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Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough-Novel

Chapter 739 Creature Born Through The Dao Of Corruption
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Continuing further inside the dead body of the mountain sized creature, Xuan Hao could not help coming to a stop when he reached the core of the body where the roar from the creature formed by the Dao of Corruption had originated from.

"This is... The Core Formation Realm Cultivator...?"

Not too far away from him, Xuan Hao speechlessly looked towards the Core Formation Realm Expert he had been tracking ever since passing through the gate covered in demonic eyes.

"Hahaha! The inheritance! Its mine! Haha!"

At this moment, the Core Formation Realm Expert in question, was laughing to himself filled with joy in front of a large heart in front of him, a small mountain of the body parts he had seen on his way over was placed next to him.

Does the Dao of Corruption have some kind of mind altering effects on those too weak to resist it...?

Not knowing what to say after seeing the weird behaviour of the Core Formation Realm Expert as he began bowing towards the long dead heart of the mountain sized creature while respectfully calling the dead heart master, Xuan Hao instead began focusing his attention on the roar he had heard when he had first entered the dead body.

No matter how much he wanted to approach the Core Formation Realm Expert to find out just what was happening for him to have started calling a dead heart master, Xuan Hao still understood that it was more important for him to find the creature created by the Dao of Corruption hidden somewhere inside the dead body.


As he focused all his attention on his divine sense to search for the creature that had been born through the Dao of Corruption, Xuan Hao made sure to imbue some aspects belonging to the Dao of Corruption that he had learnt during his time in the enlightenment space.

Although the aspects he attached to his divine sense did not strengthen his divine sense, it still helped it easily pass through the almost invisible miasma that had manifested after the presence of the Dao of Corruption grew strong enough.


Not even a second after his divine sense spread out and covered the dead heart, the familiar roar echoed out across the hollowed out part of the dead body that the heart was located inside of.


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Followed by a loud ripping sound, Xuan Hao narrowed both his eyes as he watched a large claw ripping open the dead heart before a large creature slowly crawled out while staring directly towards him filled with killing intent.

"Ahh~! Master! Great Immortal Master, please enlighten this little one!"


Hearing the young Core Formation Realm Expert calling out to it the moment it crawled out of the heart; the creature showed an expression of confusion as it looked towards the young Core Formation Realm Expert already prostrating on the ground towards it filled with respect.


Not wasting this chance that the young Core Formation Realm Expert had unknowingly given him by distracting the creature that had crawled out from the dead heart, Xuan Hao used the Drifting Cloud Steps to instantly close the distance between himself and the creature born through the Dao of Corruption before slashing down towards it.


Not having any time to protect itself from the sudden attack other than raise its arms up to block the sword slashing down towards it, the creature felt its arms getting cleanly cut off before the power contained inside the sword exploded with full force-



Only able to let out a roar filled with pain; the creature managed to survive the impact before it was sent flying into fleshy walls that surrounded them-


However, although the creature they were inside of had long been dead, the power residing inside its dead body was still terrifying, causing the creature Xuan Hao had knocked flying to only barely pass through the fleshy wall that surrounded the hollow space that the dead heart was located inside of and entering another of the mountain sized dead creature's organs.


Not even sparring a glance towards the Core Formation Realm Expert on who had been lucky enough to survive due to all the power of his attack being focused on the creature born through the Dao of Corruption, Xuan Hao directly used the Drifting Cloud Steps as he followed after the creature. Not intending to give it a chance to recover from the injurie he had just inflicted.

Even if it was just for a moment, Xuan Hao had already realized that the aura around the creature had already reached the Soul Ascension. If he gave it a chance to recover, he might end up being the one getting killed!


Following the Soul Ascension Realm Creature, Xuan Hao could not help narrowing both his eyes as he looked down towards what could only be described as a massive lake filled with some sort of bobbling green liquid.

This is... The stomach!?

Feeling a profound terror when looking down towards the bobbling green liquid below him, Xuan Hao could clearly feel that he would not be able to survive for more than a few seconds if he fell into the lake below.


As if to confirm his fear, the Soul Ascension Realm Creature that he had knocked flying emerged from the bobbling green liquid with half its body gone and the rest of it slowly dissolving due to some of the green liquid still being present on its body.


Dashing forward before launching another attack after having recovered from the shock of seeing the terrifying effect of the green liquid below, Xuan Hao did not intend to kill the creature on his own but was instead trying to knock the creature back into the green liquid below. After all, why bother fighting a long and exhausting battle with a Soul Ascension Realm creature born through the Dao of Corruption, when he could just use the stomach acid of the long dead mountain sized octopus like creature to kill it...


Manging to react this time around, the creature used its claws to block Xuan Hao's sword-


But in the end, both of them were knocked back by the impact of the clash, Xuan Hao being knocked into the fleshy walls of what remained of the stomach, while the Soul Ascension Realm creature was once again sent flying into the green liquid below-



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Hearing the pained roar coming from below him, Xuan Hao quickly floated down before hovering in the air above the place where the creature had fallen into the green liquid lake. Intending to knock it back down the moment it tried to escape!



Not even having to wait for more than a few seconds before this happened, Xuan Hao ended up knocking the Soul Ascension Realm Creature back into the green liquid lake once again-


Causing yet another pained roar to echo out across the normally quiet interior of the mountain sized dead body.



Listening as the roaring from the creature slowly stopped as its body finally couldn't keep recovering in the green liquid, Xuan Hao could not help letting out a sigh of relief as he felt a hint of fear when looking down towards the terrifying lake below him.

At this point in time, he had begun to understand just how powerful the mountain sized dead creature had been when it was still alive. Even after countless years had passed, what little remained of its stomach acid still had enough power to dissolve a Soul Ascension Realm Expert!

Just how powerful was this creature when it was still alive? The realm above the Soul Ascension Realm... Or maybe even above that!

Shaking his head as he thought this to himself, Xuan Hao realized just how weak he was when compared to the ancient creature. Even if he reached the Soul Ascension Realm, he would mostly not stand a chance against the mountain sized octopus like creature when it had still been alive!

Not to mention, the mountain sized octopus like creature had still been killed in the end!

I still have a long way to go before I can consider myself safe in this world... I should focus on reaching the Soul Ascension Realm as soon as possible and see if there is a way to help my disciples increase their strength faster!

Narrowing his eyes as he felt an unknown sense of pressure when faced with the mountain sized ancient creature that had long since died, Xuan Hao felt more determined than ever to break through and reach the Soul Ascension Realm.

Even if he would not be able to face a creature like the one, he was currently inside of. At the very least he would feel confident in staying safe inside the borders of the Sky Empire!


Not staying around the dangerous lake of green liquid inside the stomach for much longer after having confirmed that the creature had dissolved and was completely dead, Xuan Hao made his way back towards the hollowed out space where the Core Formation Realm Expert was located.