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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 185 - 183: A Nasty Feeling
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After roaring, eyes full of madness, Damien calmed down. Sitting on the ground he started pondering.

''What happened?'' 

''Alex's master must be protecting him, it's why this happened. It was an unwise move I shouldn't have ordered grampa Stone and others to do that. Sigh! There is no need to cry over spilled milk. What I need to do now it's to deal with Alex.'' 

Damien said, his eyes were vicious. None of the men he sent to monitor returned alive, well, Stone returned but he just said few words before passing away. He must make Alex pay. 

For a moment he considered summoning Slade over, but decided not to, at least for the moment. 

''I should be able to take care of Alex myself,''

he mumbled before ordering his men to incinerate Stone's body and kept the inside an urn to bring it back to the empire. 

Today lost must be repaid.


On Alex's side. Unaware of the tragedy suffered by Damien's men and his hatred toward him. And even if he knew, he couldn't care less, Alex was holding a party with his sister, Silveria, and his employees. 

It was Gracier's suggestion, she was adamant about it, Alex could only relent. When Alex recounted what happened, Gracier and Silveria congratulate him with Gracier suggested that they should celebrate it. 

After the party, Alex directly went to sleep.


The next day after, class started as usual and after class ended, Chris leave these words before leaving, 

''Train well. Mock battles are about to start.'' 

The student's eyes shined as they were eager to prove themselves. Leonardo glanced at Alex and smirked, he couldn't wait to teach Alex a lesson in the incoming Mock battle. 

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Suddenly, Alex who was silent for a while stood up, his figure blurred startling his friends and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Damien. 

Without giving him the time to speak, he punched him in the face. It was a fast and powerful strike, he used seventy percent of his strength. Damien was blasted back, his nose was broken, blood was dripping out of it. 

Silence descended upon the whole classroom, every single individual present inside the classroom was astonished by what just happened. They couldn't understand why Alex went and punched Damien.

Leonardo's eyes turned serious, even with his speed, he almost couldn't follow Alex's movement. 

'Hehehe, you're not half bad, however, do not get full of yourself. I'm faster.' he thought while grinning.

Coldly looking at Damien who was surprised as the other because he didn't expect Alex to punch him in public, Alex said, his voice was freezingly low, it sent chills down to people's spine.

''Next time you tried something like yesterday I'll kill the moment I see you. She's not yours and she'll never be.'' 

Alex spun around and approached Luna and others, taking Luna's hand in his own as lovers do, he said, ''Let's go.'' 

Even though most did not understand what's going on, from Alex's words, it has something to do with Luna. 

Talking about Luna, they noticed that the relationship between the two had changed, they look like pair of lovers. Most wondered what happened yesterday for such a chance to happen today. 

Damien ground his teeth when he saw how Luna behave, she was smiling looking at Alex with affection. His broken nose had stopped bleeding and was already healing, it was because of his Gift. He's Light element user, also known as Holy Magic.

Outside of the classroom, Chris, their teacher was leaning against the classroom's wall. 

When he saw Alex out, he stopped him and asked, ''Why did you hit him?" 

Alex smiled, even though he was smiling his eyes were cold, ''Friendly reminder.'' 

''I see. Do not overdo it.'' Chris said and left.

Alex did not say anything and continued while holding Luna's hand. 

En route, Maria suddenly said, ''Somehow, you seem different.'' 

Without stopping Alex asked, ''How so?" 

''You look domineering,'' she said. 

Gracier, Luna, Leon, Sakuya, Ferris, Eris, and Kuina nodded their heads, they were also thinking the same thing.

〖Maybe it's because you have regained your lost memories?〗Silveria said. 

Alex only chuckled, indeed after regaining his lost memories along with his feelings for Luna, something had changed. However, he didn't know what it was.

While they were eating at the cafeteria, Leon teased Alex.

''Alex, you owe me a good fight.'' 

''Indeed, I do. Don't worry, I will not go back on my promise. A loss is a loss. I'm looking forward to our fight.'' Alex said with a grin, it was the same grin he wears when fighting against a strong opponent. 

