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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 148 - 146: Farewell, Eria’s City
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 Just as Alex finished putting back his eye patch, Gracier awoke with a yawn.

Looking at his sister with a concerned face, Alex asked ''Good to see, did you sleep well, how are you feeling?" 

''Yes Big brother, there's no problem I'm feeling better after that little nap,'' Gracier replied as she could see the worry hidden inside her brother's eyes. 'He must be feeling guilty about what happened earlier, there's no need to worry, I'm really fine.' Gracier inwardly said while looking at Silveria for help, the latter immediately understood her intention, so she scanned her body and after she was done, she turned to face Alex and announced.

''Indeed, as she said there's no problem. Everything is fine.'' 

''That's good to hear.'' 

Alex relaxed a little when he heard Silveria's diagnosis.

To lighten the mood Gracier decided to compliment her brother,

''Big brother, you look handsome with that eye patch on your right eye.'' 

''Oh! Really? No wonder Silveria was acting shyly earlier. It must be because of my handsome face.'' Alex said while nodding his head as if he had finally understood something.

Knowing that her brother was teasing Silveria, Gracier laughed while covering her mouth with her sleeve. 

Silveria only rolled eyes at Alex. 


Suddenly, Alex's stomach made a growling sound. Alex who was planning to keep teasing Silveria stopped and decided. 

''I'm hungry. Let's go down to eat.'' 

''Let's go.'' Gracier stood up and followed Alex 

however, she stopped when she saw her brother looking at Silveria who remained seated even when the two were prepared to leave. 

''What are you doing, Sil?" Alex asked, confused by her action.

Silveria looked at him for a moment before she responded, ''Well, I will wait for you two here, just go.''

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''Ah? What are you saying? Let's go.'' Alex said he was really surprised. 'Does she thinks I'll say, eh? Do not come with us. Just stay here?' He wondered. 

Meanwhile, Gracier was surprised, so was Silveria, she had thought Alex wouldn't want her to be seen by others. It may raise unnecessary questions and trouble. However, now she had seen his reaction saying she was not surprised would be a lie. 

''Let's go eat together. As for what excuse I will use once they started questioning me about who you might be. I will just say that you are a distant cousin of mine who come to visit me because you hear I was in a coma. Don't worry I have my plan, we will talk about it later.'' Alex said not going into the details, turning around he left with Gracier who didn't seem against the idea coming with them. 

Silveria stood and hastily followed after the two, there was a bright smile on her face. 


The first floor of the Moonlight Inn.

Because it was nearing evening, customers had started to gather on the first floor, most of the customers currently present were adventurers who had just ended their missions and were hungry, there were also few merchants as well. 

As the three descended, all the noise stopped and all eyes were on them. 

''The Rookie is back, no it's the Hero now.'' one of the adventurers drinking suddenly shouted this. 

 Another adventurer nodded when he heard his drinking buddy's words before asking.

''Indeed. It's the Hero. What happened to his right eye?"

''Maybe, he was injured when fighting against the monster to buy his comrades time to escape. Well, let's not talk about that. Time to celebrate. Come sit with us Hero.'' the adventurer who spoke earlier gestured, inviting Alex to come to sit with them.

All the other customers who had heard about Alex's heroic deed started gathering and formed a long table (they joined the tables together). 

Alex could only smile bitterly when he heard his new nickname. Not knowing the truth behind the accident they mistakenly thought it was because he wanted to save his party's members, well he was not going to correct them.

''Let's go,'' Alex said and with the two they sat across others. Naturally, Silveria attracted the most of the attention among the three, however because of Silveria's cold expression and the atmosphere around her, they could only stealthy watch her, not strike a conversation with her.

Finally, Ms. Lana appeared with her daughter, Lea, because of the commotion, she was surprised same as Lea, however, in the latter case, it was because of the silver-haired beauty sitting on Alex's right, her beauty made her feel inferior. 

''Welcome back Alex. It's good to see you again. We were all worried.'' Ms. Lana said with a warm smile.

Alex who was exchanging with the nearby adventurers turned his head in Ms. Lana's direction, he smiled.

''Evening, Ms. Lana, Lea. I'm sorry for making you worry so much about me. Don't worry I'm fine.'' Alex said when he saw Ms. Lana and Lea's surprised faces as they saw his right being covered by an eye patch.

