say anything, the latter detonates his body.


One between the two wolves was instantly killed by the explosion, the remaining one was gravely injured, he couldn't move a muscle. 

He saw the despicable human who was responsible for their brother's unusual behavior. 

''Thank you for taking part in my little experimentation. It was not perfect but it's acceptable.'' Alex said before beheading the injured Snow wolf. 

Clap! Clap! 

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Just after he killed the Snow wolf, Alex heard clapping sounds. Even without turning around to confirm who it was, he knew that it was Silveria who appeared behind him. As for the reason for her applause, 'It must be because of the technique I just created.' he thought.

''Well done Master. To think you'll be able to come up with such a technique. It's pretty unexpected. Against two lower Rank enemies, this technique will be a nightmare, you'll be able to force them to kill each other.'' Silveria compliments him.

Finally, turning his Silveria's direction, he said dejectedly,

''Well, as you can see it's not perfect. I was only able to make him focus on one enemy. A pity.'' 

''Don't worry you'll have the time to perfect this technique later.'' Silveria tried to comfort him. 

Alex smiled hearing Silveria's words. 

''For you to appear now, I must assume that it is time to head back?'' 

Silveria nodded before flicking her fingers, the scene changed and Alex saw he was back in the real world. 

Looking at his body, Alex felt uncomfortable, he decided to go take a bath before joining his sister as it was already the hour for dinner. 

After leaving his room he saw one of his butlers standing in the corridor. From the look, he seemed to be waiting for Alex to come out.

And when he saw Alex, he curtsied, ''Good evening, master.'' 

''Evening Karl. You seem to be waiting for me. Is there anything you want to inform about?" Alex asked. 

Karl immediately explained the reason why he had been waiting for Alex. 

''The young miss said you must not wait for her before eating, she has already eaten. She said she'll be training.''

''I see. You can go back and tell Anna, I'm coming to prepare the dinner.'' Alex ordered. 

Karl slightly bowed before leaving. 

Once alone Alex sighed, he contemplated whether or not he should visit his sister to check how she's doing, however, he decided not to. Under Ignia's supervision, nothing bad will happen to her.

''Let's go eat, Nemesis.'' 

As if to respond to Alex's words, Silveria appeared beside him, the two left.