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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 178 - 176: Against The Wolves
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Alex stared at the five unusual goblins, there were also doing the same thing. Above their heads were their levels, they had the same level, [Level 28].


Before one of the five red skin goblins could talk, Alex fired.

Bang bang!!!!

They were eliminated with a bullet in the head, it was too fast. None among the five had the time to react before they got killed. 

Alex did not wait for the next enemy to attack him, he went on the offense. Aiming his guns in the direction of the incoming enemies, a deluge of bullets rained.


All of the six incoming monsters, (goblins) died. Alex started to walk deeper into the forest, his Divine Sense was already activated, ready to inform him in the case of the enemy's attack. 

Just after waking a hundred meters deeper inside the Endless Forest, Alex's Divine Sense caught sight of something, it was an enemy whose speed was extremely fast. 

Just in the blink of an eye, it was already near Alex. 


Without giving this monster the time to close he fired. Surprisingly, the wind wolf dodged the bullet by law extremely low against the ground. 

Alex was surprised by the monster's cleverness, so much that he was almost caught off guard by the monster's next attack. 

Two horizontal wind slashes were sent toward him, perfectly controlling his body he was able to pass through the two wind blades. 

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Alex's eyes narrowed dangerously, he fired another bullet at the monster, the latter jumped back to avoid the blueish bullet.

However, just as he was landing, he felt sudden goosebumps rising all over his body, his instinct told him that he was about to die. 

The wind wolf tried to shift his body in the opposite direction before Alex's blade could pierce its neck, unfortunately, it didn't work.

The blade still manage to connect to his neck, 


The wind wolf howled, his howl spreads in the forest like a wildfire. Knowing that he was going to die he decided to alert the other wind wolves in the forest. 

Alex's expression sank, without waiting to check whether or not the monster had died, he dashed into the forest, running in a random direction at extremely fast speed. 

Coming from all sides of the forest was wind wolf howling. 



It was something of call, all wind wolves in the vicinity went after Alex, they numbered thirty. 

Alex who was running ahead felt a chill down his spine, when in his head he saw numerous red dots moving towards him at extreme speed, it was as if they couldn't wait to tear him apart. Even though his level was above their level, it doesn't change the fact that having thirty Level 35 wind wolves after you, was not a pleasant feeling when you consider how enraged they are. 

'How can they locate me?' Alex asked perplexed because no matter where he went they still followed him. Almost as if they could pinpoint his exact location. 

What he didn't know was that before dying that wind wolf had put a tracking spell on him, so no matter where he would go, the others will be able to track him down. 

Alex sighed before suddenly, his eyes shined because he suddenly had an idea. He immediately put it into motion, using Vanishing bullet on himself, his presence was immediately erased. 

The wind wolves who were chasing after Alex came to an abrupt stop as their target's presence vanished. They started searching for him everywhere, however they weren't able to feel his location as they used to, it was as if he completely disappeared, not even his smell could be sensed. 

Leaning against a tree fifty meters to the panicked wind wolves, Alex heaved a long sigh when suddenly his eyes widened, not far from him was a goblin hiding, probably because he was scared of the enraged wolves. 


Alex did not give the poor goblin to blow up his cover before silencing him forever with a silver Bettie's, this throwing knife was extremely swift compared to the Black Bettie's. 

Unfortunately, Alex's move didn't go unnoticed. 

Because of the sudden dreadful sensation he got, Alex Accel-ed to reappear a hundred meters away, the place where he was got destroyed, the trees erased by destructive wind blades. 

The culprit of this destruction was a gigantic gray wolf over ten meters, it was an alpha. 

''Awuuu~'' he howled loudly to call his pack to join him to slaughter this enemy responsible of the demise of one of them. 

