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Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough-Novel

Chapter 873 Origin Of The Spatial Abnormality
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Hm? That spatial abnormality from earlier is there again!?

Noticing the spatial abnormality, the moment it appeared, Xuan Hao narrowed both of his eyes before his divine sense once again swept towards the location that the abnormality had originated from. Not wanting to miss anything that might help him figure out just what the spatial abnormality was and how it had managed to manifest inside the sect without disturbing the chaotic qi formation.

After all, the chaotic qi formation also had control over the space inside the formation, being more than capable of stopping anyone from affecting the space inside the formation without first getting permission, something only the disciples and elders who had already become part of the sect had!

"Two disciples? And from the looks of it, both are rather talented as well."

Observing the place where the spatial abnormality had taken place, Xuan Hao instantly noticed Lu Wen and Yi Xuan who had suddenly popped out from a small portal that had appeared for an instant before disappearing along with the spatial abnormalities that had been formed as a side effect of the portal.

Managing to observe the entire thing play out this time around, Xuan Hao also noticed that the reason why the portal was only open for an instant, was due to the chaotic qi formation forcibly stabilizing the space and as a result erasing the portal in the process.

If the portal had been established somewhere outside the sect where there wasn't some terrifying formation to forcibly erase it, it would most likely have been able to stay open for an extended period of time.

"But more importantly- Where did the portal come from, where does it connect to… And what does those two disciples have to do with it?" Muttering this to himself as he once again focused his attention on the two disciples who had come out from the portal, Xuan Hao could not help feeling curious about them and whatever they had used to open the portal.


Not wasting any time as he was filled with questions for these two disciples, Xuan Hao directly left his palace. Leaving Qing Yi and Chu Yang to wonder what had happened for their master to suddenly leave in the middle of a lesson.

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Arriving in front of the two disciples who had not noticed him yet, Xuan Hao decided not to say anything as he began examining the two disciples more closely.

One of them was a young woman in her late teens and was covered in the standard inner disciple robes. After looking a bit closer, Xuan Hao realized that he recognized the young girl as one of Zu Fei's disciples. As for her cultivation realm, she was only a single step away from reaching the Core Formation. Indeed, she is more than qualified to be the personal disciple of a core elder like Zu Fei.

Although… Thinking about it, Xuan Hao felt a sudden sense of curiosity towards Zu Fei's disciples and how she taught them.

From what little he could remember of the few chances he had to see them, none of them were like their master. All being well-behaved and polite.

As for the young man… Xuan Hao almost instantly recognized him as the boy who Wang Hu had showed interest in taking in as a disciple during the newcomer tournament when Qing Yi had just entered the sect.

Thinking about it, I never found out whether Wang Hu ended up taking him in as his disciple…

Inspecting the young man as he thought about this, Xuan Hao could not help nodding his head in approval. Not only had he reached the Core Formation Realm at such a young age, but even his foundation was strong and robust. Even surpassing that of some Third Stage Core Formation Realm Experts.

Outside of his disciples, it also looked like there were other geniuses present in the sect. Ensuring that sect would not be lacking powerful experts in the future!

Oh, looks like he finally noticed me…

Seeing the young man suddenly turn around before freezing on the spot the moment he noticed him; Xuan Hao could not help chuckling to himself upon seeing this.

Considering that he was the most powerful person in the sect and had suddenly appeared behind them, the reaction was rather normal. Especially when considering that he had just returned to the sect through some kind of portal.

"Hm? What's the matter Lu Wen, what happened?"

Still having her back turned to him, the young woman did not understand why her senior brother had suddenly frozen up as she asked this in a rather confused voice before turning around to see what it was that had caused her senior brother to freeze up all of a sudden-

"E-elder Xuan!?"

Not a second later, she similarly froze on the spot with a nervous expression on her face. Not understanding why, the most powerful elder of the sect had suddenly appeared behind them.

"No need for both of you to be that afraid, it's not like I'm here to punish you. The reason I came was just because of the spatial abnormality that you two caused when leaving and returning from the sect just now." Saying this, Xuan Hao could not help laughing silently as he watched the two get even nervous after he mentioned the spatial abnormality, both taking no more than a few seconds to understand that the spatial abnormality that he mentioned had something to do with them being teleported away from the sect and back again.

"E-Elder Xuan… it's like this…" Understanding that there would be no way for them to lie in the face of a powerful expert like Xuan Hao, the young woman, that Xuan Hao found out was called Yi Xuan, directly told him about the small stone with the teapot symbol on top of it and what they had experienced during the few short minutes they had been gone.

"Other than this, there is also a weird connection between me and…" Not willing to be left behind without being able to say anything, Lu Wen also jumped into the conversation. Explaining the connection between himself and the small stone with the teapot symbol on top of it and the weird new connection he had felt after reaching the floating island that had been materialized from clouds.

After the two had finished explaining everything that had happened to them and what they had managed to learn so far, Xuan Hao could not help feeling curious about the small stone with the teapot symbol and the floating island with the small house on top of it.

No matter what it was, it was clear to Xuan Hao that the floating island should be some kind of inheritance space and that the connection Lu Wen felt should be related to the inheritance located somewhere on the floating island.

"Hm… How interesting, would you mind I take a look at the small stone?"

"O-of course not! Here, Elder Xuan!" 

Taking the small stone with the teapot symbol on top of it that Lu Wen handed over to him, Xuan Hao directly used his divine sense to thoroughly inspect the small stone-

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"I see, so that is how it work…"

Not taking long to figure out how the small stone had been able to create a portal to transport Lu Wen and YI Xuan, even when they were inside the sect.

Essentially, the small stone contained a profound formation that seemed to link up with an even more powerful formation located in an unknown location, that then directly established a momentary spatial corridor leading directly to the floating island.

Something like this… Even for Xuan Hao, it was difficult to comprehend just how powerful this formation was, for it to be capable of forcibly creating a portal inside the Star Shattering Sect without triggering the chaotic qi formation.

Of course, now that he knew about it, he could change the formation a bit so this would no longer be possible...


Having finished inspecting the formation inside the small stone and managing to get a glimpse of the powerful formation it was connected to, Xuan Hao threw the small stone back to Lu Wen.


Making him let out a surprised sound. Not understanding why Elder Xuan had given the small stone back to him. Part of him already having prepared for Elder Xuan to take away the small stone.

"Keep it and. The opportunity contained inside it is yours…. And… Unless you have a death wish don't tell anyone else about it…" 


Not waiting for Lu Wen or Yi Xuan to recover, Xuan Hao directly left.

As for not taking the small stone for himself… The small stone and the portal that could be opened through it had certain restrictions, one of them being that one had to be below the Nascent Soul Realm, while a special physique also seemed to be needed to fully take on the inheritance.

Forcing his way through with brute force was not something he planned to do. Especially after seeing the terrifying formation that the small stone was connected to. Even without personally seeing it up close, he was certain that it should have been something that had been constructed by someone who had surpassed the Soul Ascension Realm!

Not to mention, Lu Wen was still someone from the Star Shattering Sect. Even if the powerful inheritance didn't end up in the hands of his disciples. At the very least it would still help to increase the strength of the Star Shattering Sect!