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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 182 - 180: Their Past 2
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''Lex, I'm your childhood friend Lû.''

The moment Alex heard these words, something broke within his mind, and a lot of things started to pour into his head making his head hurts. Those things were memories, missing memories of his past.

It seemed that Luna was the key to unlock his missing memories. 

Alex held his head and tried to endure the overflowing amount of memories pouring into his head.

~Start of a Flashbacks

He saw the scenes of his past where he was five years old and they got a new neighbor, a family of three like his family. The first time he saw her, he mistook her for a boy because of her short golden hair. She likes to dress like a boy. Soon the black-haired boy and the golden-haired girl became friends, so was their families. They went to the same school.

It was five months after they encounter Alex learned that Luna was a girl. They gave each other nickname. For Alex it was Lex, as for Luna, it was Lû. The two became more than friends, they became childhood sweethearts.

Their parents were even happy about this, until that day Luna's parents decided to move overseas because of a job. The two were had vowed to always stay together were forced to part, Luna couldn't stay because they won't be coming soon. 

It was before the day of departure that the eight years old Luna called Alex to the park, under the moonlight she was stood there basking in moonlight dressed in a white princess dress. It was her first time dressing like this outside party. The small Alex was captivated, his breath taken away. 

''Lû, what do you want to talk about? I thought you'd be sleeping because tomorrow you're departing!" Alex said not hiding his unhappiness about Luna's father's decision to bring Luna with him. 

Luna was even more helpless than him. However, there was nothing they could do. It not like the two could elope. Shaking her head she decided to accomplish what she came to do tonight.

Looking at Alex affectionately she said, 

''Lex, let's get married in the future. However, tonight I will become your fiancee while you'll become mine. I'm doing this for you to not forget me until I come and also to claim you before another vixen does it.'' 

The last part of her words was muttered rather inaudibly thus Alex wasn't able to hear him. 

The young Alex's eyes shined, ''Lû, are you sure?" 

''I'm sure. Let's do it.'' Luna declared. 

And under the moonlight, the two children vowed to marry in the future. The moon was their witness. They sealed the deal with a kiss. 

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Another memory flashed, this time Alex was sitting in the back of a car, he was 10 years old. His parents were arguing about something when suddenly, out of nowhere a heavy truck hit their car. 


~End of the flashback.


He grunted of pain startling Luna. 

''Lex, what's happening to you? Lex??" Luna tried calling him several times until Alex stopped her with his hand to indicate it was going to be fine.

Even though she was still worried about Alex's state she decided to believe in his words. 

After ten minutes or so, the headache he was experienced stopped, his eyes became clear. He remembered everything now.

''Thank you, Lû. Now, I remember.'' Alex said looking at Luna's eyes filled with affection. 

With his missing memories now back he knew how important this girl was to him in the past. It was quite tragic that he had forgotten about her, it couldn't be helped because of the accident, even so, she must've felt betrayed when they reunited and Alex forgot about her.

Luna covered her little mouth, her eyes were wide open, she started crying. It cries of happiness as she couldn't believe what happened. It took her few minutes to calm down. 

Wiping away her tears, she smiled, ''It's good that you remember everything. Welcome back, Lex.'' 

''I'm back Lû,'' Alex said while rubbing Luna's head. 

It was unconscious action because it was something he usually does in the past when they were a child. 

Luna pouted, ''I'm not a child anymore.''

''I know, my bad. And who could have to that our tomboy princess would one day turn into such fine woman?" Alex said teasing Luna.

Luna blushed. Indeed, in the past she was unruly, a tomboy, she likes to hang out with boys. Fight alongside them. 

''Do not say that,'' she complained. 

Alex smiled not saying anything. 

''I wonder how is Aunt May doing?" He suddenly said now that he remembered his past. 

By the way, May is the name of Luna's mother, an extremely beautiful woman who was so compassionate that she seemed like a saint. 

''Well, knowing mom, she'll be doing fine. I miss her. Unfortunately, it's impossible to go back.'' Luna muttered dejectedly. 

