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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 164 - 162: Let’s Make A Bet
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''So you are the one that crippled my brother?" Roman asked in a cold tone.

''If you're talking about the guy I helped to have a peaceful life from now on then it is yes,'' Alex responded with a smile. 

Roman's eyes became cold. Scowling at Alex he said,

''It is that so? I challenge you to a duel.'' 

The hall turned silent, everybody was waiting for Alex's response.

Alex was still smiling as he said, ''I refuse, I will on-" 

One of the four men behind Roman shouted at Alex not giving him the time to finish when he heard the first part of Alex's words. 

''What are you acting smug for? If it is not because you are Otherworlder, nobody would look at you. You are nothing, have no backing yet you're acting smug when a noble lowered his head and asked you something.'' 

Alex shook his head and looked at the man who talked as if he was a fool, Leon's expression sank, Alex's gestured to him to not intervene, he did the same thing to Silveria acting as his master and Gracier who was about to erupt. Ferris and Eris were glaring at the man. 

When Alex tried to speak, he was stopped by enchanting laughter coming from the Emperor's side. 

Everybody turned their heads in that direction to see a beautiful woman with golden hair laughing, it was the Guild master of the Adventurer Guild, one of the strongest organization in the world. Her status is not beneath that of an Emperor, she was also really powerful, one of the Saints in Mystia's world.

''Hahaha, to think youngster nowadays still know how to crack a joke.'' 

Abruptly she stopped laughing and her expression turned cold, ''You, the second son of a mere Barron's house dare to treat him like he is nobody?" 

The man who was looking down on Alex, face turned pale, started shivering. He was doing his best to not flee.

Roman was also feeling fear, while Katherina had an unusual expression on her face, Leonardo couldn't shake off the bad feeling that was growing inside his chest, for some reason he had the feeling that what the Guild master would say next, he will not like it. 

Leon, Ferris, Eris, Kuina, Maria, Luna, and Sakuya were looking at the smiling Alex with an incredible expression on their faces. 

''You said that he has no backing? That's incorrect, he didn't like to flaunt his background unlike you. Dare to look down on someone I'm backing? You have a death wish, I will let you off for this time because of your mother.'' 


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The hall became noisy all of sudden, Leonardo's face was dark as charcoal, he ground his teeth, Camilla, Kevin, and Dodolus were gobsmacked, they did not know what to say. To say they had expected something like this would be a lie. This news was too shocking. Alex's status is above them.

As for Katherina, her mouth was wide open, 

'No way.' she thought not believing in what she just heard.

''As expected of my friend,'' Leon said trying to regain his cool. He was too surprised. 

''No good, things will become difficult if she's backing him,'' Damien muttered while lowering his head to not show his frustration. He was planning to deal with Alex, however, he needs to carefully think before making any move, or else even the Pope won't save him.

The Pope had said to him once that he was more afraid of this woman than any other person in this world. He was afraid of her, it was the first time Damien has seen the Pope behave like that, so he decided to think before moving against Alex.

''As for you child from Fishburns house. I thought I-" 

''Please calm down Godmother. Let's me deal with it.'' Alex cut Elseria off and talked, Gareth looks at him eyes filled with gratitude.

''You say you challenge me is that right?" Alex asked.

Roman, too shocked by what happened took some time before nodding his head, he was scared, regretting his early decision. If he knew he wouldn't have come to challenge Alex, to become enemy with one responsible for almost all the dungeons was a bad move. 

''Great, I will accept your challenge but let's make it more profitable for both of us.'' 

Hearing Alex's words Roman had a bad feeling, his father had the same feeling too. 

''What do you propose?" Roman asked.

Smiling as if he had won millions of dollars, Alex said, ''Oh nothing grandiose. Let's make a bet.'' 

While saying so Alex brought out the jade box Elseria had given him, earlier Elseria had sent him a secret message informing him that Roman just became the owner of the Main Branch of the Golden Nuggets, a famous restaurant. Alex's eyes turned into gold (money) when he heard this news, in fact, he started planning how he should acquire this restaurant, having thought about this Elseria had already prepared something in the advance, the mysterious jade box. The jade box contains an Advanced-Grade Healing potion, an extremely valuable potion capable of regrowing lost limbs.

''Let's say if you win. I'll give you this Advanced-Grade Healing potion.'' Alex announced.


''Did you heard him?" Someone asked.