For the first time since he entered the Endless Forest, Alex decided to become serious because in front of him was a Level 50 Alpha Wind wolf while coming from the other sides were more than thirty wind wolves. He was caught in the middle, he could have chosen to Accel away, however by doing something like that he was admitting that he was scared of this little challenge, he could pretend to want to become the strongest while at the first setback he will flee. He decided to see this fight as some kind of test. Can he be able to pass this test without losing his life? It was unknown, however, he decided to face this challenge head because he was sure that in the future, scenes like these will become common, him standing in front of numerous enemies. So, better use this opportunity to get used to it.

Silveria who was watching everything from the sky nodded her head. If she was in Alex's shoes she would have done the same thing. If he can overcome this little thing then better drop the idea of conquering this level as they are more terrible enemies laying in the depth of the forest, some work solo while some operate in a group. 

Silveria giggled because she just remembered that she hadn't told Alex everything. No, it could be said that she deliberately omitted to inform him about a crucial fact. She wanted her master to experience it himself and after that, well, for sure he will become crazy.

~Back to Alex location.

He removed his eye patch, his heterochromia eyes locked the alpha in place. Alex knew it was a temporary thing, therefore he fired bullet after bullet at the frozen alpha. 

 ''Awuu~'' the alpha howled, doing his best to shake the sudden fear he started feeling, he managed to do it, however, some of the bullets still managed to touch him injuring him. 

Enraged he sent numerous wind blades at Alex wanting to tear him apart. 

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As if he had been waiting for this, Alex Accel-ed to reappear elsewhere. Having lost their initial target, the wind blades continued on their path, they killed more than five wind wolves who were planning to ambush Alex from the back. Only the unfortunate ones who were not faster enough were killed. 

Seeing his pack being killed by his attack, the alpha was furious. He kicked the ground and jumped toward Alex, midair he spat out numerous wind bullets at Alex. 

Alex jumped back his two guns aimed toward his left and right, he fired repeatedly, eliminating wind wolf after wind wolf, he refused a confrontation with the alpha wolf not because of fear but because he was using the latter rage to help him thin down the forty wind wolves. 

The alpha was enraged beyond words because every time he attacks this human, he would dodge and one of the wolves in his pack would die. This human was too treacherous, refusing a one-to-one fight, how despicable. It was what he was thinking, if he could talk he would have cursed Alex eighteen generations for him not playing fair.

Fair? There is nothing fair in a fight, especially when your life is in the line. Alex didn't care if the strategy he comes up with was deemed despicable. Because it was the other party that started by calling all his pack to join them, now he will not complain if he uses him to finish some of his pack members. Call it despicable, however to Alex this is called being clever. 

The fight continued this way with Alex dodging the alpha's attacks while slowly killing wind wolves. Soon, the forty wind wolves had been reduced to fifteen. 

Suddenly, Alex's right eye throbbed, so without knowing why he used one of his special ability, [Envisage]. 

Alex saw a vision where he was attacked by the alpha, he dodged by stepping on his left and before he could counterattack, another wind wolf assaulted him from the back, this wind wolf was special, his speed was fast almost like of the alpha's speed. He couldn't avoid so he was gravely injured, almost losing an arm. The vision ended there. It lasted few seconds, however what he saw send chill down his spine.

Even though this was a dream, Alex did not want to experience the feeling of almost losing his arm. 

The alpha attacked Alex as he did in the vision, Alex dodged exactly as he did in the vision, however, because he knew what was about to happen, he dropped low on the ground, a small black wolf passed above him.

The alpha and the black wolf were surprised because they were sure that their perfect combo would have worked. 

For a moment, it seemed that time had frozen, using his hands Alex launched himself into the air, when he was passing by the black wolf, he kicked him toward the alpha. 


Everything happened too fast, by the time the two became aware of what happened their bodies had clashed together creating a bang sound. 

Still mid-air, Alex consecutively fired two Phantom Bullets at the two. 

The two powerful Phantom Bullets created a gaping hole in the stomach of the two monsters. Disbelief was written over their face until their eyes lost their shines. They could not believe how they died.


Two bodies fell onto the ground, silence descended over the forest.