''Hahaha, same here my friend, my blood is boiling.'' Leon laughed.

The girls except for Sakuya couldn't help but shake their heads. Sakuya's eyes were shining, her eyes were like that of a predator that could not wait to trample her enemy under her feet. When he locked eyes with her, Alex felt a chill down his spine, he couldn't help but shudder. 

'This Japanese girl must not be underestimated.' he thought. 

Sakuya smiled sweetly. 

''Why did you hit Damien?" Luna asked because to her that know Alex more than others, she knew Alex wouldn't be so angry if Damien hadn't done something unforgivable. 

''He sends someone after me.'' It was all Alex said, however, smart as they are, the others understood what Alex's words meant. 

Their complexion sank, they found Damien's action despicable, especially the women. 

''I see, no wonder you reacted like that. Do not let your guard down. This type of man never learns.'' Kuina warned. 

''Don't worry, I will,'' Alex promised.

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After eating, Alex decided to go back as he was not going to attend the Magic class. He exchanged few words with Luna before leaving. 

However, he had not taken his tenth step when Leon stopped him and hand over something to him, it was black armor, it was Loki. 

''Take it, from now on it yours. Do not refuse because it will be like you're looking down on me. Whether you have won or not, I was planning to give it to you anyway. So-" 

Alex stopped Leon with a grin, ''Thank you, do not worry, I'm not planning to refuse such a wonderful gift. The moment I see this armor I have desired it, so naturally, I'll not refuse it. Thank you, my friend, I owe you one.'' He said before taking Loki from Leon's hands, he then stored it inside his item box.

''Good, see you tomorrow,'' Leon said and tapped Alex's shoulder twice before leaving. 

Alex smiled, warmth filled his heart when watching Leon's back. Leon gave Alex, Loki, because of concern. When he heard Damien sent assassins after him, he judged the latter may do it again, therefore gifting Alex, Loki, was a wise move, with Loki. Alex's safety was almost assured. 

This may be a calculated move from Leon's side however, it doesn't matter as he had said, he owed him one. Judging from Leon's character, it was unlikely that he did what he did with something in mind, he was too straightforward to be the plotting type. Still, you can't know a person entirely, better be a little bit prudent and not trust blindly. 

〖Don't worry, I've more worldly experiences than you, I've lived longer than you, so, I can say Leon is not a bad person, he will be a good friend. However, whether or not this may change in the future I do not know as human's heart is unpredictable.〗Silveria said.

'I see. I sincerely hope he can become a good friend of mine, a friend to whom I can entrust my back without fearing being betrayed.

Believe me, it's a nasty feeling.' Alex said while recalling a certain incident, back on Earth when he freshly started, he was not even billionaire when one of his friends (his best friend) with whom he was working betrayed him and stole his application, this happened because he trusted the said friend too much to take the necessary precautions to avoid such a situation. Consequently, he lost millions and was forced to start over. 

〖I see, so you also experienced a betrayal? I never thought that you've such a past.〗

Silveria mumbled as she didn't expect Alex to have such a past, like her previous owner who was once betrayed by his best friend, Alex was also betrayed by his best friend, how ironic.

'From your words and my senior previous warning, I can say that he has been betrayed by his friend. Am I wrong? Alex inquired as he remembered that in the last vision he had about the previous owner of his Gift, the latter warned him to not blindly trust.

〖Indeed, he has been betrayed by his best friend.〗Silveria did not refute Alex's claim. 

'It's the golden-haired young man Arturo isn't it?'

〖Indeed it's him. The previous owner of Excalibur.〗Silveria said, her voice was filled with hatred. 

'I see no wonder, the first I summoned you two, even though you were sealed, I detect enmity directed at Leonardo's Gift from you.'

Alex said, remembering what happened the first time he summoned his Gift, he had thought it was his imagination but guess it was not. 

Shaking his head Alex decided to postpone questioning Silveria about what exactly happened for two friends to turn against each, for now, he must train.

'Let's go, I must train hard.'