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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 100 - 98: One Hit
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After Golfak uttered these words full of confidence in his victory, he started walking towards the outside of the guild.

Spitting out a sigh, Alex followed and went through the door to the outside.

On the way, Gracier joined him. Face full of smile, she said ''Big brother is going to get another sword for his collection.''

Hearing his sister's words, Alex's face couldn't help but twitch.


''You little girl, did you think I'm keeping these weapons as a collection?"

Alex asked after giving Gracier a light chop over her head.

Rubbing her head Gracier asked, ''Isn't that the case? Diaz and his men's weapons are still with you. So, I thought you might want to keep them as your trophies.''

''You are right. I haven't sell them. I will soon, I didn't sell them previously because I was busy.''

Alex explained before finally looking at Golfak who had already positioned himself ready for the duel.

'How eager are you to lose?' Alex asked himself while also taking a position not too far from Golfak.

''Now, ready your weapons.''

The receptionist acting as the referee said.

Surprisingly it was Nyora who was acting as referee today not Leena as Alex had thought.

Searching through the gathering crowd, Alex finally spotted the one he was looking for, Leena was sitting on the first row, Gracier was sitting beside her. The strange thing was Leena was brought out popcorn and the two were happily eating.

Noticing Alex's stare, Leena smiled before slowly muttered, ''Make it enjoyable.''

Alex's lips twitched when he read her lips.

Shaking his head Alex turned to face Golfak. He didn't summon any weapon, the crowd was astonished, Leena was looking at Alex with interest.

One must know that Golfak can't be called weakling because, among the E Rank Adventurers, he was one of the strongest, and currently Alex was planning to fight him barehanded.

Some Adventurers thought that Alex was getting full of himself while Leena had another opinion. She knew that Alex will win without any doubt even when fighting against Golfak, a Level 25 barehanded because if a seasoned veteran were to look at Alex in the eyes, he/she would see the power in them, a sleeping dragon in process of awakening.

And who could a dragon use its full power when fighting against a goblin? No, the dragon will disdain to do this.

Same with Alex, he saw no use in taking out a weapon to fight against Golfak.

Leena smiled in anticipation because since Alex's return from his three days expedition, he became more mysterious. Leena couldn't Appraise him any longer, it not that it was impossible to know if she wanted but she'll undo some seal if she wanted to, something she deemed unnecessary. Leena was well aware of the reason for her failure to Appraise Alex, it was due to the small earrings that appeared on him since his return.

'You are sure full of surprise. To think you'll have an artifact that can block Appraisal skill.'

Leena mumbled while enjoying her popcorn still waiting for the match to start.

~Back to Alex and Golfak.

Having seen that Alex was not planning to use a weapon against him, Golfak's face darkened, he felt insulted.

''Are you perhaps making fun of me?"

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Golfak asked with visible anger on his face. Some of the Adventurers were also wondering this.

Smiling Alex just said three words ''Fight Or Scram.''

Gritting his teeth, Golfak readied his Magic sword he had previously taken out its sheat.

Alex took out a pouch containing 10 Gold coins and gave it to Nyora who confirmed the contain.

Passersby gathered around curiously, Golfak's original goal was to embarrass Alex in front of the crowd, this couldn't be more obvious.

However, because some people had heard of a similar exchange where Diaz and his men, an E group Adventurers had disgraced themselves, the looks that Golfak was expecting were directed at him instead of Alex.

''Ready? Go.''

Nyora gave the signal.

Nobody made a move. Staring at Alex's hand where there was the fake storage ring, Golfak's eyes shined with greed as he licked his lips.

''So, this is the famous storage ring?"

Alex ignored Golfak as he focused on the latter Magic sword while thinking.

'As expected, his excessive confidence is steamed from this magic sword. I do not think that it's a magic sword that a rank E adventurer should have. Where did he obtain it?'

As for the magic sword that Golfak had, the black blade suddenly gave a crimson glow. Golfak must have activated it by pouring his magic power into it.

''Here I come.''

Giving a short cry, Golfak kicked the ground and swung down his magic sword.

However, the speed at which the sword was handled was slow, no, it was to the extent it could be called sluggish. It wasn't skillful (compared to Larry's swordsman who died) and had no strength behind it.

It was certainly powerful enough if you considered an E rank adventurer. However, compared to the time Alex fought with the rare species goblin who was wielding a normal sword, Golfak current attacks, Alex could easily evade them while yawning.

Alex dodged Golfak's attack with a minimum maneuver, the crowd was astonished.

Golfak's expression turned ugly, others may have not noticed it, but he who was fighting against Alex knew that the latter was dodging his attacks without any effort, it was like a child play to him, he was even yawning as if to tell Golfak to work harder if he wants to make him go serious.

'I may have made a mistake. However too late to go back. I much use my special move to finish this up.' Golfak thought before pouring more MP into the Magic sword who greedily sucked it.

