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Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough-Novel

Chapter 746 Elder Dust Fairy
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"This should be far enough… Even if the guardian demon beast of the Dream Soul Flower was in the Nascent Soul Realm, we should already have left the area covered by its divine sense!" Muttering this to himself as he cautiously looked towards the thick foliage behind him, Bai Ning could not help feeling a wave of exhaustion washing over him after having used his movement technique over the past few hours without rest.

"Finally! Let's take a break!"


Standing beside Bai Ning with a far more exhausted expression on her face compared to Bai Ning who was stronger than her, Hui Ying almost collapsed on the ground as she found a good position to lay in before starting to recover by meditating in a rather unique position.


Not saying anything after seeing Hui Ying laying on the ground recovering her energy, Bai Ning also found a place to sit down before he started to recover like Hui Ying. Not wanting to waste even a single second that both of them had to relax inside the jungle. After all, a demon beast could show up at any moment to attack them!


At the same time Bai Ning and Hui Ying had started recovering from running through the jungle for the past few hours, a loud roar echoed out across the ruins of the outpost.


Not a second after the loud roar echoed out across the place, a large demon beast landed on the ground in front of the massive skeleton before it turned to look towards the location that the Dream Soul Flower had been located just a few hours earlier before Hui Ying had taken it away and escaped from the place together with Bai Ning.


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Seeing that the Dream Soul Flower was missing, the demon beast that had landed on the ground in front of the massive skeleton let out an even louder roar than before, as a terrifying killing intent and the aura belonging to a Peak Core Formation Realm demon beast spread in all directions around the demon beast-




Instantly terrifying any nearby demon beasts into letting out fearful roars of their own before they all began escaping as fast as possible!


Not wasting any time on these demon beasts that were scrambling around the place to escape as quickly as possible, the Peak Core Formation Realm demon beast began searching in his surroundings for any clue of the Dream Soul Flower that had been stolen…


Continuing to search like this for close to half a day, the demon beast only stopped after suddenly discovering the smell of a rather unfamiliar creature at the border of its territory. Although the demon beast had no idea what kind of creature the smell belonged to, it was certain of one thing-


The unfamiliar smell of a foreign creature definitely had something to do with the face that its Dream Soul Flower had been stolen!


Knowing that it had found a clue to where its Dream Soul Flower had disappeared to, the demon beast didn't waste a single second as it began following the traces left behind by the strange new creature.

The fact that it would be leaving its territory for others to claim while it was gone didn't really matter to it, as the only reason it took over that territory in the first place was because of the Dream Soul Flower!

Now that the Dream Soul Flower was gone, there was no longer any need for it to stay and guard its territory. After getting back the Dream Soul Flower, it would directly eat it and try to reach the Nascent Soul Realm before finding an even better territory!

"Haaa… I never imagined that annexing the territory of the Feather Kingdom would be so troublesome, to think that the ancestor of that kingdom actually managed to break through and reach the Domain Lord Realm all of a sudden…"

Back in the Star Shattering Sect, Elder Song was looking over the report he had gotten about the outcome of the battle that had taken place at the border of the Feather kingdom with a sad expression on his face.

Although the number of casualties were low due to the interference of Shu Yao, the sudden attack of the Domain Lord Realm ancestor of the Feather Kingdom had still ended up costing the life of close to a hundred outer disciples and a dozen inner disciples.

Even if he already understood that casualties would be inevitable in the battles that the Star Shattering Sect would have to fight when they expanded their territory, he still felt hurt knowing that some of the disciples he had taught over the years had ended up passing away in the battle.

There is nothing to do about it now that they are already dead.  For now, I should make sure something like this doesn't happen again… Looks like I will have to visit the servant quarters and have them expand their information network to get an understanding of the power of the surrounding kingdoms before we expand towards some of the more powerful kingdoms…

Thinking this to himself as both his eyes narrowed visibly, Elder Song got up from his seat and put the report in his hand away before moving towards the servant quarters that had been located close to the edge of the mountain peak that the Star Shattering Sect was located on top of.


Using a profound movement technique that made him look like a flash of light passing by to the surrounding disciples, Elder Song did not take more than a few seconds before he arrived in front of the servant quarters.

"Looking more and more majestic over the years…" Muttering this to himself as he smiled wryly at the massive complex of all sorts of unique buildings that the servant quarters had turned into, Elder Song slowly made his way towards a large tower with a diameter of more than a hundred meters located at the centre of this massive complex of buildings.

Ever since a new headquarters for the servants who did the day to day task of the Star Shattering Sect had been constructed, Elder Song had watched first-hand how the servant quarters grew from a small part of the Star Shattering Sect that was used to carry out menial task and gather information inside the borders of the Heavenly Sky Kingdom to a large information that had begun spreading in all directions around the Star Shattering Sect.

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Not only did the size of the servant quarters expand to a terrifying degree over the past few years, but as the strength of the disciples inside the Star Shattering Sect grew, so did the strength of the servants inside the servant quarters… At this point in time, all members of the servant quarters had already reached the Qi Condensation Realm!


Stepping through the large pair of doors leading inside the large tower that was at the centre of the servant quarters, Elder Song could not help marvelling over how clean and well organized the place was.

If just those elders under me put half as much effort into the management of the sect-

"Elder Song? Is there anything I can help with?"

Interrupting Elder Song's train of thought, a kind elderly woman smiled kindly as she said this while walking up to him.

"Hm? This is..."

Showing a surprised expression on his face as he saw the person who had appeared in front of him, Elder Song could not help feeling even more surprised after sensing the strength of the elderly lady in front of him.

"Elder Dust Fairy… I didn't expect you to still stay around here. Especially considering that you already reached the Nascent Soul Realm. Isn't there anyone suitable among the people below you who can take over the management of the servant quarters?"

"Haha, Elder Song, we both know very well that I can't leave this place after spending my entire life here… Even if I have reached the Nascent Soul Realm, it was just by luck. Not to mention, with the servant quarters current size, I think its fitting for someone with my strength to be in charge of the place!"

"This… You have a point…"

Looking at the kind old lady in front of him, Elder Song could not help shaking his head as he heard what she said.

The old lady, or Elder Dust Fairy, was one of the oldest members of the servant quarter and had been working there for her entire life. Even when it was discovered that she had a talent for cultivation, she still decided to stay in the servant quarters and ended up being called the Dust Fairy due to her superb cleaning ability.

Even after reaching the Core Formation Realm and becoming an elder, she still stayed inside the servant quarters and over the years became well known throughout the entire sect as Elder Dust Fairy.

Out of all the people who had experienced a rapid growth in strength after the Flying Sword Sect had merged together with the Spring Flower sect to form the Star Shattering Sect, Elder Dust Fairy was one of the people who ended up growing the most. Breaking through from the Peak of the Core Formation Realm to the Nascent Soul Realm!