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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 169 - 167: Maria’s Condition
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Alex was surprised. Condition? What condition? Let's hear her first.

Nodding his head he asked. ''What kind of condition?" 

''I'll become your woman only after you make Luna and Sakuya yours,'' Maria announced her condition with the most dazzling smile she ever put. 

However, Alex was too preoccupied at the moment to appreciate it. 

When he heard Maria's condition, there was a booming sound inside his head, his head turned dizzy. He was beyond surprised, no word could be used to describe what he was currently feeling. Just imagine that you gather your courage and asked a girl to become your girlfriend but this girl put forth the condition that she'd only accept if you accept to date her best friend, no if you manage to make her best friend yours. What your reaction would be? 

Finally, Alex was able to calm down, he looked at Maria with an incredible look on his face. 

''Tell me that you are joking?" 

''Surely you jest. I'll never joke about something like that.'' Maria said. 

Alex rubbed his head, having a hard time processing what she meant. 

''So you are saying you'll only become my woman after I make Luna and Sakuya mine?"

He asked again just to be sure.

''Indeed. It's what I said.'' 

''Aren't you jealous? You are from Earth. From America where there's only monogamy and yet you are saying that you are ready to share your man with other women? Even if you are good sisters, you should think about your happiness first. What you are suggesting is pushing your man to have a Harem. Is it that what you want?" Alex lectured her before asking. 

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Maria was happy hearing Alex's lecture, she could feel his concern through his words, nonetheless, she had her reason for putting forth that condition. She decided to explain it.

''Indeed. We are from a monogamous society but we all know that it was just a facade. A man may have one legal wife at home, but it doesn't mean that he is faithful, he will have a lot of mistresses outside. Let's drop that matter. As you know we are not on Earth anymore. Here a polygamous relationship is accepted, no it's the norm. As the saying goes when in Rome, do as the Romans do. I think that this saying should be applied here. Besides you talked about thinking about my happiness, I agree with that, just that my happiness is tightly tied to their happiness. I'll be happy to have them beside me. Do not lecture me on whether or not I have taken into account their feelings, no need to concern yourself over such a thing. You only have to know that, sharing the same man with my sisters I'll gladly welcome it as I know them, I can con- no I meant we can get along with each other.'' 

Alex could swear that he almost hear a dangerous word there, however, he decided to think it as if it was his imagination, there was no way that the dignified Maria would say easy to control them. 

While Alex was lost in thought, Maria dropped a bomb that left him sweating. 

''It's good that you lectured me but aren't you playing the hypocrite here? I heard about your little date. What is her name again? Ah! I think it's Sera. Aren't you going after her? You are already planning about your little harem and yet you want to act like a saint hearing my condition.'' Maria said with a sarcastic smile. 

Alex got punctured in the heart by numerous invisible arrows at the same time, if it was an anime he would be making giku giku sounds after being pierced through by those arrows. 

'Who told her that? Ah! I remember it's must be Gracier's doing, so it was what the four talked about yesterday. That traitor. I'll spank her later.' Alex decided while outwardly he put on a smile, doing his best to not make a cramped face. 

Elsewhere, Gracier who was reading a book felt goosebumps rising all over her body. She quickly scanned her surrounding, alas she found nothing. She attributed this to her imagination before she continued reading.

''What it is Little Lexa?" Luna closed the book she was reading and asked as she noticed Gracier unusual behavior.

''Ah, nothing. I just thought about something. It's nothing serious let continue reading.'' Gracier answered.

Luna nodded her head she reopened her book and started reading. She was wearing glasses that suit her well. Her beautiful face stands out more with the glasses.

By the way, she started to call Gracier little Lexa (Lexa from Alexandra.) Gracier did not seem against this nickname, she was rather pleased with it.

~Back to Alex's Location.

Maria was looking at Alex with an 'I dare you to refute my word. kind of face.

Finally unable to endure it any longer Alex admitted defeat. 

''You win. I indeed plan to have multiple women.'' 

