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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 168 - 166: Cursed
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Chris observed his students and saw that some did not share his idea, he couldn't help but shake his head thinking they will understand in the future, to fully utilize your other stats an appropriate amount of intelligence was needed.

''Let's move on the amount of XP needed per Realm.'' Chris suddenly said before moving towards the blackboard, Alex and others decided to listen attentively.

''To Level from Level 1 to 2, you will need 100 XP. Each level will increase by 100 XP. It's to say Level from Level 1 to 31 (Rank 1-3: Beginner Realm) you will need 3100 XP, however, started from Intermediate Realm, this amount of XP will be doubled thus becoming 6200 XP, each level it will increase by 100, at Level 61 it will become 9200 XP, starting from the next realm: Master Realm, the 9200 XP will be doubled becoming 18400, for each level it will increase by 100, becoming 21400 XP at Level 91 (peak Master Realm). Starting from the next Realm, the amount of XP needed at the peak of the previous realm will be doubled, Grandmaster Realm: 42800 (+3000 XP)= 45800. However starting from the Saint Realm, the 45800 XP instead of multiplying by two as it was, will be multiplied by three. Saint Realm: 137 400 XP (1900 XP (the 19 levels of the Saint Realm (Lv 122 to 141) at peak Saint Realm you'll have 139300 XP. From the Demi-God Realm, the 139300 XP will be multiplied by 5 becoming 696 500 XP.'' 

Everybody sucked a mouthful of air when they saw what was written on the blackboard. 

Chris did not wait for them to raise a question before saying, ''This system existed since the bygone era, maybe it was the creator God's decision. They must have created this system to make it difficult to advance, just imagine the amount of XP needed for the Saint Realm make one despair, one should know that killing the same monsters a number of times will decrease the original amount of XP that monster offered at the start. You will be forced to move on to stronger monsters.'' 

Indeed what Chris said was right, all of them were aware of this truth. Suddenly, Damien raised his hand to ask a question.

''Damien, do you have a question?" Chris asked, Damien nodded. 


''Teacher, in the past we have Gods, however nowadays Gods disappeared, the same thing with the God Realm, it became now impossible to step into that realm. I wonder why? What happened?" 

Everybody was interested in what happened as there was no record of what happened in the past. It was as if all the records of what happened had been erased, as for why nobody knows.

Chris did not immediately answer, he stayed silent, he seemed to be trouble over something, after few seconds he heaved a sigh before saying, ''For your own good stop digging, at least for now. Your level is not suitable to hear what happened. All I can say is that there was a battle, a battle so intense that an entire continent was erased, things changed after that battle. Do not ask, do not try to dig, focus on becoming stronger, once stronger enough you'll get the answers you are after.'' 

''I understand, teacher,'' Damien said before sitting back. He had expected this kind of answer because it was the same answer he got when he asked the Holy Father (The Pope). The Pope seemed afraid of something. Damien couldn't help but sigh. 

Meanwhile, Alex was also sighing, 'Another secret.' 

'Sil, do you know something?' Alex decided to probe Silveria, maybe he'd get some answers.

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As expected Silveria had the answer. However, she didn't go into the details, 

〖I do have an answer. As he had said there was a battle, this battle was too devastating, even I can feel the aftermath of that fight, the enemy cast a curse upon this world making it impossible to advance into the God Realm. This world is cursed. How hateful, to think it is them.〗

'Who can be so powerful to cast a curse upon a whole world?' Alex wondered, he felt a shiver down his spine just by imagining it.

Shaking his head Alex decided to concentrate on Silveria's words, her last words.

When Silveria was talking about 'them' her voice was full of hatred, Alex knew that she would not answer him if he were to ask her right now, he decided to not ask for now. Silveria greatly appreciated Alex's decision. She went completely silent afterward.

''Let's stop here for today. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll warn you. Mock battles will be held soon to test your strength. I'm looking forward to it.'' Chris announced before leaving. 

Leonardo looked at Alex when he heard the announcement, it as if he was saying, 'Wait till I take care of you, you will see the difference between us.' Alex looked at him with a smile, he was not afraid. He was looking forward to the day they will fight. 

Leon seemed also eager. Gracier sent a message saying she'd gone to the library to read, Luna, followed her. Maria left to go somewhere on her own, Sakuya also disappeared. After chatting with Leon, Ferris, and Eris, Alex excused himself saying that he needed some air.


