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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 162 - 160: The Emperor’s Arrival
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Hearing all the commotion that started the moment Leon brought Loki out, Alex decided to appraise it.

'Appraisal.' he mumbled inside his mind. 

[Black Armor Loki

Grade: SS

Special Ability: Able to shapeshift into any type of armor that the wearer desire.

✒ Auto repair: Able to repair itself after suffering damage.

Can turn the wearer invisible at night.

Duration: 1 minute, consume 500 MP.

Usable twice a day.]

''Holy Moly,'' Alex shouted. 

It was to be expected that Alex would react as he did. In this world, items are classified by grade with E being the lowest and SS being the highest. To top it, Loki is a relic, relics are from dungeons, nobody knows who forged them, relics are exceptional, known for possessing special abilities.

Looking at Alex who just exclaimed after appraising Loki, Leon smiled.

''Even though I don't know what the word you just uttered means, I'm sure you have read Loki Special Ability. If you wear it you can change into whatever you desire, it has the auto-repair ability.'' 

''I see. It seems that you know that I have the Appraisal skill.'' Alex said as he had the feeling that Leon knew it had the appraisal skill.

Indeed Leon's next words confirmed that.

''Ah, it seems that you don't know so I will tell you. It's an open secret that all Otherworlders who appear in this world possess the Appraisal skill, this is known only by the royalties, powerful families and organizations.''

''I see no wonder.'' Alex nodded his head before his expression turned serious. 

''Leo, Loki is considered a national treasure, why are you using it for" 

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''Aren't you looking down on me, my friend?" Leon asked displeased. 

This left Alex confused, Leon sighed before asking, ''Alex do you remember what I said you'll do if I win?" 

''I do remember. You said I will have to fight you going all out.'' Alex answered.

''Exactly, I said you will go all out meaning you won't hold back, no hide any of your abilities, you will use them all. By doing something like that most of your abilities will be known. As someone who asked you something like that, it is normal that I must also bring out something of equal value if not it will be like I'm looking down on you, as if I'm not being sincere when you accepted my condition. If you win I'll be giving you this armor, don't worry it's mine I have more than one armor.'' Leon explained.

'That's not the point. Forget it, I can't say no if you want to gifts me an armor because I'm sure that I'll win.' Alex thought while looking at Loki.

''Sigh! It's a deal. Prepare yourself to lose, I'll be taking Loki soon, in the meantime keep it.'' Alex announced sure of his victory. 

''Oh? Such confidence, don't worry our battle will be exceptional I guarantee you that.'' Leon also responded likely sure of his victory.

Alex only smiles in response, unaware of the fact that at the moment Gracier and Silveria were looking at him with a mysterious smile.

Seeing them smiles Leon mistakenly thought that the two were supporting Alex, so he felt a bit dispirited.

'Sad, nobody supporting me. Well, even so, I will still win.'

Suddenly a voice called out to him. 

''I say you wild cat, what are you planning to do with Loki?" 

Leon's face twitched being called wild cat while Alex observed the two-person who came, it was the twins from Wolfang Empire, Ferris, and Eris Wolfang, just now it was Ferris who spoke.

''Greetings Alexander, greetings ladies, I'm Eris Wolfang and this my brother Ferris.'' Eris greeted them before asking, 

''Can we sit-" 

''I was wondering who it was but it's just a wild dog. Finally, it seems you've gathered your courage to approach us I have to congratulate you on this. Well, it's must be Eris' doing if not a coward like you, afraid of the crowd would not make a move.'' Leon cut Eris off and said.

Ferris was glaring at him, however, there was no hatred inside his eyes just a little bit of annoyance, without doubt, those two were used to bickering with each other, they were childhood friends. 

Eris massaged her temple feeling a headache coming, ''I say you two can you act like adults for once? Are you still kids?" 

The two harrumphed not saying anything.

Alex was looking at their interactions with interest while Gracier and Silveria had resumed their talk ignoring what was happening. 

''Please sit,'' Alex said stopping the two from continuing any further. They were drawing too much attention.

''Thank you, Alex, can I call you Alex?" Eris asked while sitting not too far from Gracier. 

Alex waved his hand to indicate that there was no problem.

