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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 167 - 165: Class
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The next day.

Alex arrived at his assigned classroom.

Fortunately, the teacher had yet to arrive.

Scanning the classroom Alex spotted few regular faces, Maria, Luna, Sakuya and Gracier were sitting together. The four waved at Alex to greet him. 

Alex greeted them back and continued to scan the classroom. In the classroom, the tables were not one-person tables. Instead, it was a two-people table. 

The students were observing Alex with interest, it was because most of them were present last night and saw how Alex easily handled Roman, as for those who were not present they heard the tale of Alex's exceptional prowess. 

Ignoring the stares directed at him, Alex went to seat in the back. 

After he took his seat, Alex greeted Leon, 

''Hi! Leo. Thanks for reserving me a seat.'' 

''Hi! Alex. No need to thank me. I do what I must.'' Leon replied with a smile. 

Alex also smiled having expected this kind of answer, suddenly he asked after not seeing Ferris and Eris. 

''Where are the twins? Not in this class?" 

''Ah! Now that you asked I haven't seen them. Maybe they-" 

Leon stopped talking as Ferris, Eris, Kuina, Leonardo, Camilla, Kevin, Dodolus and Damien walked in. 

Alex and Leonardo stared at each other before Leonardo looks elsewhere not saying anything, not showing any kind of emotion. 

''Interesting!" Alex mumbled when he saw Leonardo's reaction, he had expected some kind of reaction, some kind of insult but Leonardo did none of that. 

''What is it?" Leon asked as he heard Alex's word. 

''Nothing, I was just thinking aloud,'' Alex responded, he did not want to drag Leon into his problem, not yet. 

Ferris and Eris greeted the two before taking a seat not too far from them. 

Not long after, Kuina suddenly came toward him and greeted him. Everyone was surprised to see that. 

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''Hello, Alexander I'm Kuina Foxia. Nice to meet you. I would like to chat with you later if you have the time.'' 

Alex was surprised, nevertheless, he still replied, ''Nice to meet you too. There is no problem, we will talk when I have the time.'' 

Leonardo's face darkened when he heard Kuina's words, however, he quickly concealed it. Maria was glaring at Kuina, while Sakuya had a mysterious smile on her face, Luna seemed pensive. Gracier was watching everything with interest. 

Leon suddenly clicked his tongue in annoyance, Kuina looks at him for a moment before chuckling. 

''Fufufu! Little Leo do you need a beating?" 

Leon harrumphed, displeased with the way he had been called.

''Humph! Don't get cocky. I just lost once, next time I will beat you.'' 

''Fufufu, we'll see. See you later Alex, can I call you Alex?" Kuina asked. 

''Feel free to do so,'' Alex said.

''Okay, I call you Alex from now on then. See you later.'' Kuina left after waving at Eris, the latter smiled.

Alex looked at Leon wondering what was the story between the two. 

Leon was pretty strong, a Level 64, same as him, he was one level ahead of Kuina, however from their earlier interactions it seemed that Leon lost when they fought.

'I wonder why?' Alex wondered because each one was probably wearing an item that helps them to conceal most of their status, he was not able to see anything other than their level. 

By the way, Ferris, and Eris were at the same level, 62, just like Leonardo and Maria. Sakuya and Luna: Level 61. 

〖This girl is not simple. She possesses the Fox race innate ability, Illusion, the level is pretty high. Same with her charm's skill. Do not underestimate her. Well, you are pretty much immune to illusion.〗Silveria suddenly explained to him. 

''I guess it's because of my right eye. Isn't it?' Alex asked her, he was pretty sure of his guess.

As expected Silveria's words confirmed it.

〖Indeed. You should know that the first seal of your Death eye, let you create an illusion to torment your enemies, so, normally, Illusion magic will not work on you.〗

'I guess it makes sense if you explain it like that. I wonder what kind of illusion Leon experienced-' 

〖If you only think that it's all she knows then you'll lose. She's a dual Elementalist, Wind and Fire.〗Silveria cut Alex off and explained to him.

'I see. Well, I'll know what she's capable of once we fight.' Alex said looking forward to the day they will fight.

Leon was expecting Alex to ask him what happened between the two however, Alex didn't ask anything, chuckling Leon said, 

''I thought you would have asked me what happened.'' 

