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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 165 - 163: The End Of The Banquet
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A strange silence fell upon the main hall.

Nobody had expected the match that just started to quickly end like this, nobody except few individuals who were aware of Alex's strength, Gracier and Silveria knew that Alex would win, Elseria too. Leon expected Alex to win but not this quickly, he was truly surprised.

''As I said do you wish to continue? I do not mind however the outcome won't change no matter how many times you will try.'' Alex said to Roman.

The latter was trembling not believing that he lost like this, he knew that he would lose even if they were to restart again. Roman sighed dejectedly and said,

''I lost.''

''Good,'' Alex said before removing his knife from Roman's neck, he stored it away and looked at the referee who was still surprised.

''The match ends in Alexander's overwhelming victory. From now on Alexander becomes the owner of the Golden Nuggets.'' the referee announced. 

''Eh? What? It is ended just like that?" Someone suddenly asked bewildered.

''Incredible, that Alexander he was too fast I didn't see anything until he placed the knife around Roman's neck. He is stronger than Roman, there is no doubt about it.'' someone said. 

While others were discussing how the match had quickly ended, some fewer people had an ugly expression on their faces. 

Leonardo was one of those people, he couldn't believe that a Rank 6, a Level 55 to be more accurate just lost like that without being able to put up a fight. From the outcome of the match, there was no doubt that Alex was stronger than Roman by few levels. 

''Impossible.'' He mumbled. 

''How did he became so powerful? I bet he is at least Level 60? How? This shouldn't be possible, he, trash with useless Gift.''

Leonardo said while staring at Alex as if he wanted to eat him alive.

Camilla, Kevin, and Dodolus did not know what to say, Alex had surpassed all their expectations. Camilla glanced at Katherina just by reflex but what she saw made her heart sunk, instead of being angry at her enemy's progress somehow she seemed elated as if she was finally able to confirm something she had expected. 

'No good.' Camilla thought while sneaking peeks at Leonardo, the latter was too focused on Alex to have noticed anything.

On the other hand, Damien was thinking about something, his expression was serious, unlike Leonardo who was only feeling rage after seeing Alex's prowess, Damien became cautious thinking that he must carefully plan before making a move, not only Alex had a strong master, and extremely strong backer, himself was not a weakling to be able to dispatch a Level 55 so easily meant he was at least four or five levels above the latter. 

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Even Damien knew that he wouldn't be able to quickly end the match as Alex did. This doesn't mean that Alex was stronger than him, he still thinks that he was stronger than Alex, he may be stronger than Alex in Level but the latter speed must be above his, meaning Alex possesses higher Agility than him.

''I have a way to deal with your quick speed,'' Damien mumbled while glancing at Alex who was returning toward his table. 

On the emperor's side.

''Excellent. Even I did not expect the match to end so quickly. As expected of some you selected. His level must be the same as Leonardo's. I'm not wrong Leonardo just became Level 62?" The Emperor asked his daughter. 

''Yes,'' Katherina answered. 

''I see.'' 

It was the only thing the Emperor said, he didn't say anything else.

Elseria smiled, Freya decided to pay attention to this youngster whom her disciplines often talk about.

Viscount Gareth's face was pale as a sheet, he was trembling, if it wasn't because of the presence of the Emperor, he would have rushed over there and beaten his son to death. 

~Back to Alex

Just before leaving Alex said. 

''I thought that you were more intelligent than your brother but I guess I was wrong. Like your brother who got easily manipulated by me, you also got manipulated. It's without a doubt Leonardo doing. Instead of coming himself, he sent you to probe. Well, it doesn't matter, thank you for the gift.'' 

Roman almost spurted blood when he heard Alex's words. It was now that he knew he had been used not by the princess but by Leonardo because the Princess was looking at Alex like someone who got a treasure.

Roman was thinking about what he would say to his father to be able to keep his life. He didn't doubt he would be stripped of his status as future family head. He had brought this upon himself. If only he had been more careful, thinking deeply before making move things might be different. 

''Well done Big brother.'' Gracier complimented her brother when he came back. 

Smiling Alex said down next to Leon who was staring at him, he was not the only one though, Ferris and Eris were also doing the same thing.