After leaving Leon and the others, Alex who was wandering crossed paths with Maria who happened to be also doing the same thing. 

''Oh? It's you, Alex. What are you doing?" Maria asked with a light smile on her face. If others were to see, they would be astonished because, in the capital, Maria was known as the Ice Goddess, she rarely smiles. Her expression was almost cold making it hard for others to approach her. However, it changes when she is with her friends namely Luna and Sakuya, and recently around Alex and Gracier.

Dazzled by her smile, it had taken Alex a few seconds before he was able to reply.

''Nothing, as you can see I'm just wandering, thinking about something. What about you?" Alex asked.

''Same here,'' Maria responded.

''I see. Shall we walk to the cafeteria? I've something I want to discuss with you.'' 

Facing Alex's abrupt words, Maria was caught off guard, nevertheless, she quickly recovered and nodded her head. 

The two moved toward the cafeteria while chatting. Inwardly Alex was thinking about how he should proceed. Indeed it was as he said, he had something to tell Maria, it was of the utmost importance. He doesn't know how to start, however, he decided to go for the direct approach, he was not the one to cower.

If you want something no need to be shy just say it, either it works or it doesn't. 

''Alex, Alex did you hear me we are here.''

Maria's voice snapped Alex back to awareness.

''Yeah, let go for the private room,'' Alex said before moving to ask for a private room and soon it was done. 

The two ignored the stares they were receiving from others students and entered the private room. Unbeknownst to them, there was a pair of black eyes that saw the two enterings, the beautiful girl with black eyes smiled before moving. 

In the private room, Alex and Maria sat across from each other. 

After ordering something simple, they waited until Maria suddenly asked.

''So Alex what do you want to tell me?"

Her blue eyes stared into Alex left green eye. 

'Want me to go straight to the point? Well, I was planning to do that anyway.' Alex thought. 

Clearing his throat he said with a serious expression.

''What I want to tell is the utmost importance. At least for me. Maria, no Alexa I'm interested in you and I want to date you can you give me a chance?" 

Maria was surprised, saying that she was expecting this direction declaration would be a lie, she looked at the boy in front of her, that green eye, there was no lie indicating that he was joking, he was damn serious. She signed.

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Most men would have started with a date in some kind of luxurious hotel, a beautiful dinner, a romantic atmosphere before declaring. 

Personally, for her she likes the direct approach, Alex's approach was direct. Something she likes.

Smiling, Maria decided to probe before answering the boy. 

''Can I know when you start liking me?" 

''I became interested in you when we were about to reincarnate. Maybe even before but I became aware of it on that day. Did you remember what I said to you back then?" 

Maria nodded at Alex's question. How could she not? She was surprised and at the same time she laughed, her mood improved hearing Alex declaring to be there for her.

''Well, I may be joking to cheer you up but it was not a joke. It was my inner feeling, I want to be your pillar. I want you to be part of my life, to be with me forever.'' Alex declared, he was not shy, he told her what he wanted.

Maria stayed silent for a moment before saying. 

''I'm happy that you have feelings for me. Truth be told I'm also interested in you.'' 

Hearing Maria's words, Alex overjoyed, nevertheless, he still decided to listen to Maria's words till the end. 

Maria nodded pleased with his reaction. She then continued.

''As you may have noticed. I showed some obvious signs. I'm the type of woman that says what she thinks or takes what I desire. As I said I'm interested in you, you're my type, I will gladly accept starting a relationship with you however that won't do.'' 

Alex turned crestfallen when he heard Maria's last words, he was confident that he had his chances with Maria, he was not a greenhorn, even if he was not an expert when it comes to relationship, he had few successful relationships under his belt. Thus he knows when a woman is interested in him, from his analysis and Maria's behaviors, she was indeed interested in him, it was why he thought he had a chance, however now it seems that.

Shaking his head Alex decided to ask what she meant by saying it won't do. 

''Can I know what you meant by saying that?" 

''Good, at least you didn't choose to leave,'' Maria said with a smile.

''Hell, no, my determination isn't it that shallow,'' Alex shouted.

''Good. You will need it. Let me correct myself or I should I say let me continue what I meant to say. That won't do did not mean I'm rejecting you. It is just that I have a condition.'' Maria announced. 

Alex was surprised. Condition? What condition? Let's hear her first.