''And thank you for taking care of my sister while was unconscious. Ah! By the way, this girl on my right is my distant cousin who came to visit me yesterday. Sorry, she didn't like to interact with others, so she hides her presence. Silveria, say Hi! to others will you?" Alex added, he introduced Silveria. 

Silveria only nodded her head not saying anything, the customers who were eager to know more about her and also exchange few words were disappointed when they saw how she reacted. 

Ms. Lana could only smile bitterly when she saw Silveria's attitude, ''Nice to meet you, Silveria. I'm Lana, the proprietress of this Inn. This my daughter Lea.''

Lea smiled but her smile was a little bit stiff as she didn't like Silveria's attitude, her attitude made others think they are beneath her. She did not like this, is it because she thinks she is beautiful than everyone? Lea wondered with a sour face, she was jealous.

Ms. Lana frowned when she saw her daughter's behavior, she decided to give her daughter an earful later.

''Thank you for taking care of my cousin,'' Silveria said before continuing to chat with Gracier. 

Ms. Lana and Lea who were going to the kitchen to cook stopped when they heard Silveria's words, Ms. Lana said 'you welcome' before leaving.

Gracier stood up and went to help Ms. Lana in the kitchen, meanwhile, Alex kept chatting with the Adventurers, Silveria did not speak, she only nods her head sometimes when a question was directed at her. 

Soon, all preparation was done. Scrumptious foods were laid out on the tables, Ms. Lana and Lea, even the waitress sat around the table and everybody ate happily. 

The celebration lasted until late in the night. Alex and the two had to excuses themselves as they would be traveling tomorrow.

Others wanted the celebration to continue when they learned that Alex would leave tomorrow for the capital. Lea even sobbed, saying Gracier must stay behind.

Unfortunately, Gracier refused which left her frustrated.

Back in their room, Gracier directly went to sleep. 

When Alex was about to sleep, he heard Silveria's voice. 

''Master, can I sleep with you?" 

Alex looked at her for a moment, then he smiled before refusing. ''Not gonna happen. Good night, Sil.''

Silveria stood there dumbfounded, she was surprised by Alex's refusal, she had thought he would have accepted to have a beautiful girl sleep beside him. She could only cancel her plan tonight and try it another day, she disappeared and reappeared inside her mansion in her world. 

Sitting on a queen size bed, Silveria was frustrated. 

''Tch! Master is sure cautious. How can he refuses this beautiful lady invitation?" 

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''If only he had fallen for it,'' Silveria said with a wicked smile, if Alex had accepted, he would have suffered because Silveria was planning to kick him in the balls if somehow his hand ended touching her while he was sleeping. 

''I'll try another time. Master, is sure a bully, my bottom is still stinging from that spanking.'' Silveria grumbled, however it changed into a smile when she thought about her revenge.

''Fufufu! Let's sleep.'' Silveria decided while thinking about another honey trap.

Alex who was about to sleep, suddenly felt a chill running down his balls,

''That black belly weapon must be planning something dangerous. Better be careful.'' Alex murmured before closing his eyes to sleep.


The next day. Alex opened his eyes. He felt the sensation of a soft blanket over his body and the warmth that came along with it.

He pushed the blanket off his body and got up. Looking at Gracier who was sleeping holding Mr. Bear so tightly that it gave the illusion that the bear was saying 'give up, give up', Alex smiled before checking the time with the help of his status window. 

'It's 7 AM.' 

Alex did some light exercise and after he was done he went to take a shower. 

Just as he finished and came out, Gracier had woken up. 

''Good morning brother.'' 

''Morning Alexandra. Did you sleep well?" Alex asked while putting on a white shirt.

''Pretty well. I will go prepare,'' she said before leaving. 

Meanwhile, Silveria came out, while Alex decided to go to the barbershop for his hair. 

Before it was 10 AM, Alex and Gracier were already in front of the northern gate, everybody knew that they were leaving so a lot of people came to see the siblings off. 

''Good morning Mr. Conrad.'' Gracier politely greeted Conrad.

''Morning Conrad, we will be in your care.'' Alex greeted Conrad who was sitting on a beautiful black carriage, it was a magic carriage, it was Alex's first time seeing one. 

''Morning you two. Let's quickly depart.''

Conrad said, urging the two, Alex and Gracier board the carriage while giving Eria's city one last glance. 

''Farewell Eria's city and its inhabitants,'' Alex murmured, and with her sister, they waved at the people who came to see them off.

''Have a nice trip,'' Lea mumbled while the magic carriage slowly disappeared from their sights.