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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 141 - 139: Leena’s Visit (Morning)
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The morning sun had kissed her awake. Slivers of light peeped through the drawn blinds, casting thin golden stripes across her angelic face. She opened her eyes and slowly, drowsily, and lopped sidedly she smiled before glancing in her brother's direction hoping to see the latter already awake. However, her smile died and got replaced by a sigh when Gracier saw her brother still sleeping, there was nothing that indicates he would be waking soon.

After standing and going to the bathroom, Gracier comes back after some time with a washbowl and towel. 

Suddenly, Silveria appeared and helped Gracier to remove Alex's clothes, she then holds him as Gracier cleaned his body. After finishing, the two helped Alex to get dressed again before laying him back in the bed. 

''How long did you think he will stay in the coma for?" Gracier asked worry written all over her face. 

Silveria took a sit on the other side of the bed and pondered for a moment before answering. 

''Maybe for another two or even a week. His body suffered a lot and was currently undergoing evolution, therefore it would take some time for it to be done. Let's wait, no need to worry he's fine, he will eventually wake up I can assure you that.'' 

Hearing Silveria's words, Gracier felt a little bit reassured. She decided to sit and watch her brother for a while before deciding on what to do in the meantime. 

Suddenly, Silveria who was observing Gracier suggested. 

''In the meantime why not use this chance to train, to level up. You know the gap between you is wide even before he killed that ogre. So, imagine what he levels gonna be once he wakes up?" 

Gracier's body trembled when imagining it, somehow she felt frustrated, she doesn't want the gap between them to further increase until it would become impossible to catch up.

Being always protected left a bad aftertaste in Gracier's mouth, somehow it gave the impression of she was one-sidedly taking advantage of Alex like she was using him. The more correct would be, she was a burden slowing him down as he kept continually saving her. 

The frustration she was feeling when thinking that could not be described with words. Not liking feeling this way, she declared eyes filled with blazing determination. 

''I don't like this feeling. I need to change.'' 

Suddenly, a powerful pressure was released from Gracier's body when she declared that, her right eye was shining, even her dragon eye was emitting golden light, if not for the special eye patch blocking it, the room would be filled with golden brilliance. Everything returned to normal after a second, however, Gracier's determination didn't lessen in the slightest. 

Silveria who was watching everything from the start nodded her head with a pleasing smile. However, her smile vanished in the next second when she heard Ignia annoying voice.

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[That's the spirit, my child. As expected of someone chosen by me. Show them whose child you are. I know my words will-]

'Shameless. You did nothing and now that I suggested something and she decided to follow it. You want to take the credit. How thick is your skin? Ah! I forgot that you are a dragon, hence your skin is naturally thicker, no wonder you are that shameless.' Silveria cut Ignia off and said in a mocking tone.

In her flame dimension, Ignia was pissed.

[How dare you, you flat-] 

'I dare you to finish what you are planning to say. Hehehe! Go and say it. I need something to release the accumulated stress lately and I think you'll do fine. So, finish your words.' 

Silveria's words send a chill down Ignia's spine, she didn't dare to continue knowing well the fate awaiting her if she were to finish that sentence.

Seeing Ignia cower, Silveria inwardly smiled before turning in Gracier's direction. The latter hadn't heard the exchange between the two except for Ignia's first sentence that brought a smile upon her face even though she didn't hear the whole thing as Ignia stopped midway before finishing. 'I wonder why?' Gracier thought before shaking her head.

''Good, what is your current level?" Silveria asked even when she could have checked using her appraisal skill, however, she didn't as she sensed Gracier being wary of her, not wanting to give her any more reason to be warier than she is, Silveria decided to directly ask. 

''Level 33.'' Gracier immediately answered. 

''I see. Let's aim to get to Level 50 within a month. If you don't succeed at least you should be Level 45.'' Silveria declared.

Gracier pondered for a moment, 'level 33 to 50 or at least 45 within a month is doable.' she thought, lifting her head she nodded her head to indicate that she accepted. 

''Great, immediately get to work.'' 

''I know. I'll be going, please take care of brother why I'm not here.'' Gracier said and went to prepare. 

''Don't worry I will,'' Silveria said. 