''Feel free to do so, everybody calls me Alex anyway.''

''Greetings Alex, can you tell me what you two have been talking about?" Ferris asked, his eyes were shining. 

''Tch! Stop wagging your tail like a dog you wild dog. What Alex and I said are none of your concern, it's between real men, go man up a bit before coming to ask.'' Leon spat out.

''Shut up you muscle brain,'' Ferris said as the two glared at each other. 

Shaking his head Alex smiled,

''You two are good friends it seems.'' 

The two harrumphed, Eris was already talking with Gracier, she decided to ignore them. 

Just as Leon was about to speak a voice suddenly announced, 

''The Emperor has arrived.'' 

Immediately from another side of the hall a door was opened, numerous silhouettes walked in, a handsome man in his forty wearing an imperial gown with a golden crown on top of his head walked forward, he had long blue hair, and eyes of the same hue, he had the aura of a monarch around him. This man's current Emperor of the Drexia empire, Julius Von Havens. 

Behind him stood numerous high-ranked nobles, the headmistress of the Imperial Magic Academy, Freya Frost, an ice beauty, white hair, and blue eyes, standing on her left was her friend, Liliana Elseria L. Crawford.

Everybody curtsied to pay their respects to the emperor.

''You may all rise.'' the emperor said after taking a sit. He did not say anything else.

His eyes scanned the whole room in search of something, not having seen what he was searching for, the emperor sighed when suddenly his eyes landed on Alex, he smiled and said. 

'So, it is him.' he mumbled and tried to probe Alex's level, however just as he was about to do it, he felt a sudden chill, a sudden dangerous feeling that he must not continue whatever he had planned to do. Searching for the culprit of the current situation he saw a beautiful silver-haired woman looking at him. 

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'This woman is not simple. I feel threatened just by looking at her. She must be the boy master. This boy is interesting more than that Leonardo. My daughter is too impulsive. I wonder how she's going to salvage the situation with the boy. Come to think, Elseria said that the boy is under her protection. Katherina will be too shocked when she learns this.' Julius thought as he watched his daughter.

The First Prince, the second, and the third princess were not present tonight. The First Prince and the Second Prince went on diplomatic missions while the third princess was inside her mansion, refusing to show up.

Thinking about it, Julius couldn't help but sigh, he had expected to see her tonight unfortunately she didn't come.

While the emperor was lost in thoughts.

Elseria was looking at Silveria surprised, she had never expected to see the latter appears here, this must be Alex's plan, finally, she remembered what Alex said, 'You'll know soon enough.' 

''So, it is what you meant. Nice plan,'' she mumbled while looking at Alex. 

''What are you mumbling on your own?" Freya asked. 

''Nothing, I just remembered something.'' 

''I see,'' Freya said before standing up and said, 

''Hello, everyone, I am your principal. My name is Freya Frost. I welcome you to Imperial Magic Academy. First of all, I would like to thank you for…"

The principal began her speech. The speech was a bit boring since it was just the usual speech. After a few minutes, the speech was finally over. Alex was looking at Freya, she's the master of Maria, Luna, and Sakuya, from what Leon said, she was a powerful Ice user.

Then after observing her for a moment, he turned to look at the emperor, coincidentally the emperor did the same thing, when their eyes met, the emperor smiled before continuing to chat with the man on his right.

Alex thought that as the Emperor, Julius would have said a few words as encouragement, however, the latter didn't say anything else after sitting. 

''Why didn't the emperor say anything?" Alex asked Leon. 

''Ah! He is just a guest, it is the tradition for the emperor to appear when a banquet is being held to welcome the new students, besides the current Emperor is a man of few words.'' 

It was Eris who explained.

''I see,'' Alex said when suddenly the left side of his lip tugged upwards creating a sinister smirk on his handsome-like face seeing that someone was approaching their table. 

''What is it?" Leon asked as he noticed Alex's unusual behavior. 

''Just something interesting,'' Alex said pointing his finger at the incoming young man, accompanying him were four other, young men. 

Leon, Ferris, Eris, and Gracier followed Alex's finger to see five men approaching them, in front of the four men was a brown-haired man.

''A Firshburns huh?" Leon muttered.