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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 115 - 113: Toward The Bandit’s Hideout
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Alex ordered the others to clean the battlefield and quickly the battlefield has been cleaned, the dead bandit's valuables had been collected.

Alex and his group found 150 silver coins and 80 copper coins. He decided to split the loot later. 

Eleonora and the girls who left earlier came back, their complexion was looking good different than their early appearances. Whatever Eleonora had said had worked, it helped the girls to regain control of their emotions. 

Alex was grateful for Eleonora's help, locking eyes with his sister he smiled, the latter also smiled back as if to say I'm fine already, Alex could not help but chuckle.

Suddenly, Conrad who disappeared when the fight start came back.

Looking around the cleaned battlefield, he sighed and said.

''To think we will encounter a bunch of thugs on our way, how unlucky. Well, everything ended well.'' 

To Conrad's words, Alex spun around and faced Conrad, 

''Did you take me for fool? You and I know that you did this on purpose. You purposely lead us here to finish this job for you. Am I wrong?"

Alex's voice was loud enough, others heard him, now everything makes sense, they found fishy when Conrad had just suggested taking this road, it was a shortcut he said.

Conrad could only smile bitterly, Alex was too clever to not act as though he had not noticed that they were being used. 

Even back he suggested taking this road using the excuse that it was a shortcut, Alex looked suspiciously at him for a while but in the end, he did not say anything. 

Conrad heaved a sigh before admitted that he indeed purposely lead there to help the Guild clean this small group of thugs who started rampaging recently. The guild could have taken of this if they weren't on the shortage of Adventurers due to certain event.

Finally aware of Conrad's reason for doing this, some of the rank-up participant's anger for being used against their will lessened, they decided to not pursue the matter as they earned quite a sum.

Conrad thought Alex would drop the matter at that, however, he was wrong, the latter grinned showing his peerless white teeth. 

''What do you want?" Conrad asked gritting his teeth. 

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''Nothing, I'm just informing that whatever we will get in bandits base will be ours. The guild will not have any say in.'' 

Conrad almost cursed Alex for being greedy, he wants to hog all things for himself, however thinking about it, if he was in his shoes after being used when you had something else to do, you will want compensation, so it was normal for Alex to decide this, the bounty offered for this medium size Bandits group was only 200 silvers coins.

Sebastian and the others nodded their heads as if to say we share our leader thought. Conrad could only agree reluctantly under everybody's intense stare.

Smiling Alex motioned Sebastian to wake up the unconscious bandit. 

Proceeding forward Sebastian lifted the unconscious bandit and gave him two hard slaps that woke up the poor man from his sleep.

''Where am I? Hell?" Asked the confused man.

He heard a chuckle followed by a cold voice that sends a chill running down his spine.

''No, but you'll be going there soon unless you told me what I want to know asap." 


The last bandit was frightening by Alex's threat, he fearfully nodded his head. 

''Good, where is your hideout?" Alex asked.

''Two kilometers north from here.'' the man answered.

''How many are there guarding the hideout? And how many are left inside the hideout?" 

To Alex's question, the bandit stayed silent for a moment, however, he quickly spilled everything after receiving another hard slap from Sebastian.

''3 men guarding the entrance, 5 men are in the cave where we live.'' 

''Good, lead the way,'' Alex said before turning to look at the others as if tell them we are going. 

Alex and others followed the bandit to their hideout, and when they were not far from the hideout Alex tasked Eleonora to scout just in case. 

Eleonora left and fifteen minutes later she came back. 

''Leader~ it was as he said. Only three men are guarding the entrance, the remaining men must be inside the cave, there is no trap, so we can go.'' She explained.

''I see, take Meera and Golfak with you, the two will help you eliminate the three guards.''

Alex instructed Eleonora before turning his head in Golfak's direction and in a threatening tone he said.

''Especially you Golfak, I hope you will properly do your job this time. And believe me, if you don't and instead cower you will not receive any share in the spoil, am I clear?" 

Golfak gulped audibly before nodding his head as if scared for his dear life, the current Alex's atmosphere was too scary, it was you do what I said or I'm going to kill you.

''Good, let's goi.'' 

To Alex's words, everybody nodded, Sebastian keeps dragging the poor bandit who was tied while Eleonora, Meera, and Golfak went to accomplish the task they had been given.


Eleonora swiftly moved forward, followed closely behind was Meera with her bow, Golfak was falling behind. 

Soon the three saw a man-made cave with a small entrance, this entrance was guarded by three guards who were yawning as if they were tired, they did not show any vigilance. 

Eleonora motioned the group to stop, crouching down she instructed. 

''I'll take the one on the right, Meera, the one in the middle, and lastly Goldat, ops! I mean Golfak you take the one on the left. Meera, after I count to 3, you snipe your target while Golfak and I will quickly finish our target.'' 




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Eleonora immediately dashed out, Golfak followed suit, meanwhile, Meera who had already readied her bow aimed at the bandit in the middle and shoot.


The wind arrow pierced through the man's head instantly killing him, the man's body fell onto the ground with a thud sound. 


Finally, the two men lazing around became aware of something was amiss, however before they could speak, the one on the right saw a flash and blood spurting from a headless body, he finally judged it was his.


The man on the left swore and before he could speak further, Golfak had already slashed at him, he hastily blocked, however the difference in strength was too big hence the lookout was pushed back, Golfak kicked him in the stomach sending him spiraling against the wall.

''Gah!" The man grunted in pain.

Golfak immediately approached the lookout, who was writhing on the ground clutching his stomach and casually swung his long sword down at the man's neck.


With the blade of the longsword, the head of the lookout rolled to the ground while leaving a trail of blood.


Though he had seen dead monsters, It was the first time Golfak had killed a human. 

Golfak ran towards a nearby tree while vomiting.

While looking at Golfak with a complex expression, Meera joined Eleonora who was nonchalantly looting the corpses.

Approaching Eleonora, Meera asked.

''Eleonora, what do we do now?'' 

Eleonora spun around and with a grin plastered on her lips she said, ''You wait here with Golfak and me I'll go scout the cave.'' 

She then disappeared afterward, leaving Meera behind, the latter could not help but heave a sigh while thinking that this girl was mysterious, she seemed to be hiding something. 

'Well, everybody has its secret.' Meera murmured before using the spirit of Earth to bury the body, she was feeling uncomfortable standing in the middle of three corpses, after finishing she decided to wait for Alex and co to come before proceeding to enter the cave.