Alex shrugged his shoulders and said, ''I won't. Tell me when you are ready to share it.'' 

''Hahaha, don't worry I'll tell you later. However, I have noticed something.'' Leon said while slapping Alex's shoulder.

''What did you notice?" Alex asked curious. 

''You are interested in Maria isn't it?" Leon asked with a knowing smile.

''Yeah, I'm interested in her. Why did you ask?" Alex asked him, he did not deny that he was interested in Maria. 

''Well, you must quickly make her yours. You are not the only one interested in her. I was one of her admirers, I was planning to try my luck however now I decided not to because my friend is interested in her. You must make her yours. Understood?" Leon told Alex, not hiding anything.

Alex was astonished by Leon's declaration, he smiled, 

''Thank you, Leo. Don't worry I'll make Maria mine.'' he declared.

''Good, that's the spirit,'' Leon said. 

Suddenly, the two stopped because the teacher just walked in.

The teacher was a pretty young man. His age seemed to be around 24 or 25. In other words, he was in his prime. He had dark green hair and his eyes were of the same hue. His eyes were strict. He scanned the classroom, looking at his new students.

In this room, there were only forty-five students. But the tables were enough for fifty students.

"All right. I welcome you to my class. I will be the one to teach you about general knowledge for a year. My name is Chris Hellard.'' 

Alex and others greeted their teacher.

Chris nodded his head before announcing, 

''Alright. I will start calling your names first to know you as my obligation," 

"After I call your names, please stand up and raise your hand so others can know you. First, Amy Stone."

"Here," A pretty student with pink hair rose from her seat and raised her hand. 

Chris nodded his head, "You can sit down. Next, Gracier Alexandra Touch."

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"Here." Gracier stood up and raised her hand.

''Good. You can sit down, next Luna Heart.'' Chris said and continued. 

After few minutes everybody was introduced.

''Okay, now I'll start. Can you remind me how many Ranks there are?" Chris asked. 

''There are 15 Ranks.'' It was Emy, the pink-haired girl who answered. 

''Indeed there are 15 Ranks. These 15 Ranks are classed into 6 Realms: Beginner Realm, Intermediate Realm, Master Realm, Grandmaster Realm, Saint Realm, and Demi-God Realm. To explain it more clearly it's like this:

✒ Beginner Realm (Rank 1-Rank 3)

✒ Intermediate Realm (Rank 4-Rank 6)

✒ Master Realm (Rank 7-Rank 9)

✒ Grandmaster Realm (Rank 10-Rank 12)

✒ Saint Realm (Rank 13- Rank 14)

✒ Demi-God Realm (Rank 15).'' 

'So, I'm at Master Realm. Gracier Intermediate Realm huh!' Alex thought.

''We all possess something called status. As for why it was called like that nobody knows. I will not talk about Attack, Defense, Agility, but I will talk about Intelligence and Luck, Luck is needed in dungeons. What Intelligence do then?" 

Nobody talked as they started to think about it, Alex raised his hand, 

''Do share your answer with us, Alexander.'' 

Alex nodded before he rose and started to explain, ''I think that higher intelligence means your brain is more developed, your reaction speed will be faster, you can coordinate faster when executing some moves.'' 

''Excellent.'' Chris praised Alex for his answer.

''It's as Alexander said, Intelligence is related to your reaction speed, how well you can synchronize with your weapons, your Gifts. Higher intelligence helps you to coordinate your body better. Most people think that Higher intelligence is a waste and put all their BP on Attack, Defense, Agility, or either Luck. This thinking is wrong, if you possess Higher intelligence you will know how to better attack, how to better use your Speed (Agility), you won't waste too much energy. While fighting your mind will be clear, thinking about the optimal solution to quickly end the fight. For me, one should possess higher intelligence than.'' 

Hearing their teacher's words, Alex and others thought deeply about it, indeed what he said was not wrong, Alex had noticed this fact after his INT became higher, he was able to perfectly control his body. 

While some were thinking deeply about Chris's explanation, some students didn't share the same feeling, for them, one should only think about increasing one's Attack's stat or Agility, Defense and lastly Luck, Intelligence was not a necessity. 

Chris did not try to persuade those students.