Alex regretted having asked that question. He could only sigh. 

''Sorry, I shouldn't have asked.'' 

''Don't worry I'm fine. I was just feeling a little bit nostalgic. Even if I can't see them anymore, I have you, Maria, Sakuya, and little Gracier with me here. I'm not lonely.'' She said, trying to act tough. However, Alex saw through her.

Alex caressed Luna's face affectionately. Now, that his memories were back, they came back with his feelings, it may be childhood feelings but they were still his feelings, he wanted to protect this girl whose feelings did not change after years, after what she experienced. 

''Don't worry. I'll protect you. We will create a big family here.'' the last part was said to tease Luna.

Luna blushed, glaring at Alex she said, ''It seems that Lex has become a pervert when I was not looking after you. Do not worry, now it will change.''

''Oh! How so?'' He asked with a smile. 

Luna only smiled not saying anything.

Suddenly, as if she remembered something she asked. 

''Lex, do you remember that summer when we were seven years old? There was a girl dressed in a red gothic that visit us. We played with her. Do you remember?" 

Alex searched in his memories until he found the scene like that. It was a beautiful little girl with black hair, blue eyes, she seemed to have a cold personality. 

''Yeah, I remember her now. Why do you bring that up now?" He asked. 

Luna smiled while leaning against Alex's shoulder. 

''Well, that girl it was Maria.'' 

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''Eh??" Alex exclaimed because he had never thought he had once encountered Maria. They even played for few hours. 

Luna smiled seeing Alex's reaction, ''Well, it was my first time seeing her that day. She came with her father who is a mafia boss. I didn't even know that. It was a few years later that I learned what my father does for a living.'' 

''I see. I want to know how you two, no three became friends. Tell me what happened after we part.'' Alex said. 

Luna decided to tell Alex what happened but before that, she decided to use his lap to make herself comfortable before starting. 

Minutes became an hour. Luna told Alex what happened, how she became friends with Maria and Sakuya.

''Lû, how do you feel about Maria's condition?" Alex suddenly asked this. 

Luna smiled while locking eyes with Alex as she knew he asked this because of her. He was considering her feelings. 

''Don't worry, I'm not against it. We have already discussed it. She did what she did to help us. To me as long I'm with you, as long I have a place in your heart it's already enough, I will not be greedy to want you for myself. To me if you herd horses in the countryside, I would then shepherd goats and weave clothes for you, if you go on the battlefield, I'll follow you and watch your back, as long we go through ups and downs in life together, doesn't matter I'm not the only one besides you. Also, those two are my sisters, we know each other well, so I do not mind.''

Luna's words were genuine and sincere. They made Alex feel touched. He felt warmth in his heart. Memories or not, he must never leave this girl go or else he would regret it. 

Lowering his head he kissed her on the forehead. It was so sudden that Luna's heart almost jumped out of her heart.

''Don't worry, there will always be a place for you in my heart. Besides you're my first love, my childhood sweetheart, we vowed to stay together until death part us. I may have forgotten in the past but now that I remember, I'll uphold that promise. I'm still your fiance isn't it?" Alex asked with a mischievous smile on his face. 

Luna pouted when she saw that Alex was teasing her. Still, she nodded her head. Her feelings for Alex had not changed, not even after she saw that he had forgotten about her. It kept growing and now that he finally remembered, she would never shy in acknowledging her feelings for him. Unlike the others, she already had a head start. 

''I was your fiancee, I'm still your fiancee.'' she declared. 

Alex smiled while stroking Luna. The two did not say anything, they stayed silent, enjoying a moment of peace where there's the two of them. 

After resting for a while, they decided to continue their date.

To make the best of their remaining time, Alex and Luna stood up before continuing to walk hand in hand. 

They ate different things, played in different stalls, and simply enjoyed themselves the best possible. 

It wasn't a luxurious date. But, for Luna, this was perhaps the best day for her since very long ago. 

She only remembered having felt such happiness when she was a child when she was still with Alex. The date continued.