''Oh? And when are you planning to tell me this?" Maria asked with a sweet smile, yet to Alex that smile wasn't sweet at all. 

''Well, aren't I'm telling you now?" Alex asked back. 

Maria sighed, ''Forget it. What is your answer gonna be? Will you or,-" 

''I accept.'' Alex cut Maria off and announced. He would be a fool not to accept such a juicy offer. 

''Good, then it decided. I'm almost yours however to have access to the goods you must complete two tasks, namely Luna and Sakuya. My man must be great. Complete the assigned tasks and I'll be yours.'' Maria declared. 

Alex was smiling, eyes filled with determination. He was already seeing a future where he slept in the same bed with the three sleeping beside him. He was completely unaware of the troubles he was going to go through just to get this girl.

''Oh! As the future head of the Harem. I ought to help my man. I suggest you start with Luna first.'' 

Hearing Maria's words Alex pondered for a moment before nodding his head, what she said does make sense, there was something unclear about Luna, he had that feeling that he couldn't quite put his finger on. Everything would be clear if he interacts with her. Alex set his first target as Luna. As her being the head of the Harem, Alex only chuckled not saying anything.

''Also concerning the asset you got. I'll gladly manage it for you. If you want that is, you can hire me.'' Maria suddenly suggested. 

Alex was surprised, he looked at her as if sensing something she quickly announced. 

''Don't worry. I promise that I don't have any nefarious ideas. I just want to help you manage as if have the feeling that this is not your forte. I swear upon my Gift that I'll never harm you, I will only think about what is good for you. If I ever go back on my words my soul shall perish.'' 

Alex was surprised by Maria's oath, it was not a joking matter, if she goes against what she said she would disappear forever, not being able to ever reincarnate. 

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Previously Alex did not say anything as he was pondering about something not because he thought that Maria's had a nefarious plan in her head when she suggested that. She must have a plan but that plan must take an account his wellbeing. As she had said, managing the Golden Nuggets was not something he was sure he could do. He decided to think about Maria's proposal later.

Sighing on how things have turned Alex said.

''I'll think about it. I will give you my answer later.''

''Good.'' Maria nodded her head, she was pleased with Alex's decision if he had immediately accepted she would have looked down on him, fortunately, something like that did not happen.

The two chatted for a while before Alex excused himself. 

Soon as Alex left, Maria leaned against her chair and sighed softly before mumbling. 

''I understood how you feel Lû. It seems that he doesn't even remember me. Hah! It was to be expected, we have only met once. Lû, I've already done what I can to help you. Do your best, be strong, and more importantly, stop running.''

She then turned her eyes toward the door as though she was able to see past it.

''Sakuya, don't know it is rude to spy on others when they are discussing?" 

''Fufufu! It just to make sure that no harm befalls you, my princess.'' Sakuya who was outside of the private using the wind element to spy on their conversation appeared and sat across Maria while declaring with a smile.

'Bullshit.' Maria thought, however, she didn't say anything. She was too tired to deal with Sakuya. 

''So, you are ready to share him? Are you sure about it? Others may snatch him away.'' 

''They can try if they want. As you heard it, I was not joking. I will only fully accept him if he managed to make you two his. Besides I'm helping you two. If not you stand no chance and you know it. If not for my condition, Luna aside, did you think that you have a chance? With that personality of yours? Are you sure he will still want you after knowing the truth about you?" Maria asked with a smile.

However, to Sakuya this smile looked demonic, she was defeated, she couldn't retort at all. 

Maria smiled pleased with Sakuya's reaction, she stood up and left the private room, and before leaving she said. 

''You know I have a complete grape of you two. Having you under me is a must. With us three who are the others to threaten our position?" 

Leaving these words behind Maria departed. 

Watching the leaving Maria's back, Sakuya sighed while mumbling, 'This woman is too cunning. Never get on her bad side. Ah! The dice have been cast. Fufufu! Let's wait and see. I can't wait to h- My bad I can't wait to see how you will conquer me.'