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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 134 - 132: The Sliver-haired Maiden 2
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It happened the moment when Alex (the person who was controlling his unconscious body) closed his eyes and everything restarted working normally, Leena had flashed next to the still surprised demon (surprised by what happened) and gave him a hard chop and the back of his head.


The demon got pummelled to the ground and lost consciousness. 

Conrad's eyes widened so much that they were almost out of their socket, first it was time that stopped freezing everything, but just as everything restarted working it was Leena's turn to appear like a ghost and insta KO-ed the demon. 

''What are you acting surprised for? Quickly drink a Healing and go check on the others. Bring them back to the city once you found all of them.'' 

Leaving these words behind Leena disappeared with the unconscious demon.

''I understand.'' 

By the time Conrad replied Leena was already gone, Conrad couldn't only smile bitterly, drinking a healing potion and a recovery potion before sprinting in Meera's direction.


Back to Alex's location.

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Just as Alex's body falls to the ground. Someone manifested near him. 

It was a girl dressed in a one-piece robe, her age was around 18 years old, she had beautiful silver hair, height around 1,68 m (5.51 feet.). The silver-haired girl possesses a beautiful face, the one that seemed to be created by the Gods themselves, her eyes were silver same as her hair. This beautiful girl was barefooted, her beautiful white small feet were visible. 

''Thank you, Big sister.'' the silver-haired maiden said.

If Alex was awake he would have identified this voice, it was that annoying voice that often teased him, it was Silveria's voice. 

Silveria crouched down to check Alex's overalls condition, his complexion was paler, however currently something magical was happening, Alex's injuries were slowly healing themselves. Yet, his left arm was still bent at an unnatural angle. 

Silveria heaved a sigh before flicking her fingers. 


Alex's arm who was bent unnaturally was back into place. Even though Alex was unconscious, his body still feels the pain, his body trembled, his eyelids twitched when Silveria repaired his broken arm. Little bit by a little Alex's complexion started to regain its usual color.

Caressing Alex's face, Silveria muttered,

''Didn't I promised it that you will not die? I always honor my promise. Sleep well, my dear Master, Silveria is here to watch over you. And thank you.'' 

By the time she said the last part she was already standing and while thanking Alex she slightly bowed her head. The expression on her face was sincere. Usually, she may appear like she was messing with Alex but it was not completely the case, one's part was because it was fun to tease Alex, the other part was because some restrictions having been put on them not say some things they shouldn't before it was the time.

More importantly, she may call Alex her master but she didn't acknowledge him as one until recently as things started changing. They have their pride, after all, they will not immediately acknowledge anybody as their master without being sure of this person's personality and potential. Even though Alex's potential couldn't be compared to their former master's, it was still higher than his peers' potential. 

Silveria and others were not simple sentient weapons, they are not a robot that would blindly follow their master every whim. They have personalities, they could think by themselves, only after a complete acknowledgment will their master have complete control over them, even so, they are still some restrictions.

And more importantly Silveria and other's real origins went back to the creation of the first world: The Original world. They were one of the Original races, therefore prideful to begin with, even before that tragedy happened. As for what happened, it was a story of another time.

~Back to reality.

Silveria disappeared to reappears next to Gracier who was unconscious with a bleeding head, her breathing was erratic, there was a small bump on her forehead, crouching down Silveria send strands of silver energy inside Gracier's body treating her injuries, soon the bump on her head disappeared and her complexion became rosy, her breathing became normal and she started sleeping.

As she watches Gracier sleeping without a care in the world, Silveria couldn't help but chuckle as she moved away the few strands of hair overlapping her face behind her ears and she said, ''How cute. I'm envious of master to have such a cute little sister.'' 

[Oh? Don't you also have a sister? Well, in your case it's your Big sister.] 

Suddenly, someone said to Silveria, the voice was directly transmitted to her head. Smiling Silveria responded, ''It's little Ignia.'' 

[Only you can call me little Ignia. I wonder where I'm little? I have the perfect body unlike some-] 

''I dare you to continue,'' Silveria said with a smile that wasn't a smile. 

Even from her flame dimension, Ignia could feel a chill running down her spine, she didn't dare to continue because it was Silveria's taboo, they all know that. Even though she was a Goddess class beauty, in the breast department she was a bit lacking, only B cup. Compared to others and more importantly her sister she was lacking, thus it became her complex and taboo. 

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''Well, I've indeed a sister but she's like an iceberg. Hard to tell what she is thinking. If I could trade that emotionless doll with little Alexandra, I will gladly do it.'' Silveria said. 

[It's not for me to say this but are you sure you should be saying these words so openly? Those words are better not to be uttered. If she heard you, hell await you.] Ignia warned Silveria, the latter started sweating. 

Eyes darting left and right she said in a not so sure tone, ''Don't worry, she won't hear anything. She's too busy at the moment to even care.'' 

[I hope so.] Ignia said while doing her best not to remember those blue eyes that look at you as if you are nothing, that makes you feel like you could die at any moment.

[It's good that you are now out. How envious.] Ignia said, changing the subject. 

''Yeah, however, they are still few seals inside my body,'' Silveria said before lifting Gracier and carry her toward Alex. 

As for Eleonora, she had disappeared awhile ago, someone dressed in Butler clothes came and picked up, before leaving this person bowed to Silveria. Because that person had not shown any hostility and because this person was working for Eleonora or someone related to her, Silveria let them go considering what Eleonora had done.

[Yeah, I can sense them. We have all seals placed upon us, however, for you two it was different because of how powerful you are and because of the other reason. Forget it, do you think that those things seals are broken now? I asked because I sensed their presence in this world, even it was extremely weak. I can't be mistaken.] 

To Ignia's words, Silveria stopped walking.

''We both sensed it. Let's not dwell on this matter, for now, we better concentrate on making our host stronger for the incoming calamity. It may be extremely far by eventually it will come because for us to reappear again mean nothing good, they are about to come back again.'' 

After speaking she restarted walking forward until she finally stopped in front of Alex, laying Gracier beside her brother, Silveria couldn't help but sigh as she knew what awaits the two in the future.

[Let's do our best and make things different this time.] Ignia said she was talking about not only the three present here but to every other who were not present here.