[Cross Slash]

Golfak shouted and activated his skill, a crossed shaped red lights were sent in Alex's direction.

Smiling Alex kicked the ground and disappeared, everyone was astonished.

Alex reappeared behind the shocked Golfak and when the latter became aware of Alex's presence it was already too late. He heard Alex's cold voice.


Only one word and,


Golfak received a hard chop on his neck, he got pummeled onto the ground, he instantly blacked out.

Silence filled the venue. The crowd was still trying to comprehend what just happened, Alex disappeared and bam! Golfak was Koed with one hit.

''Alex must have used that mysterious movement skill again.'' One of the Adventurers shouted and most of them shared this thought.

However, someone refuted this theory.''You're wrong. He did not use any skill. It's just his speed alone.'' It was Gale, one of Eria's City B Rank Adventurer.

"What? Unbelievable. This guy is a monster. How fast does he progress?" another Adventurer asked.

Being told that by the famous Gale, most Adventurers nearby believed in his words.

'I wonder as well, this young man is sleeping dragon in the process of awakening, I wonder what he went through to become like this.' Gale asked himself.

Leena and Gracier were happy with Alex's swift victory. The former smile widened because with this fight she judged Alex's Rank to be Rank 4, his Level between 35 and 38.

If Alex were to hear Leena's conclusion he would be surprised because she was not fair from the guess.

After storing Golfak's Magic sword and the Gold coins he gave Nyora earlier into his Item box, Alex left with his sister to complete a Wind Wolves subjugation request.

Before leaving Alex was forced to gave Nyora and Karen money to buy something. They wouldn't have let him go otherwise, they said it was to celebrate his overwhelming victory.

By the way, Golfak was still unconscious when the two left, maybe it was because the loss of his prided Magic sword was too hard to swallow reason why he refused to wake up, refused to face the cruel reality where his Magic sword was no more.


It was late in the afternoon when Alex and Gracier returned to the Moonlight after completing the Wind Wolves subjugation request.

Alex's Level went to 38 while Gracier became Rank 3, Level 25 to be more accurate.

Alex had gifted Larry's storage ring to his sister and before gifting it away he stored the content away, inside his Item box. He was happy with the content of the storage ring, Larry was sure Young Master, a healthy one at that. Alex saw two White gold coins (400 Gold coins), 40 Gold coins, and more than a hundred Silver coins. Alex had a small fortune at the moment. There also a bunch of stuff inside the ring, High-grade Healing potion, and High-grade Recovery Potion, a medium-grade Magic sword, and a bunch of clothes, Alex threw them away while conserving the other things.

When Silveria remember what excuse Alex used when his sister asked him where the ring came from, she couldn't help but pity Larry, if he was present and heard Alex's shameless words he would have coughed blood and die from a heart attack on the spot.

Alex's story went on like this.

'On the second day of his expedition, he encounters a kindred spirit gifted him the storage ring. At the start he vehemently refused, however, the latter party insisted, he still refused until he was forced to accept against his will because the other party started weeping, tears of blood started to fall from the other eyes as he continued to cry. Scared to see the man die of blood loss, Alex finally accepted. Alex said that Gracier must have seen the other party's face when he accepted, he was so happy that he hugged him and even thanked him.

Whether Gracier believes Alex or not was another story, however, Silveria had the feeling that Gracier did believe in her Big brother nonsense.

〖What an interesting brother-sister pair.〗Silveria thought.


A/N: Here are Alex and Gracier status currently looks like.

『[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunman

Age: 17

Male「 Rank 4」

Level 38

Experience Value (XP): 100/7500

Magic Power: 2350 (+10) ✒2360

Magic: None

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Attack: 630 (+10 (20 BP)) ✒ 660

Defense: 620 (+10) ✒ 630

Agility: 695 (+10) ✒ 705

Intelligence: 620 (+10) ✒ 630

Luck: 420 (+10) ✒ 430

BP: 0

SP: 10

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Normal Appraisal Level 5] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Blink Level 5] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 3] [Intimidation Level 5]

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn]』


『[Gracier Alexandra Touch]

「 Rank 3」

Level 25

Class: Fire Empress

Age: 14


Experience Value: 1000/2600

Magic Power: 1255 (+15) ✒ 1270

Magic: Fire Magic

Attack: 265 (+15 (+30 BP)) ✒ 320

Defense: 205 (+15) ✒ 220

Agility: 205 (+15) ✒ 220

Intelligence: 195 (+15) ✒ 210

Luck: 205 (+15) ✒ 220

BP: 0

SP: 10

Gift: Ignia's Bracelet

Skills: [Cooking Level 4] [Sewing Level 3] [Fireball Level 5] [Fire Arrows Level 4] [Meteor (???)] [Fire Snake Level 4] [Fire Shield Level 4] [Presence Detection Level 2] [Chantless Magic Level 3]

Special Ability: [Dragon Eye Level 3]

Titles: [Avenger] [Child of Fire] [The Awakened] [The Diligent]』