''Yes, I heard him. Fuck, Advanced-Grade Healing potion, there are only a few of them in the world. To think that he will own one. It's like having some kind of extra life.'' another said.

''It's must be his Godmother who gave it to him. How lucky I want to replace him.'' another one said not hiding how envious he felt.

Leonardo was about to explode, he had never once seen that kind of potion, to think that Alex would own one. His hatred for Alex was growing. He wants to kill him right now.

''You are so generous Else. I remember that I had asked you to sell me this potion back in the past but you refused yet now you went to give it to him?" Freya asked, she was surprised by her friend's action.

One should know that this type of potion is really valuable, no alchemist can't produce a potion like this.

Shrugging her shoulders, Elseria said, ''I can't be helped, he is too precious after all.'' 

The emperor could not help but sigh hearing Elseria's words. This confirmed his speculation that Alex was not simple. 

~Back to Alex's table.

Roman was too shocked by Alex's words that his jaw almost hit the floor. Eyes filled with greed he said, he ignored his father who was shaking his head to tell him to back down.

''And what if I lose?" he asked.

''I heard that you just became the owner of the Golden Nuggets located in the commercial district. I want it, if you lose I'll become the owner of the Golden Nuggets. By the way, I will only own the Golden Nuggets located in the commercial district, as for other branches I do not care. You should know how valuable this Advanced-Grade Healing potion is, I can buy a small kingdom with it. So it's not an unfair deal. Well, I wonder if you will have the courage to accept?" 

Nobody said anything because they knew how valuable Advanced-grade healing potion is. Indeed it can buy a small kingdom. 

The Emperor chuckled when he heard Alex's words, ''This young man is sure cunning.'' he said while glancing at his daughter who seemed lost in thoughts.

''So, that is your plan? No wonder. This young man is sure interesting. Or it's you who come up with this plan?" Freya glanced at her friend. 

''Who knows,'' Elseria said while the corners of her lips moved slightly upwards.

''Forget it,'' Freya said before looking in Alex's direction to see how things would unfold.

''Scared?" Alex asked seeing Roman who became mute. 

''I accept.'' Roman finally announced.

''Let's start then,'' Alex said looking in Elseria's direction, the latter look at Freya.

Sighing Freya ordered one of the teachers beside her to act referee for this match. 

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Coincidentally there was a small inside the big hall. 

Alex stood on top of the ring, opposite to him was Roman, the two had changed their clothes to something more casual fitting for a fight.

The referee was a middle-aged man with gray hair and brown eyes. 

Standing in the middle of the two he observed them for a moment before declaring.

''This is a friendly match. It's forbidden to cripple your opponents, understood?" 

Both Alex and Roman nodded their heads, however inwardly Roman was feeling regretful as he won't be able to cripple Alex's as the Madam suggested. 

'Shame, however, I need to win and get this Advanced-Grade Healing potion, with it I can become independent. If I present this to her Highness she would be able to bestow upon me a title, I can become a Barron and have my fief. Hehehe, I will not need to fear anybody, who knows I may be able to become Viscount, same as father.' 

While Roman was daydreaming about his unknown future the teacher acting as the referee continued, 

''Good, as you both agreed upon if Alexander wins he will become the owner of the Golden Nuggets and in the case, Roman wins he will get the Advanced-Grade Healing potion. Nobody is allowed to go back on his words or else he will be sentenced to death.'' 

Everybody gulped when they heard the referee's last words. 

Seeing the two nodded their heads the referee announced,


The teacher jumped back while Alex and Roman didn't move for a moment. 

Roman summoned his Gift, a two meters long blue spear, he decided to not underestimate his opponent, the other party may be weaker than him but he was not going to go easy on him, Roman decided to quickly finish the match. 

Quickly chanting numerous water balls appeared in front of him,

''Pierce him,'' he shouted before he readied his spear. 

Suddenly, Alex vanished, and when he reappears he was already in front of Roman. 

''What?" Someone exclaimed. 

Roman's eyes bulged, he was surprised. 

Alex threw a casual punch toward his face, even so, it was fast, Roman was not to be trifled with. Even though he was surprised, he still managed to dodge Alex's punch and try to counterattack by using the butt of his spear to strick Alex's leg before following with another attack.

Unfortunately, Alex smiled before disappearing again before Roman could turn around, he felt a cold sensation against his throat followed by Alex's cold voice.

''Do you wish to continue?"