After a moment Gracier was dressed in her adventurer gear (the one Leena gifted to her), just when she was about to open the door and leave she coincidentally encounters Leena who was about to knock. Startled the two looked at each other for a second before Leena smiled. 

''Morning little Cier. How are you doing?"

''Fine Leena. Thanks for the help. Come in and sorry I won't be able to stay because I have something to do. Silveria is in. See you.'' Gracier invited Leena in before leaving. 

Leena watched the retreating Gracier's back with a smile. 'She seems more determined than ever. I wonder what happens? Maybe it's the doing of that silver-haired girl?' 

Leena wondered as she entered the room and closed the door behind her. Immediately she locks eyes with Silveria, both women smiled. 

''Morning Silveria. How is the boy?'' Leena asked while sitting on a chair offered by Silveria. 

Crossing her legs, Silveria responded. 

''Unconscious as you can see.'' 

To Silveria's words, Leena observed Alex and did not found any problems, at least not on the outside, she did not dare to do an in-depth examination as Silveria's silver eyes were locked on her. 

''Why is he still unconscious?" She asked. 

''The damage he took is heavy. He is slowly healing. It will take some time. He will surely wake up after that.'' Silveria explained. 

''I see. Let's wait and hope he will wake up before the start of the new year at the Imperial Magic Academy.'' Leena said with a sigh. 

''Don't worry he will. There's still one month and few days.'' 

''Indeed. Silveria, there is something I was meaning to ask but?" 


''Where is that monster's corpse? I was too focused back then to ask.'' 

Silveria had an 'I expect this question.' kind of face when she heard Leena's words. 

Smiling Silveria cooked a lie that even a five-year-old would not believe. 

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''Ah? That monster is sure intelligent. The moment he felt my arrival he fled at an unthinkable speed. I was left speechless and by the time I recover he was already far away. Furious I released a little bit of my power, however, I stopped from giving a chase when I saw my master's state. His wellbeing is important than anything, therefore I decided to treat him first before later go punish the monster along with the perpetrators.'' 

Rolling her eyes at Silveria who was spouting bullshit with an angelic smile, Leena thought 'Can you be more persuasive?', shaking her head she said with a deadpan face. 

''It's that so?" 

Leena couldn't help but smile bitterly as she knew Silveria was lying, as for why that, only she can know. Even though she was disappointed not to be able to buy such a special monster's corpse, there is nothing she could do as the other's party did not seem to want to sell it. 

Seeing Leena's expression, Silveria could only sigh. There's no way she would say the monster's body disappeared and was transformed into- Well, no need to think about it. 

''Excuse me for a minute. I'll be right back.''

Silveria said before disappearing leaving only Leena inside the room to look after Alex.

Approaching Alex, Leena caressed his head for a moment. 

''Boy, stay strong. I know that you will come back stronger and make them pay. Don't worry, I'll help you. They must have a death wish, daring to touch someone under my protection. They never learn, don't they? I thought that the last one was wiser, however, it seems that I'm wrong or something must have happened. I've something more important why I never paid too much attention. I guess now it will change. I'm becoming rusty as time goes on.''

She stopped talking for a moment before mumbling, ''Zero, I have a mission for you.'' 

Just after Leena finished talking, a shadow materialized near her, this shadow was shrouded in darkness thus making it impossible to see its features. 

Zero asked with a genderless voice.

''Informations gathering, isn't it?" 

''Indeed. I'm not up to date concerning them. Go, you know what to do. Before leaving bring this to that girl. Didn't she think I'll let her go score free? I didn't want to do anything at the start just simply watch from the sideline however now things are different.''

After done speaking, Leena threw a letter in Zero's direction, the latter caught it before vanishing not saying anything else. 

Looking at the spot where Zero vanished from, Leena could not help but chuckle while muttering.

''What unsociable fella. Well, only when in work mode. How interesting. Sigh! That aside, I must prepare to go back, things will become hectic once I'm back. Just thinking about seeing that annoying man leave me in a bad mood. Ah! It can't be helped. 'My taking it slow life' come to an end.'' 

Leena feels depressed just by thinking about a certain annoying man's face, he will be the first to visit him once she went back. How annoying.

While heaving another sigh Leena closed her eyes and decided to wait for Silveria to come back.