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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1575 Chapter 1403: Sound of Decadence
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Chapter 1575  Chapter 1403: Sound of Decadence

The country of Ogria is an average-sized country with a population of 400 thousands humans

Bordered between a huge ocean to the North, huge mountains to the South, a large, frozen lake to the East and a glacier to the West, the country of Ogria mainly lives off tailoring, cooking and fishing.

Ogria itself is mainly covered in rivers and has a stormy climate, which has lead to a cramped population, despite the number of people, which means most of them live in huge towns.

The country's landscape is depressing; dark, gloomy forests, black lakes and smelly, overgrown ponds are just a sliver of the melancholia Ogria has to offer, which is why the country is evaded among foreigners.

A part of this country was destroyed, most of the people leaving in the country had evacuated because of recent monster invasion, it has gotten worse. A clash between monsters and the soldiers.

Leena (Typhania) sent someone to take care of the situation and judge the enemy's intention.


Everything's going well.

Incurgazed at the battlefield silently. She stroked her fingers gently on the harp strings she held. She adopted this weapon after watching a dramas on a woman using such a weapon and she fell in love with this weapon, so much she transformed her Gift into it.


An indescribable impact sounded. The solid walls crumbled completely as an invisible sound wave destroyed everything in its path and turned all obstacles into powder. In an instant, white powder fluttered in the air and the Undead Creatures and other monsters were nowhere to be seen.

'That's all they got?'

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Incurlet out a grunt and approached the burning battlefield that was covered in smoke. The Undead Creatures and the monsters stood no chance against her attack, but they weren't what Incurwas concerned about. She gazed in disdain at the soldiers charging forward in the distance. They yelled bravely with weapons held high. All this was meaningless to her.

'How unsightly. These weaklings are greedy with desire and are just like moths drawn to a flame. They care only about the things before their eyes and neglect the dangers of flames. They will eventually die meaninglessly.How disgusting!'

Incurstroked her fingers across the harp strings as yet another sound wave blasted forth, crashing and shattering into the mountain peak in the near distance.

"Huhuhu… I'm really surprised…" A pair of brown eyes stared at this scene from the darkness. The radiance from its eyes brightened abruptly in frantic spiritual flames. A lich, the leader of the enemy. Someone working under a powerful Number Incurconcluded, not that matters.

 "… I never thought that I would be this lucky. I shall let you, dear former Number, have a taste of this suprstrength…"

The shadow figure raised its arms. Then, it blasted a purple lightning bolt forward.


Incurcto a halt abruptly. For sunknown reason, she felt an unprecedented chill run down her spine. At the stime, she realized that her surroundings becdull and lifeless. The azure sky, greenish bamboo forests, snowy field, and dazzling sun all gradually lost their brilliance. A dense shadow had as though enveloped everything before her like ink dripping into the pond.

"This is…!"

She knitted her brows and leaped up swiftly. But at the stime, the shadow beneath her feet transformed into the shape of a massive palm that lifted off the ground and grabbed for her.

She watched in silence and gently stroked the harp strings, and a crisp, melodious tone sounded. The enormous hand beneath her instantly cracked. Not only that, but the solid ground also crumbled in the blink of an eye. The ground shook, but it wasn't intense enough to stop the grabbing hand. Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -

The gigantic hand that was shredded by the 'sound blades' instantly continued to charge forward. Incurdodged swiftly and released several crisp notes from her harp. As the melodious music spread, she stepped lightly in midair and sprung up once more. She stared at the enemy before her and attacked again.

Her fair, slender fingers strummed the harp strings.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of explosions sounded. The entire ground trembled while the shadow creature smashed its hands on the ground and widened its mouth. At the stime, hundreds of warriors fell within the fissures and vanished into the dark abyss. The other warriors witnessed their fate and frantically retreated. The entire battlefield was a chaotic mess.

But no one could escape the clutches of the shadow creature.

When the shadow creature stood back on its feet, its illusory presence had as though materialized into a physical body and countless soldiers fell off from its body, crashing to the ground, swept by the sound wave. The shadow creature straightened its posture and glared at its prey. At the stime, it exuded a strange aura that transformed the ground and sky.

"This is… the power of Chaos."

Incurdisplayed a solemn expression. She pressed her fingers on the harp strings. Then, the strings released a faint radiance, along with lines of mysterious runes.

She understood that this thing must not be underestimated. The organization had becmore powerful than previously. They must also progress accordingly if not they'd be overwhelmed and could lose this war.

"Be prepared to die, I'm not playing anymore!" Incurdeclared.

[Sound of Decadence!] ᴜᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ NovᴇlFir(e).nᴇt

The air around her rose and coalesced into an enormous wave before blasting forward.


She snorted coldly and pointed her sword at the enemy!


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There was no sound.

The towering shadow creature instantly disappeared without a trace. The dense shadow that coalesced around it turned into nothingness immediately.

''Tto clean up!"

Incurleft the battlefield shortly later.


~Alex's location.

The difference in their strength was too huge. Alex swept a glance to the Necromancer who was burning into ashes. He swung his blade and gave a firm order to the summoned flcreatures thanks to Scarlett's help.


The FlGuards' bodies instantly erupted and surged with blistering scarlet flames. Then, they pounded on the Undead Creatures before them.

The Undead Army shivered as they were soon overwhelmed by Alex's ambush squad.

Alex retreated as he observed the battlefield filled with fland destruction. Signs like these had becrecurrent and he becnumb to it.

''Well, it's tto unlock another Sin. I'll be using it to screw the enemy up.'' The corner of Alex's lips rose.

〖Quickly, let's go pierce through sskulls. I miss this feeling. Bullet in the head, hehehe!〗

It seemed that it was not Alex alone who wants to go on sgun-slinging.