''What it is?" Alex asked because he started to feel uncomfortable with all these stares. 

''Hahaha, nothing as expected of my friend. You're too cunning, you acted as though you were not interested to further provoke them forcing your Godmother to intervene, using this chance you proposed a bet, bringing out something the other party won't refuse, and because of your Godmother silent consent, the other party fell for your trick and bam you are now the owner of a Restaurant. A pretty famous restaurant that has numerous branches across the empire.'' Leon explained.

Alex could not help but think once again that Leon was not simple. To be able to quickly analysis everything so accurately it's scary. 

'It's a good thing. We became friends. Does who thinks he's only muscle brain will suffer. Alex thought. He smiled, he neither affirmed nor he denied Leon's claim.

''You are fast. I almost couldn't follow your movement.'' Ferris said, Eris nodded her head. 

Alex smiled not saying anything. 

'' Alex, you must be prudent. That Roman may try something now that he lost.'' Eris warned him. 

''Thank you, I will be careful but I doubt I will do anything. He must be thinking about how to deal with his father.'' Alex said while looking at Roman's father. 

Even though he was silent the rage he was feeling could be seen on his face.

''I thought I would be able to see the third princess tonight however she didn't come,'' Ferris said with a sigh. 

''Now that you said it, I didn't see her. Most of the males present tonight came just to be able to see her.'' Leon said.

''Why?" Alex asked not understanding why everyone was so eager to see that princess.

''Ah? I forgot you just arrived. It was natural for you to not know. The third princess is the most beautiful woman of the empire, she is like a goddess.'' Ferris said, his eyes became unfocused as if he was in a trance when he remembers the first time he saw the princess. 

''I see it's because of her beauty,'' Alex mumbled. 

''You won't understand until you see her. Well, maybe you're already immune because of your master.'' Leon said while sneaking peeks at Silveria, the latter glared at him, Leon quickly looks elsewhere. 

Alex chooses to not comment. Eris was glaring at her brother and Leon, the two acted as though they had not seen anything. 

The banquet continued for another two hours before Alex and Gracier decided to leave. 

''Goodnight, See you three tomorrow.'' 

''Goodnight my friend.'' 


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Leon, Ferris, and Eris said before leaving. 

Just as Alex and Gracier turned around, they saw Maria, Luna, and Sakuya coming towards them. 

''You are leaving already?" Maria asked while standing not too far from Alex.

Alex nodded, Sakuya had already disappeared and caught Gracier.

''Come sleep with us tonight. Let talk between women. I want to know more about you.'' Sakuya said while stroking Gracier's hair. 

Gracier did not say anything, she looked at Alex as if to ask his opinion. 

''You can go if you want,'' Alex said. 

Sakuya was surprised by Alex's response, she had expected that he would refuse. 

Gracier stayed silent for a moment before saying, ''I will go.'' 


To Sakuya's question, Gracier nodded.

Maria said in teasing manner, ''You have become stronger. I can't even see through you. I bet Leonardo must be enraged.''

''Hahaha, let him rage all he wants I do not care.'' Alex shrugged his shoulders not giving a damn about Leonardo's feelings.

''You must go through a lot of things. I would like to know what you went through if you desire to share them that is.'' Luna said with a smile.

Surprisingly it was Luna who talked, Maria did not seem surprised. 

Looking at the smiling blond girl Alex was awe-struck for a moment, if Maria's beauty was described as impactful one that could stop one's heart short, Luna's beauty would be one of elegance and grandeur, reminiscent of an untouchable being that mortals dared not to approach, less have dirty thoughts towards it, she was pure, like her class, a Saintess.

Quickly shaking his head Alex replied, ''We'll see.'' 

Luna nodded her head not saying anything else, Maria observed her friend for a moment, she could not help but sigh, turning to face Alex she said, ''Be wary of Damien, he didn't like you. See you tomorrow.'' 

Maria, Luna, Sakuya, and Gracier left, leaving Alex alone. 

''Be wary of Damien huh? I will.'' Alex mumbled before disappearing.

Just as Alex left, a black shadow appeared and looked in Alex's direction before blending into the darkness.